layout: post
status: publish
published: true
title: All the connector diagram in the world
display_name: sipp11
login: sipp11
email: sipp11@gmail.com
url: ''
author_login: sipp11
author_email: sipp11@gmail.com
wordpress_id: 3
wordpress_url: http://blog.10ninox.com/?p=3
date: '2007-08-04 19:11:16 +0700'
date_gmt: '2007-08-04 19:11:16 +0700'
- electronic
tags: []
just to keep it for the archive, so I don't have to google much :-P I don't know this is worse than googling when I want. Let's try =)
The common thing we should know:-
2 pin MONO plug
2 pin RCA plug