import logging import tornado import tornado.template from tornado.options import define, options import os import urllib import logconfig import ConfigParser conf = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()'site.cfg') port = conf.getint('app', 'port') if conf.has_option('app', 'port') else 8888 app_user = conf.get('app', 'user') app_password = conf.get('app', 'password') app_secret = conf.get('app', 'secret_key') mongo_conf_data = { 'host': conf.get('mongo', 'host') if conf.has_option('mongo', 'host') else 'localhost', 'port': conf.getint('mongo', 'port') if conf.has_option('mongo', 'port') else 27017, 'user': conf.get('mongo', 'user') if conf.has_option('mongo', 'user') else '', 'password': conf.get('mongo', 'password') if conf.has_option('mongo', 'password') else '', } mongo_config = 'mongodb://%(host)s:%(port)s' if mongo_conf_data['user'] and mongo_conf_data['password']: mongo_conf_data['password'] = urllib.quote_plus(mongo_conf_data['password']) mongo_config = 'mongodb://%(user)s:%(password)s@%(host)s:%(port)s' mongo_config = mongo_config % mongo_conf_data # Make filepaths relative to settings. path = lambda root, *a: os.path.join(root, *a) ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) define("port", default=port, help="run on the given port", type=int) define("config", default=None, help="tornado config file") define("debug", default=False, help="debug mode") tornado.options.parse_command_line() MEDIA_ROOT = path(ROOT, 'media') TEMPLATE_ROOT = path(ROOT, 'templates') class DeploymentType: # Deployment Configuration PRODUCTION = "PRODUCTION" DEV = "DEV" SOLO = "SOLO" STAGING = "STAGING" dict = { SOLO: 1, PRODUCTION: 2, DEV: 3, STAGING: 4 } if 'DEPLOYMENT_TYPE' in os.environ: DEPLOYMENT = os.environ['DEPLOYMENT_TYPE'].upper() else: DEPLOYMENT = DeploymentType.SOLO settings = {} settings['debug'] = DEPLOYMENT != DeploymentType.PRODUCTION or options.debug settings['static_path'] = MEDIA_ROOT settings['cookie_secret'] = '*(&$#^@&*YOURWHATEVERSECRET_JDF)#()$#@()*ur892h899' settings['xsrf_cookies'] = True settings['template_loader'] = tornado.template.Loader(TEMPLATE_ROOT) SYSLOG_TAG = 'showtimes-serv' SYSLOG_FACILITY = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL2 # See PEP 391 and logconfig for formatting help. Each section of LOGGERS # will get merged into the corresponding section of # Handlers and log levels are set up automatically based on LOG_LEVEL and DEBUG # unless you set them here. Messages will not propagate through a logger # unless propagate: True is set. LOGGERS = { 'loggers': { 'stockintel': {}, }, } if settings['debug']: LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG else: LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO USE_SYSLOG = DEPLOYMENT != DeploymentType.SOLO logconfig.initialize_logging( SYSLOG_TAG, SYSLOG_FACILITY, LOGGERS, LOG_LEVEL, USE_SYSLOG) if options.config: tornado.options.parse_config_file(options.config)