--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: Onenote printer missing after updating Office SP1 author: display_name: '' login: '' email: '' url: '' wordpress_id: 97 wordpress_url: http://blog.10ninox.com/2008/01/19/onenote-printer-missing-after-updating-office-sp1/ date: '2008-01-19 08:13:28 +0700' date_gmt: '2008-01-19 08:13:28 +0700' categories: - microsoft tags: - microsoft ---
I don't know this sort of problem happening really; but it's really suck since this virtual printer is so valuable.
If you do update this, you will suddenly find that you are not able to print anything to OneNote again and it's not just easy adding printer, and you will get it. :-P
Unfortunately, the solution is much easier--repair the program via add/remove programs.
:-P it's easy to fix; nonetheless, the truth is this shouldn't happen ever :-X