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post publish true Palm Pre: worth waiting this long? [{display_name } {login } {email } {url }] 374 2009-01-08 19:22:03 +0700 2009-01-09 00:22:03 +0700 [Palm] []

Eventually Palm folks could be sort of exciting of what it will be releasing tomorrow like what we always had long long time ago. Palm PRE! newest release device from Palm, Inc.

It's a PHONE. DAMN! I still want PDA-only device, but will watch this closely how they deal with Zen of Palm.

Only 2 things I am so anxious to try out are PIM--I still want easy and intuitive calendar like the old day--and e-mail--which is supposed to be as great as Chatteremail. Stay tuned!

Check the Pre out at

No word on price, but as expected it should be up as high as Palm could do--$599 probably?? You know? Palm just needs money to run damn bad business.

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Well there are tons of features which they claimed:

- GPS navigation software (made by Palm, really? I just don't think it's Garmin or Tomtom)
- Full Web experience (Well, no words on real engine yet--Webkit? Gecko? well hope it's not what Palm cook themselves :-P) [it's Webkit with no flash support, according to]
- The rest is what you can expect from every phone these days.
- Oh I miss another one, fat design device. Palm just wants to differentiate itself from today's trend I guess and be like what it was all the time.

Personally I don't like glossy finish of this device that much, but would love to try if this WebOS (can they think of better name? Nova is much better, dude) is good as we are expecting. I'm just afraid that Palm couldn't reach our old Palm OS folks' expectation because its web, Palm Pre's web, still is broken somehow--so unprofessional. Could you think of Apple's site broken like this? Never..

broken Palm Pre web site on Firefox

All we have is "hope" to have more than 2 great mobile OS besides iPhone's one and andriod.

Well head over jkOntheRun, for some info about WebOS. I found out that all apps are natively running on browser. In other words, they all are just HTML, CSS, and javascript. We'll see if that's the only thing they got.

Still no exact words on PDN about SDK. If it's really only a "Web" OS, I'm not jumping on this board for sure!!!

Added[Jan 09, 2009]: has such a nice detail in Palm Pre Lounge; Pre's feature makes me think of G1 indeed--no on-screen keyboard, small battery capacity. Also no memory slot with that fat design??

Look like the world responds to Palm Pre pretty well--about 40% stock price up. Wait and see if it's real or just a hype.