RESTful server to serve showtimes data
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

146 lines
3.7 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from pymongo import MongoClient
from settings import DATABASE, TMDB_APIKEY
from datetime import date
import tmdbsimple as tmdb
import sys
import time
client = MongoClient(**DATABASE)
db = client.showtimes
def update_showtimes(_id, movie):
key = {'_id': _id}
update_dict = {
'movie_id': movie['id'],
'poster_path': movie['poster_path'],
result = db.showtimes.update(key, {'$set': update_dict}, True)
## try adding to movie if not exist
return result
def add_movie(movie):
movie_collection = db.movies
q = {
'id': movie['id']
_m = movie_collection.find_one(q)
if _m:
return _m
## adding new one with full info
u'poster_path': u'/otcv3wWKz0vJyicOZgz2AheJ5UV.jpg',
u'production_countries': [
{u'iso_3166_1': u'US', u'name': u'United States of America'}
u'revenue': 0,
u'overview': u'........................',
u'id': 245891,
u'genres': [
{u'id': 28, u'name': u'Action'},
{u'id': 53, u'name': u'Thriller'}],
u'title': u'John Wick',
u'tagline': u'',
u'vote_count': 5,
u'homepage': u'',
u'belongs_to_collection': None,
u'status': u'Released',
u'spoken_languages': [],
u'imdb_id': u'tt2911666',
u'adult': False,
u'backdrop_path': u'/umC04Cozevu8nn3JTDJ1pc7PVTn.jpg',
u'production_companies': [],
u'release_date': u'2014-10-24',
u'popularity': 3.044875809,
u'original_title': u'John Wick',
u'budget': 0,
u'vote_average': 8.4,
u'runtime': 0}
identity = tmdb.Movies(movie['id'])
m_info =
new_movie = movie_collection.insert(m_info)
return new_movie
def find_movie(qword):
find in db.movies first, then fallback to tmdb
q = {
'title': qword
_mx = db.movies.find_one(q)
if _mx:
print('NOT FOUND')
return []
return something like this if found
u'poster_path': u'/otcv3wWKz0vJyicOZgz2AheJ5UV.jpg',
u'title': u'John Wick',
u'release_date': u'2014-10-24',
u'popularity': 3.044875809,
u'original_title': u'John Wick',
u'backdrop_path': u'/umC04Cozevu8nn3JTDJ1pc7PVTn.jpg',
u'vote_count': 5,
u'adult': False,
u'vote_average': 8.4,
u'id': 245891
search = tmdb.Search()
response =
if not search.results:
return []
dang we pick the first match..
since I don't know how to deal with multiple result yet
return search.results[0]
def main(argv):
Mainly we are getting movie name from db.showtimes
& check if there is any info on db.movies.
If not, we are trying to fetch for new info
print('Fetching Movie without information')
q = {
'$or': [
{'movie_id': {'$exists': False}},
{'movie_id': ''},
{'poster_path': ''},
result = db.showtimes.find(q)
cannot_find = []
for _ in result:
# skip if we know that we aren't going get any info anyway
if _['movie'] in cannot_find:
print('Nah -- you will not find this: ', _['movie'])
found = find_movie(_['movie'])
if found:
update_showtimes(_['_id'], found)
if __name__ == '__main__':