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10 years ago
layout: post
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title: What a great service from Logitech
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date: '2008-04-25 00:42:34 +0700'
date_gmt: '2008-04-25 05:42:34 +0700'
- service
- service
<p><img src="" border="0" alt="Thumb up Logitech" width="169" height="128" align="right" /> Not only does Logitech have a good product, but also has a great service. I haven't thought it's this good really. The thing is my VX Revolution has a problem about free spin wheel. Its wheel doesn't work well since a rubber ring was kind of loose--maybe I'm fun with spin too much :-) --Then I had contacted <a href="" target="_blank">Logitech customer support</a>. It was very good, quick process and surely it's truly online--doesn't have to make a phone call a single time.</p>
<p>Well, my problem is shown on the picture.</p>
<p><img src="" border="0" alt="vx-issue-2008-04-16" width="300" height="225" /></p>
<p>As you see, it is annoying in deed. Since I first contacted on April 15, 2008, I had to talk with the representative and give some information back and forth few times. I was expecting to have a new wheel for a replacement since I'm okay with disassemble and reassemble it, but they said they would send me a replacement unit for me. What I thought is only VX Revolution itself which is more than I could expect anyway. Then I unfortunately found out that this morning (Apr 25, 2008) DHL guy came to my apartment and gave me this box.</p>
<p><img src="" border="0" alt="DHL box" width="209" height="157" /> <img src="" border="0" alt="DHL open box" width="209" height="157" /> <img src="" border="0" alt="brand new VX revolution" width="209" height="157" /></p>
<p>Yep, it's a brand new Logitech VX Revolution. I can't be more impressive than this. 10 days with an excellent support. You know what? This is the first day I think that 3 year manufacturer warranty on this expensive guy is genuine. Maybe I just had a bad experience with Apple care and automatically expect others' being the same. I, nonetheless, now know the great company is really existed.</p>
<p>Many thanks, Logitech.</p>