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post publish true My first thought of iPhone [{display_name } {login } {email } {url }] 148 2008-03-28 10:49:30 +0700 2008-03-28 15:49:30 +0700 [opinion gadgets] [opinion gadgets]

First screenAround half a year so far, I have seen iPhone more and more on the street, but frankly Treo is still a lot as well. Not that I'm crazy about iPhone, I just have to get one for my sister. Yes I won't disagree that it is so cool gadget nowadays, but it is NOT perfect as well, or maybe it isn't worth comparing to all PDAs, even the features are comparable. Just so you know I just use iPhone as a PDA, not phone :-P, so no thought of how good it is as a phone.

The Real Internet;
Safari on iPhone is fantastic indeed; however, a tab feature seems to act so weird. I mostly found that tabs in background were blank and needed to reload again when I switched over. How could it end up like this? It's really annoying--like it's only single-tasking. Another drawback is a concept of iPhone that based on portrait view instead of landscape. It does rotate automatically but it doesn't take any advantage of wider width at all since font is larger; screen width = column width as same as portrait view. Keyboard in landscape view also is real nice, much better-bigger but that exacerbates screen estate a lot. I thought browsing on Nokia 770 is much easier to scan the content than this. Long story short, iPhone is created with portrait view in mind, no way that landscape mode will be better. Eventually this real Internet is very close..., but not yet. I still think N-series is a bit better.

Safari mobile Page is gone

The best iPod ever:
I can't disagree at all since it could do everything iPod suppose to do & do that better with more eye candy stuffs. Furthermore, iPhone fulfils what iPod misses all the time--dedicated volume control & speaker. You'll be able to increase/decrease while device is locked. the speaker also is decent, such a great move, IMO. iPod touch sadly doesn't have these.

More thought later.
Sent from my iPhone << I really hate this :-P ha ha ha