// $Id: jquery.js,v 2008/06/25 09:38:39 goba Exp $ /* * jQuery 1.2.6 - New Wave Javascript * * Copyright (c) 2008 John Resig (jquery.com) * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. * * Date: 2008-05-24 14:22:17 -0400 (Sat, 24 May 2008) * Rev: 5685 */ eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(H(){J w=1b.4M,3m$=1b.$;J D=1b.4M=1b.$=H(a,b){I 2B D.17.5j(a,b)};J u=/^[^<]*(<(.|\\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#(\\w+)$/,62=/^.[^:#\\[\\.]*$/,12;D.17=D.44={5j:H(d,b){d=d||S;G(d.16){7[0]=d;7.K=1;I 7}G(1j d=="23"){J c=u.2D(d);G(c&&(c[1]||!b)){G(c[1])d=D.4h([c[1]],b);N{J a=S.61(c[3]);G(a){G(a.2v!=c[3])I D().2q(d);I D(a)}d=[]}}N I D(b).2q(d)}N G(D.1D(d))I D(S)[D.17.27?"27":"43"](d);I 7.6Y(D.2d(d))},5w:"1.2.6",8G:H(){I 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a=D.2d(b);D("9R",7).P(H(){7.2W=(D.2L(7.2x,a)>=0||D.2L(7.1r,a)>=0)});G(!a.K)7.64=-1}N 7.2x=b})},2K:H(a){I a==12?(7[0]?7[0].4H:U):7.4E().3v(a)},7b:H(a){I 7.5q(a).21()},79:H(i){I 7.3s(i,i+1)},3s:H(){I 7.2I(2p.44.3s.1w(7,19))},2l:H(b){I 7.2I(D.2l(7,H(a,i){I b.1k(a,i,a)}))},5c:H(){I 7.1e(7.5n)},L:H(d,b){J a=d.1R(".");a[1]=a[1]?"."+a[1]:"";G(b===12){J c=7.5C("9z"+a[1]+"!",[a[0]]);G(c===12&&7.K)c=D.L(7[0],d);I c===12&&a[1]?7.L(a[0]):c}N I 7.1P("9u"+a[1]+"!",[a[0],b]).P(H(){D.L(7,d,b)})},3b:H(a){I 7.P(H(){D.3b(7,a)})},3W:H(g,f,h,d){J e=7.K>1,3x;I 7.P(H(){G(!3x){3x=D.4h(g,7.2z);G(h)3x.9o()}J b=7;G(f&&D.Y(7,"1T")&&D.Y(3x[0],"4F"))b=7.3H("22")[0]||7.3U(7.2z.3h("22"));J c=D([]);D.P(3x,H(){J a=e?D(7).5y(M)[0]:7;G(D.Y(a,"1m"))c=c.1e(a);N{G(a.16==1)c=c.1e(D("1m",a).21());d.1k(b,a)}});c.P(6T)})}};D.17.5j.44=D.17;H 6T(i,a){G(a.4d)D.3Y({1a:a.4d,31:Q,1O:"1m"});N D.5u(a.1r||a.6O||a.4H||"");G(a.1d)a.1d.37(a)}H 1z(){I+2B 8J}D.1l=D.17.1l=H(){J 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r}});D.W={1e:H(f,i,g,e){G(f.16==3||f.16==8)I;G(D.14.1f&&f.4I)f=1b;G(!g.24)g.24=7.24++;G(e!=12){J h=g;g=7.3M(h,H(){I h.1w(7,19)});g.L=e}J j=D.L(f,"3w")||D.L(f,"3w",{}),1H=D.L(f,"1H")||D.L(f,"1H",H(){G(1j D!="12"&&!D.W.5k)I D.W.1H.1w(19.3L.T,19)});1H.T=f;D.P(i.1R(/\\s+/),H(c,b){J a=b.1R(".");b=a[0];g.O=a[1];J d=j[b];G(!d){d=j[b]={};G(!D.W.2t[b]||D.W.2t[b].4p.1k(f)===Q){G(f.3K)f.3K(b,1H,Q);N G(f.6t)f.6t("4o"+b,1H)}}d[g.24]=g;D.W.26[b]=M});f=U},24:1,26:{},21:H(e,h,f){G(e.16==3||e.16==8)I;J i=D.L(e,"3w"),1L,5i;G(i){G(h==12||(1j h=="23"&&h.8p(0)=="."))R(J g 1n i)7.21(e,g+(h||""));N{G(h.O){f=h.2y;h=h.O}D.P(h.1R(/\\s+/),H(b,a){J c=a.1R(".");a=c[0];G(i[a]){G(f)2U i[a][f.24];N R(f 1n i[a])G(!c[1]||i[a][f].O==c[1])2U i[a][f];R(1L 1n i[a])1X;G(!1L){G(!D.W.2t[a]||D.W.2t[a].4A.1k(e)===Q){G(e.6p)e.6p(a,D.L(e,"1H"),Q);N G(e.6n)e.6n("4o"+a,D.L(e,"1H"))}1L=U;2U i[a]}}})}R(1L 1n i)1X;G(!1L){J d=D.L(e,"1H");G(d)d.T=U;D.3b(e,"3w");D.3b(e,"1H")}}},1P:H(h,c,f,g,i){c=D.2d(c);G(h.1h("!")>=0){h=h.3s(0,-1);J a=M}G(!f){G(7.26[h])D("*").1e([1b,S]).1P(h,c)}N{G(f.16==3||f.16==8)I 12;J b,1L,17=D.1D(f[h]||U),W=!c[0]||!c[0].32;G(W){c.6h({O:h,2J:f,32:H(){},3J:H(){},4C:1z()});c[0][E]=M}c[0].O=h;G(a)c[0].6m=M;J d=D.L(f,"1H");G(d)b=d.1w(f,c);G((!17||(D.Y(f,\'a\')&&h=="4V"))&&f["4o"+h]&&f["4o"+h].1w(f,c)===Q)b=Q;G(W)c.4s();G(i&&D.1D(i)){1L=i.1w(f,b==U?c:c.7d(b));G(1L!==12)b=1L}G(17&&g!==Q&&b!==Q&&!(D.Y(f,\'a\')&&h=="4V")){7.5k=M;1U{f[h]()}1V(e){}}7.5k=Q}I b},1H:H(b){J a,1L,38,5f,4m;b=19[0]=D.W.6l(b||1b.W);38=b.O.1R(".");b.O=38[0];38=38[1];5f=!38&&!b.6m;4m=(D.L(7,"3w")||{})[b.O];R(J j 1n 4m){J c=4m[j];G(5f||c.O==38){b.2y=c;b.L=c.L;1L=c.1w(7,19);G(a!==Q)a=1L;G(1L===Q){b.32();b.3J()}}}I a},6l:H(b){G(b[E]==M)I b;J d=b;b={8o:d};J c="8n 8m 8l 8k 2s 8j 47 5d 6j 5E 8i L 8h 8g 4K 2y 5a 59 8e 8b 58 6f 8a 88 4k 87 86 84 6d 2J 4C 6c O 82 81 35".1R(" ");R(J i=c.K;i;i--)b[c[i]]=d[c[i]];b[E]=M;b.32=H(){G(d.32)d.32();d.80=Q};b.3J=H(){G(d.3J)d.3J();d.7Z=M};b.4C=b.4C||1z();G(!b.2J)b.2J=b.6d||S;G(b.2J.16==3)b.2J=b.2J.1d;G(!b.4k&&b.4K)b.4k=b.4K==b.2J?b.6c:b.4K;G(b.58==U&&b.5d!=U){J a=S.1C,1c=S.1c;b.58=b.5d+(a&&a.2e||1c&&1c.2e||0)-(a.6b||0);b.6f=b.6j+(a&&a.2c||1c&&1c.2c||0)-(a.6a||0)}G(!b.35&&((b.47||b.47===0)?b.47:b.5a))b.35=b.47||b.5a;G(!b.59&&b.5E)b.59=b.5E;G(!b.35&&b.2s)b.35=(b.2s&1?1:(b.2s&2?3:(b.2s&4?2:0)));I b},3M:H(a,b){b.24=a.24=a.24||b.24||7.24++;I b},2t:{27:{4p:H(){55();I},4A:H(){I}},3D:{4p:H(){G(D.14.1f)I Q;D(7).2O("53",D.W.2t.3D.2y);I M},4A:H(){G(D.14.1f)I Q;D(7).4e("53",D.W.2t.3D.2y);I M},2y:H(a){G(F(a,7))I M;a.O="3D";I D.W.1H.1w(7,19)}},3N:{4p:H(){G(D.14.1f)I Q;D(7).2O("51",D.W.2t.3N.2y);I M},4A:H(){G(D.14.1f)I Q;D(7).4e("51",D.W.2t.3N.2y);I M},2y:H(a){G(F(a,7))I M;a.O="3N";I D.W.1H.1w(7,19)}}}};D.17.1l({2O:H(c,a,b){I c=="4X"?7.2V(c,a,b):7.P(H(){D.W.1e(7,c,b||a,b&&a)})},2V:H(d,b,c){J e=D.W.3M(c||b,H(a){D(7).4e(a,e);I(c||b).1w(7,19)});I 7.P(H(){D.W.1e(7,d,e,c&&b)})},4e:H(a,b){I 7.P(H(){D.W.21(7,a,b)})},1P:H(c,a,b){I 7.P(H(){D.W.1P(c,a,7,M,b)})},5C:H(c,a,b){I 7[0]&&D.W.1P(c,a,7[0],Q,b)},2m:H(b){J c=19,i=1;1B(i=0){J i=g.3s(e,g.K);g=g.3s(0,e)}c=c||H(){};J f="2P";G(d)G(D.1D(d)){c=d;d=U}N{d=D.3n(d);f="6g"}J h=7;D.3Y({1a:g,O:f,1O:"2K",L:d,1J:H(a,b){G(b=="1W"||b=="7J")h.2K(i?D("<1v/>").3v(a.4U.1o(/<1m(.|\\s)*?\\/1m>/g,"")).2q(i):a.4U);h.P(c,[a.4U,b,a])}});I 7},aL:H(){I D.3n(7.7I())},7I:H(){I 7.2l(H(){I D.Y(7,"3V")?D.2d(7.aH):7}).1E(H(){I 7.34&&!7.3R&&(7.4J||/2A|6y/i.11(7.Y)||/1r|1G|3Q/i.11(7.O))}).2l(H(i,c){J b=D(7).6e();I b==U?U:b.1q==2p?D.2l(b,H(a,i){I{34:c.34,2x:a}}):{34:c.34,2x:b}}).3p()}});D.P("7H,7G,7F,7D,7C,7B".1R(","),H(i,o){D.17[o]=H(f){I 7.2O(o,f)}});J B=1z();D.1l({3p:H(d,b,a,c){G(D.1D(b)){a=b;b=U}I D.3Y({O:"2P",1a:d,L:b,1W:a,1O:c})},aE:H(b,a){I D.3p(b,U,a,"1m")},aD:H(c,b,a){I D.3p(c,b,a,"3z")},aC:H(d,b,a,c){G(D.1D(b)){a=b;b={}}I D.3Y({O:"6g",1a:d,L:b,1W:a,1O:c})},aA:H(a){D.1l(D.60,a)},60:{1a:5Z.5Q,26:M,O:"2P",2T:0,7z:"4R/x-ax-3V-aw",7x:M,31:M,L:U,5Y:U,3Q:U,4Q:{2N:"4R/2N, 1r/2N",2K:"1r/2K",1m:"1r/4t, 4R/4t",3z:"4R/3z, 1r/4t",1r:"1r/as",4w:"*/*"}},4z:{},3Y:H(s){s=D.1l(M,s,D.1l(M,{},D.60,s));J g,2Z=/=\\?(&|$)/g,1u,L,O=s.O.2r();G(s.L&&s.7x&&1j s.L!="23")s.L=D.3n(s.L);G(s.1O=="4P"){G(O=="2P"){G(!s.1a.1I(2Z))s.1a+=(s.1a.1I(/\\?/)?"&":"?")+(s.4P||"7u")+"=?"}N G(!s.L||!s.L.1I(2Z))s.L=(s.L?s.L+"&":"")+(s.4P||"7u")+"=?";s.1O="3z"}G(s.1O=="3z"&&(s.L&&s.L.1I(2Z)||s.1a.1I(2Z))){g="4P"+B++;G(s.L)s.L=(s.L+"").1o(2Z,"="+g+"$1");s.1a=s.1a.1o(2Z,"="+g+"$1");s.1O="1m";1b[g]=H(a){L=a;1W();1J();1b[g]=12;1U{2U 1b[g]}1V(e){}G(i)i.37(h)}}G(s.1O=="1m"&&s.1Y==U)s.1Y=Q;G(s.1Y===Q&&O=="2P"){J j=1z();J k=s.1a.1o(/(\\?|&)3m=.*?(&|$)/,"$ap="+j+"$2");s.1a=k+((k==s.1a)?(s.1a.1I(/\\?/)?"&":"?")+"3m="+j:"")}G(s.L&&O=="2P"){s.1a+=(s.1a.1I(/\\?/)?"&":"?")+s.L;s.L=U}G(s.26&&!D.4O++)D.W.1P("7H");J n=/^(?:\\w+:)?\\/\\/([^\\/?#]+)/;G(s.1O=="1m"&&O=="2P"&&n.11(s.1a)&&n.2D(s.1a)[1]!=5Z.al){J i=S.3H("6w")[0];J h=S.3h("1m");h.4d=s.1a;G(s.7t)h.aj=s.7t;G(!g){J l=Q;h.ah=h.ag=H(){G(!l&&(!7.3f||7.3f=="68"||7.3f=="1J")){l=M;1W();1J();i.37(h)}}}i.3U(h);I 12}J m=Q;J c=1b.7s?2B 7s("ae.ac"):2B 7r();G(s.5Y)c.6R(O,s.1a,s.31,s.5Y,s.3Q);N c.6R(O,s.1a,s.31);1U{G(s.L)c.4B("ab-aa",s.7z);G(s.5S)c.4B("a9-5R-a8",D.4z[s.1a]||"a7, a6 a5 a4 5N:5N:5N a2");c.4B("X-9Z-9Y","7r");c.4B("9W",s.1O&&s.4Q[s.1O]?s.4Q[s.1O]+", */*":s.4Q.4w)}1V(e){}G(s.7m&&s.7m(c,s)===Q){s.26&&D.4O--;c.7l();I Q}G(s.26)D.W.1P("7B",[c,s]);J d=H(a){G(!m&&c&&(c.3f==4||a=="2T")){m=M;G(f){7k(f);f=U}1u=a=="2T"&&"2T"||!D.7j(c)&&"3e"||s.5S&&D.7h(c,s.1a)&&"7J"||"1W";G(1u=="1W"){1U{L=D.6X(c,s.1O,s.9S)}1V(e){1u="5J"}}G(1u=="1W"){J b;1U{b=c.5I("7g-5R")}1V(e){}G(s.5S&&b)D.4z[s.1a]=b;G(!g)1W()}N D.5H(s,c,1u);1J();G(s.31)c=U}};G(s.31){J f=4I(d,13);G(s.2T>0)3B(H(){G(c){c.7l();G(!m)d("2T")}},s.2T)}1U{c.9P(s.L)}1V(e){D.5H(s,c,U,e)}G(!s.31)d();H 1W(){G(s.1W)s.1W(L,1u);G(s.26)D.W.1P("7C",[c,s])}H 1J(){G(s.1J)s.1J(c,1u);G(s.26)D.W.1P("7F",[c,s]);G(s.26&&!--D.4O)D.W.1P("7G")}I c},5H:H(s,a,b,e){G(s.3e)s.3e(a,b,e);G(s.26)D.W.1P("7D",[a,s,e])},4O:0,7j:H(a){1U{I!a.1u&&5Z.9O=="5p:"||(a.1u>=7e&&a.1u<9N)||a.1u==7c||a.1u==9K||D.14.2k&&a.1u==12}1V(e){}I Q},7h:H(a,c){1U{J b=a.5I("7g-5R");I a.1u==7c||b==D.4z[c]||D.14.2k&&a.1u==12}1V(e){}I Q},6X:H(a,c,b){J d=a.5I("9J-O"),2N=c=="2N"||!c&&d&&d.1h("2N")>=0,L=2N?a.9I:a.4U;G(2N&&L.1C.2j=="5J")7p"5J";G(b)L=b(L,c);G(c=="1m")D.5u(L);G(c=="3z")L=6u("("+L+")");I L},3n:H(a){J s=[];G(a.1q==2p||a.5w)D.P(a,H(){s.1p(3u(7.34)+"="+3u(7.2x))});N R(J j 1n a)G(a[j]&&a[j].1q==2p)D.P(a[j],H(){s.1p(3u(j)+"="+3u(7))});N s.1p(3u(j)+"="+3u(D.1D(a[j])?a[j]():a[j]));I s.6s("&").1o(/%20/g,"+")}});D.17.1l({1N:H(c,b){I c?7.2g({1Z:"1N",2h:"1N",1y:"1N"},c,b):7.1E(":1G").P(H(){7.V.18=7.5D||"";G(D.1g(7,"18")=="2F"){J a=D("<"+7.2j+" />").6P("1c");7.V.18=a.1g("18");G(7.V.18=="2F")7.V.18="3I";a.21()}}).3l()},1M:H(b,a){I b?7.2g({1Z:"1M",2h:"1M",1y:"1M"},b,a):7.1E(":4j").P(H(){7.5D=7.5D||D.1g(7,"18");7.V.18="2F"}).3l()},78:D.17.2m,2m:H(a,b){I D.1D(a)&&D.1D(b)?7.78.1w(7,19):a?7.2g({1Z:"2m",2h:"2m",1y:"2m"},a,b):7.P(H(){D(7)[D(7).3F(":1G")?"1N":"1M"]()})},9G:H(b,a){I 7.2g({1Z:"1N"},b,a)},9F:H(b,a){I 7.2g({1Z:"1M"},b,a)},9E:H(b,a){I 7.2g({1Z:"2m"},b,a)},9D:H(b,a){I 7.2g({1y:"1N"},b,a)},9M:H(b,a){I 7.2g({1y:"1M"},b,a)},9C:H(c,a,b){I 7.2g({1y:a},c,b)},2g:H(k,j,i,g){J h=D.77(j,i,g);I 7[h.36===Q?"P":"36"](H(){G(7.16!=1)I Q;J f=D.1l({},h),p,1G=D(7).3F(":1G"),46=7;R(p 1n k){G(k[p]=="1M"&&1G||k[p]=="1N"&&!1G)I f.1J.1k(7);G(p=="1Z"||p=="2h"){f.18=D.1g(7,"18");f.33=7.V.33}}G(f.33!=U)7.V.33="1G";f.45=D.1l({},k);D.P(k,H(c,a){J e=2B D.28(46,f,c);G(/2m|1N|1M/.11(a))e[a=="2m"?1G?"1N":"1M":a](k);N{J b=a.6r().1I(/^([+-]=)?([\\d+-.]+)(.*)$/),2b=e.1t(M)||0;G(b){J d=3d(b[2]),2M=b[3]||"2X";G(2M!="2X"){46.V[c]=(d||1)+2M;2b=((d||1)/e.1t(M))*2b;46.V[c]=2b+2M}G(b[1])d=((b[1]=="-="?-1:1)*d)+2b;e.3G(2b,d,2M)}N e.3G(2b,a,"")}});I M})},36:H(a,b){G(D.1D(a)||(a&&a.1q==2p)){b=a;a="28"}G(!a||(1j a=="23"&&!b))I A(7[0],a);I 7.P(H(){G(b.1q==2p)A(7,a,b);N{A(7,a).1p(b);G(A(7,a).K==1)b.1k(7)}})},9X:H(b,c){J a=D.3O;G(b)7.36([]);7.P(H(){R(J i=a.K-1;i>=0;i--)G(a[i].T==7){G(c)a[i](M);a.7n(i,1)}});G(!c)7.5A();I 7}});J A=H(b,c,a){G(b){c=c||"28";J q=D.L(b,c+"36");G(!q||a)q=D.L(b,c+"36",D.2d(a))}I q};D.17.5A=H(a){a=a||"28";I 7.P(H(){J q=A(7,a);q.4s();G(q.K)q[0].1k(7)})};D.1l({77:H(b,a,c){J d=b&&b.1q==a0?b:{1J:c||!c&&a||D.1D(b)&&b,2u:b,41:c&&a||a&&a.1q!=9t&&a};d.2u=(d.2u&&d.2u.1q==4L?d.2u:D.28.5K[d.2u])||D.28.5K.74;d.5M=d.1J;d.1J=H(){G(d.36!==Q)D(7).5A();G(D.1D(d.5M))d.5M.1k(7)};I d},41:{73:H(p,n,b,a){I b+a*p},5P:H(p,n,b,a){I((-29.9r(p*29.9q)/2)+0.5)*a+b}},3O:[],48:U,28:H(b,c,a){7.15=c;7.T=b;7.1i=a;G(!c.3Z)c.3Z={}}});D.28.44={4D:H(){G(7.15.2Y)7.15.2Y.1k(7.T,7.1z,7);(D.28.2Y[7.1i]||D.28.2Y.4w)(7);G(7.1i=="1Z"||7.1i=="2h")7.T.V.18="3I"},1t:H(a){G(7.T[7.1i]!=U&&7.T.V[7.1i]==U)I 7.T[7.1i];J r=3d(D.1g(7.T,7.1i,a));I r&&r>-9p?r:3d(D.2a(7.T,7.1i))||0},3G:H(c,b,d){7.5V=1z();7.2b=c;7.3l=b;7.2M=d||7.2M||"2X";7.1z=7.2b;7.2S=7.4N=0;7.4D();J e=7;H t(a){I e.2Y(a)}t.T=7.T;D.3O.1p(t);G(D.48==U){D.48=4I(H(){J a=D.3O;R(J i=0;i7.15.2u+7.5V){7.1z=7.3l;7.2S=7.4N=1;7.4D();7.15.45[7.1i]=M;J b=M;R(J i 1n 7.15.45)G(7.15.45[i]!==M)b=Q;G(b){G(7.15.18!=U){7.T.V.33=7.15.33;7.T.V.18=7.15.18;G(D.1g(7.T,"18")=="2F")7.T.V.18="3I"}G(7.15.1M)7.T.V.18="2F";G(7.15.1M||7.15.1N)R(J p 1n 7.15.45)D.1K(7.T.V,p,7.15.3Z[p])}G(b)7.15.1J.1k(7.T);I Q}N{J n=t-7.5V;7.4N=n/7.15.2u;7.2S=D.41[7.15.41||(D.41.5P?"5P":"73")](7.4N,n,0,1,7.15.2u);7.1z=7.2b+((7.3l-7.2b)*7.2S);7.4D()}I M}};D.1l(D.28,{5K:{9l:9j,9i:7e,74:9g},2Y:{2e:H(a){a.T.2e=a.1z},2c:H(a){a.T.2c=a.1z},1y:H(a){D.1K(a.T.V,"1y",a.1z)},4w:H(a){a.T.V[a.1i]=a.1z+a.2M}}});D.17.2i=H(){J b=0,1S=0,T=7[0],3q;G(T)ao(D.14){J d=T.1d,4a=T,1s=T.1s,1Q=T.2z,5U=2k&&3r(5B)<9c&&!/9a/i.11(v),1g=D.2a,3c=1g(T,"30")=="3c";G(T.7y){J c=T.7y();1e(c.1A+29.2f(1Q.1C.2e,1Q.1c.2e),c.1S+29.2f(1Q.1C.2c,1Q.1c.2c));1e(-1Q.1C.6b,-1Q.1C.6a)}N{1e(T.5X,T.5W);1B(1s){1e(1s.5X,1s.5W);G(42&&!/^t(98|d|h)$/i.11(1s.2j)||2k&&!5U)2C(1s);G(!3c&&1g(1s,"30")=="3c")3c=M;4a=/^1c$/i.11(1s.2j)?4a:1s;1s=1s.1s}1B(d&&d.2j&&!/^1c|2K$/i.11(d.2j)){G(!/^96|1T.*$/i.11(1g(d,"18")))1e(-d.2e,-d.2c);G(42&&1g(d,"33")!="4j")2C(d);d=d.1d}G((5U&&(3c||1g(4a,"30")=="5x"))||(42&&1g(4a,"30")!="5x"))1e(-1Q.1c.5X,-1Q.1c.5W);G(3c)1e(29.2f(1Q.1C.2e,1Q.1c.2e),29.2f(1Q.1C.2c,1Q.1c.2c))}3q={1S:1S,1A:b}}H 2C(a){1e(D.2a(a,"6V",M),D.2a(a,"6U",M))}H 1e(l,t){b+=3r(l,10)||0;1S+=3r(t,10)||0}I 3q};D.17.1l({30:H(){J a=0,1S=0,3q;G(7[0]){J b=7.1s(),2i=7.2i(),4c=/^1c|2K$/i.11(b[0].2j)?{1S:0,1A:0}:b.2i();2i.1S-=25(7,\'94\');2i.1A-=25(7,\'aF\');4c.1S+=25(b,\'6U\');4c.1A+=25(b,\'6V\');3q={1S:2i.1S-4c.1S,1A:2i.1A-4c.1A}}I 3q},1s:H(){J a=7[0].1s;1B(a&&(!/^1c|2K$/i.11(a.2j)&&D.1g(a,\'30\')==\'93\'))a=a.1s;I D(a)}});D.P([\'5e\',\'5G\'],H(i,b){J c=\'4y\'+b;D.17[c]=H(a){G(!7[0])I;I a!=12?7.P(H(){7==1b||7==S?1b.92(!i?a:D(1b).2e(),i?a:D(1b).2c()):7[c]=a}):7[0]==1b||7[0]==S?46[i?\'aI\':\'aJ\']||D.71&&S.1C[c]||S.1c[c]:7[0][c]}});D.P(["6N","4b"],H(i,b){J c=i?"5e":"5G",4f=i?"6k":"6i";D.17["5s"+b]=H(){I 7[b.3y()]()+25(7,"57"+c)+25(7,"57"+4f)};D.17["90"+b]=H(a){I 7["5s"+b]()+25(7,"2C"+c+"4b")+25(7,"2C"+4f+"4b")+(a?25(7,"6S"+c)+25(7,"6S"+4f):0)}})})();',62,669,'|||||||this|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||if|function|return|var|length|data|true|else|type|each|false|for|document|elem|null|style|event||nodeName|||test|undefined||browser|options|nodeType|fn|display|arguments|url|window|body|parentNode|add|msie|css|indexOf|prop|typeof|call|extend|script|in|replace|push|constructor|text|offsetParent|cur|status|div|apply|firstChild|opacity|now|left|while|documentElement|isFunction|filter|className|hidden|handle|match|complete|attr|ret|hide|show|dataType|trigger|doc|split|top|table|try|catch|success|break|cache|height||remove|tbody|string|guid|num|global|ready|fx|Math|curCSS|start|scrollTop|makeArray|scrollLeft|max|animate|width|offset|tagName|safari|map|toggle||done|Array|find|toUpperCase|button|special|duration|id|copy|value|handler|ownerDocument|select|new|border|exec|stack|none|opera|nextSibling|pushStack|target|html|inArray|unit|xml|bind|GET|isReady|merge|pos|timeout|delete|one|selected|px|step|jsre|position|async|preventDefault|overflow|name|which|queue|removeChild|namespace|insertBefore|nth|removeData|fixed|parseFloat|error|readyState|multiFilter|createElement|rl|re|trim|end|_|param|first|get|results|parseInt|slice|childNodes|encodeURIComponent|append|events|elems|toLowerCase|json|readyList|setTimeout|grep|mouseenter|color|is|custom|getElementsByTagName|block|stopPropagation|addEventListener|callee|proxy|mouseleave|timers|defaultView|password|disabled|last|has|appendChild|form|domManip|props|ajax|orig|set|easing|mozilla|load|prototype|curAnim|self|charCode|timerId|object|offsetChild|Width|parentOffset|src|unbind|br|currentStyle|clean|float|visible|relatedTarget|previousSibling|handlers|isXMLDoc|on|setup|nodeIndex|unique|shift|javascript|child|RegExp|_default|deep|scroll|lastModified|teardown|setRequestHeader|timeStamp|update|empty|tr|getAttribute|innerHTML|setInterval|checked|fromElement|Number|jQuery|state|active|jsonp|accepts|application|dir|input|responseText|click|styleSheets|unload|not|lastToggle|outline|mouseout|getPropertyValue|mouseover|getComputedStyle|bindReady|String|padding|pageX|metaKey|keyCode|getWH|andSelf|clientX|Left|all|visibility|container|index|init|triggered|removeAttribute|classFilter|prevObject|submit|file|after|windowData|inner|client|globalEval|sibling|jquery|absolute|clone|wrapAll|dequeue|version|triggerHandler|oldblock|ctrlKey|createTextNode|Top|handleError|getResponseHeader|parsererror|speeds|checkbox|old|00|radio|swing|href|Modified|ifModified|lastChild|safari2|startTime|offsetTop|offsetLeft|username|location|ajaxSettings|getElementById|isSimple|values|selectedIndex|runtimeStyle|rsLeft|_load|loaded|DOMContentLoaded|clientTop|clientLeft|toElement|srcElement|val|pageY|POST|unshift|Bottom|clientY|Right|fix|exclusive|detachEvent|cloneNode|removeEventListener|swap|toString|join|attachEvent|eval|substr|head|parse|textarea|reset|image|zoom|odd|even|before|prepend|exclude|expr|quickClass|quickID|uuid|quickChild|continue|Height|textContent|appendTo|contents|open|margin|evalScript|borderTopWidth|borderLeftWidth|parent|httpData|setArray|CSS1Compat|compatMode|boxModel|cssFloat|linear|def|webkit|nodeValue|speed|_toggle|eq|100|replaceWith|304|concat|200|alpha|Last|httpNotModified|getAttributeNode|httpSuccess|clearInterval|abort|beforeSend|splice|styleFloat|throw|colgroup|XMLHttpRequest|ActiveXObject|scriptCharset|callback|fieldset|multiple|processData|getBoundingClientRect|contentType|link|ajaxSend|ajaxSuccess|ajaxError|col|ajaxComplete|ajaxStop|ajaxStart|serializeArray|notmodified|keypress|keydown|change|mouseup|mousedown|dblclick|focus|blur|stylesheet|hasClass|rel|doScroll|black|hover|solid|cancelBubble|returnValue|wheelDelta|view|round|shiftKey|resize|screenY|screenX|relatedNode|mousemove|prevValue|originalTarget|offsetHeight|keyup|newValue|offsetWidth|eventPhase|detail|currentTarget|cancelable|bubbles|attrName|attrChange|altKey|originalEvent|charAt|0n|substring|animated|header|noConflict|line|enabled|innerText|contains|only|weight|font|gt|lt|uFFFF|u0128|size|417|Boolean|Date|toggleClass|removeClass|addClass|removeAttr|replaceAll|insertAfter|prependTo|wrap|contentWindow|contentDocument|iframe|children|siblings|prevAll|wrapInner|nextAll|outer|prev|scrollTo|static|marginTop|next|inline|parents|able|cellSpacing|adobeair|cellspacing|522|maxLength|maxlength|readOnly|400|readonly|fast|600|class|slow|1px|htmlFor|reverse|10000|PI|cos|compatible|Function|setData|ie|ra|it|rv|getData|userAgent|navigator|fadeTo|fadeIn|slideToggle|slideUp|slideDown|ig|responseXML|content|1223|NaN|fadeOut|300|protocol|send|setAttribute|option|dataFilter|cssText|changed|be|Accept|stop|With|Requested|Object|can|GMT|property|1970|Jan|01|Thu|Since|If|Type|Content|XMLHTTP|th|Microsoft|td|onreadystatechange|onload|cap|charset|colg|host|tfoot|specified|with|1_|thead|leg|plain|attributes|opt|embed|urlencoded|www|area|hr|ajaxSetup|meta|post|getJSON|getScript|marginLeft|img|elements|pageY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$Id: drupal.js,v 2008/06/25 09:06:57 goba Exp $ var Drupal = Drupal || { 'settings': {}, 'behaviors': {}, 'themes': {}, 'locale': {} }; /** * Set the variable that indicates if JavaScript behaviors should be applied */ Drupal.jsEnabled = document.getElementsByTagName && document.createElement && document.createTextNode && document.documentElement && document.getElementById; /** * Attach all registered behaviors to a page element. * * Behaviors are event-triggered actions that attach to page elements, enhancing * default non-Javascript UIs. Behaviors are registered in the Drupal.behaviors * object as follows: * @code * Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName = function () { * ... * }; * @endcode * * Drupal.attachBehaviors is added below to the jQuery ready event and so * runs on initial page load. Developers implementing AHAH/AJAX in their * solutions should also call this function after new page content has been * loaded, feeding in an element to be processed, in order to attach all * behaviors to the new content. * * Behaviors should use a class in the form behaviorName-processed to ensure * the behavior is attached only once to a given element. (Doing so enables * the reprocessing of given elements, which may be needed on occasion despite * the ability to limit behavior attachment to a particular element.) * * @param context * An element to attach behaviors to. If none is given, the document element * is used. */ Drupal.attachBehaviors = function(context) { context = context || document; if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { // Execute all of them. jQuery.each(Drupal.behaviors, function() { this(context); }); } }; /** * Encode special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML. */ Drupal.checkPlain = function(str) { str = String(str); var replace = { '&': '&', '"': '"', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; for (var character in replace) { var regex = new RegExp(character, 'g'); str = str.replace(regex, replace[character]); } return str; }; /** * Translate strings to the page language or a given language. * * See the documentation of the server-side t() function for further details. * * @param str * A string containing the English string to translate. * @param args * An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences * of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value. * Based on the first character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed: * - !variable: inserted as is * - @variable: escape plain text to HTML (Drupal.checkPlain) * - %variable: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-submitted * content (checkPlain + Drupal.theme('placeholder')) * @return * The translated string. */ Drupal.t = function(str, args) { // Fetch the localized version of the string. if (Drupal.locale.strings && Drupal.locale.strings[str]) { str = Drupal.locale.strings[str]; } if (args) { // Transform arguments before inserting them for (var key in args) { switch (key.charAt(0)) { // Escaped only case '@': args[key] = Drupal.checkPlain(args[key]); break; // Pass-through case '!': break; // Escaped and placeholder case '%': default: args[key] = Drupal.theme('placeholder', args[key]); break; } str = str.replace(key, args[key]); } } return str; }; /** * Format a string containing a count of items. * * This function ensures that the string is pluralized correctly. Since Drupal.t() is * called by this function, make sure not to pass already-localized strings to it. * * See the documentation of the server-side format_plural() function for further details. * * @param count * The item count to display. * @param singular * The string for the singular case. Please make sure it is clear this is * singular, to ease translation (e.g. use "1 new comment" instead of "1 new"). * Do not use @count in the singular string. * @param plural * The string for the plural case. Please make sure it is clear this is plural, * to ease translation. Use @count in place of the item count, as in "@count * new comments". * @param args * An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences * of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value. * Based on the first character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed: * - !variable: inserted as is * - @variable: escape plain text to HTML (Drupal.checkPlain) * - %variable: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-submitted * content (checkPlain + Drupal.theme('placeholder')) * Note that you do not need to include @count in this array. * This replacement is done automatically for the plural case. * @return * A translated string. */ Drupal.formatPlural = function(count, singular, plural, args) { var args = args || {}; args['@count'] = count; // Determine the index of the plural form. var index = Drupal.locale.pluralFormula ? Drupal.locale.pluralFormula(args['@count']) : ((args['@count'] == 1) ? 0 : 1); if (index == 0) { return Drupal.t(singular, args); } else if (index == 1) { return Drupal.t(plural, args); } else { args['@count['+ index +']'] = args['@count']; delete args['@count']; return Drupal.t(plural.replace('@count', '@count['+ index +']')); } }; /** * Generate the themed representation of a Drupal object. * * All requests for themed output must go through this function. It examines * the request and routes it to the appropriate theme function. If the current * theme does not provide an override function, the generic theme function is * called. * * For example, to retrieve the HTML that is output by theme_placeholder(text), * call Drupal.theme('placeholder', text). * * @param func * The name of the theme function to call. * @param ... * Additional arguments to pass along to the theme function. * @return * Any data the theme function returns. This could be a plain HTML string, * but also a complex object. */ Drupal.theme = function(func) { for (var i = 1, args = []; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } return (Drupal.theme[func] || Drupal.theme.prototype[func]).apply(this, args); }; /** * Parse a JSON response. * * The result is either the JSON object, or an object with 'status' 0 and 'data' an error message. */ Drupal.parseJson = function (data) { if ((data.substring(0, 1) != '{') && (data.substring(0, 1) != '[')) { return { status: 0, data: data.length ? data : Drupal.t('Unspecified error') }; } return eval('(' + data + ');'); }; /** * Freeze the current body height (as minimum height). Used to prevent * unnecessary upwards scrolling when doing DOM manipulations. */ Drupal.freezeHeight = function () { Drupal.unfreezeHeight(); var div = document.createElement('div'); $(div).css({ position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', width: '1px', height: $('body').css('height') }).attr('id', 'freeze-height'); $('body').append(div); }; /** * Unfreeze the body height */ Drupal.unfreezeHeight = function () { $('#freeze-height').remove(); }; /** * Wrapper to address the mod_rewrite url encoding bug * (equivalent of drupal_urlencode() in PHP). */ Drupal.encodeURIComponent = function (item, uri) { uri = uri || location.href; item = encodeURIComponent(item).replace(/%2F/g, '/'); return (uri.indexOf('?q=') != -1) ? item : item.replace(/%26/g, '%2526').replace(/%23/g, '%2523').replace(/\/\//g, '/%252F'); }; /** * Get the text selection in a textarea. */ Drupal.getSelection = function (element) { if (typeof(element.selectionStart) != 'number' && document.selection) { // The current selection var range1 = document.selection.createRange(); var range2 = range1.duplicate(); // Select all text. range2.moveToElementText(element); // Now move 'dummy' end point to end point of original range. range2.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range1); // Now we can calculate start and end points. var start = range2.text.length - range1.text.length; var end = start + range1.text.length; return { 'start': start, 'end': end }; } return { 'start': element.selectionStart, 'end': element.selectionEnd }; }; /** * Build an error message from ahah response. */ Drupal.ahahError = function(xmlhttp, uri) { if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { if (jQuery.trim($(xmlhttp.responseText).text())) { var message = Drupal.t("An error occurred. \n@uri\n@text", {'@uri': uri, '@text': xmlhttp.responseText }); } else { var message = Drupal.t("An error occurred. \n@uri\n(no information available).", {'@uri': uri, '@text': xmlhttp.responseText }); } } else { var message = Drupal.t("An HTTP error @status occurred. \n@uri", {'@uri': uri, '@status': xmlhttp.status }); } return message; } // Global Killswitch on the element if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { // Global Killswitch on the element $(document.documentElement).addClass('js'); // 'js enabled' cookie document.cookie = 'has_js=1; path=/'; // Attach all behaviors. $(document).ready(function() { Drupal.attachBehaviors(this); }); } /** * The default themes. */ Drupal.theme.prototype = { /** * Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence. * * @param str * The text to format (plain-text). * @return * The formatted text (html). */ placeholder: function(str) { return '' + Drupal.checkPlain(str) + ''; } }; ;// $Id: tabledrag.js,v 2009/06/18 12:24:24 goba Exp $ /** * Drag and drop table rows with field manipulation. * * Using the drupal_add_tabledrag() function, any table with weights or parent * relationships may be made into draggable tables. Columns containing a field * may optionally be hidden, providing a better user experience. * * Created tableDrag instances may be modified with custom behaviors by * overriding the .onDrag, .onDrop, .row.onSwap, and .row.onIndent methods. * See blocks.js for an example of adding additional functionality to tableDrag. */ Drupal.behaviors.tableDrag = function(context) { for (var base in Drupal.settings.tableDrag) { if (!$('#' + base + '.tabledrag-processed', context).size()) { var tableSettings = Drupal.settings.tableDrag[base]; $('#' + base).filter(':not(.tabledrag-processed)').each(function() { // Create the new tableDrag instance. Save in the Drupal variable // to allow other scripts access to the object. Drupal.tableDrag[base] = new Drupal.tableDrag(this, tableSettings); }); $('#' + base).addClass('tabledrag-processed'); } } }; /** * Constructor for the tableDrag object. Provides table and field manipulation. * * @param table * DOM object for the table to be made draggable. * @param tableSettings * Settings for the table added via drupal_add_dragtable(). */ Drupal.tableDrag = function(table, tableSettings) { var self = this; // Required object variables. this.table = table; this.tableSettings = tableSettings; this.dragObject = null; // Used to hold information about a current drag operation. this.rowObject = null; // Provides operations for row manipulation. this.oldRowElement = null; // Remember the previous element. this.oldY = 0; // Used to determine up or down direction from last mouse move. this.changed = false; // Whether anything in the entire table has changed. this.maxDepth = 0; // Maximum amount of allowed parenting. this.rtl = $(this.table).css('direction') == 'rtl' ? -1 : 1; // Direction of the table. // Configure the scroll settings. this.scrollSettings = { amount: 4, interval: 50, trigger: 70 }; this.scrollInterval = null; this.scrollY = 0; this.windowHeight = 0; // Check this table's settings to see if there are parent relationships in // this table. For efficiency, large sections of code can be skipped if we // don't need to track horizontal movement and indentations. this.indentEnabled = false; for (group in tableSettings) { for (n in tableSettings[group]) { if (tableSettings[group][n]['relationship'] == 'parent') { this.indentEnabled = true; } if (tableSettings[group][n]['limit'] > 0) { this.maxDepth = tableSettings[group][n]['limit']; } } } if (this.indentEnabled) { this.indentCount = 1; // Total width of indents, set in makeDraggable. // Find the width of indentations to measure mouse movements against. // Because the table doesn't need to start with any indentations, we // manually append 2 indentations in the first draggable row, measure // the offset, then remove. var indent = Drupal.theme('tableDragIndentation'); // Match immediate children of the parent element to allow nesting. var testCell = $('> tbody > tr.draggable:first td:first, > tr.draggable:first td:first', table).prepend(indent).prepend(indent); this.indentAmount = $('.indentation', testCell).get(1).offsetLeft - $('.indentation', testCell).get(0).offsetLeft; $('.indentation', testCell).slice(0, 2).remove(); } // Make each applicable row draggable. // Match immediate children of the parent element to allow nesting. $('> tr.draggable, > tbody > tr.draggable', table).each(function() { self.makeDraggable(this); }); // Hide columns containing affected form elements. this.hideColumns(); // Add mouse bindings to the document. The self variable is passed along // as event handlers do not have direct access to the tableDrag object. $(document).bind('mousemove', function(event) { return self.dragRow(event, self); }); $(document).bind('mouseup', function(event) { return self.dropRow(event, self); }); }; /** * Hide the columns containing form elements according to the settings for * this tableDrag instance. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.hideColumns = function(){ for (var group in this.tableSettings) { // Find the first field in this group. for (var d in this.tableSettings[group]) { var field = $('.' + this.tableSettings[group][d]['target'] + ':first', this.table); if (field.size() && this.tableSettings[group][d]['hidden']) { var hidden = this.tableSettings[group][d]['hidden']; var cell = field.parents('td:first'); break; } } // Hide the column containing this field. if (hidden && cell[0] && cell.css('display') != 'none') { // Add 1 to our indexes. The nth-child selector is 1 based, not 0 based. // Match immediate children of the parent element to allow nesting. var columnIndex = $('> td', cell.parent()).index(cell.get(0)) + 1; var headerIndex = $('> td:not(:hidden)', cell.parent()).index(cell.get(0)) + 1; $('> thead > tr, > tbody > tr, > tr', this.table).each(function(){ var row = $(this); var parentTag = row.parent().get(0).tagName.toLowerCase(); var index = (parentTag == 'thead') ? headerIndex : columnIndex; // Adjust the index to take into account colspans. row.children().each(function(n) { if (n < index) { index -= (this.colSpan && this.colSpan > 1) ? this.colSpan - 1 : 0; } }); if (index > 0) { cell = row.children(':nth-child(' + index + ')'); if (cell[0].colSpan > 1) { // If this cell has a colspan, simply reduce it. cell[0].colSpan = cell[0].colSpan - 1; } else { // Hide table body cells, but remove table header cells entirely // (Safari doesn't hide properly). parentTag == 'thead' ? cell.remove() : cell.css('display', 'none'); } } }); } } }; /** * Find the target used within a particular row and group. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.rowSettings = function(group, row) { var field = $('.' + group, row); for (delta in this.tableSettings[group]) { var targetClass = this.tableSettings[group][delta]['target']; if (field.is('.' + targetClass)) { // Return a copy of the row settings. var rowSettings = new Object(); for (var n in this.tableSettings[group][delta]) { rowSettings[n] = this.tableSettings[group][delta][n]; } return rowSettings; } } }; /** * Take an item and add event handlers to make it become draggable. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.makeDraggable = function(item) { var self = this; // Create the handle. var handle = $('
').attr('title', Drupal.t('Drag to re-order')); // Insert the handle after indentations (if any). if ($('td:first .indentation:last', item).after(handle).size()) { // Update the total width of indentation in this entire table. self.indentCount = Math.max($('.indentation', item).size(), self.indentCount); } else { $('td:first', item).prepend(handle); } // Add hover action for the handle. handle.hover(function() { self.dragObject == null ? $(this).addClass('tabledrag-handle-hover') : null; }, function() { self.dragObject == null ? $(this).removeClass('tabledrag-handle-hover') : null; }); // Add the mousedown action for the handle. handle.mousedown(function(event) { // Create a new dragObject recording the event information. self.dragObject = new Object(); self.dragObject.initMouseOffset = self.getMouseOffset(item, event); self.dragObject.initMouseCoords = self.mouseCoords(event); if (self.indentEnabled) { self.dragObject.indentMousePos = self.dragObject.initMouseCoords; } // If there's a lingering row object from the keyboard, remove its focus. if (self.rowObject) { $('a.tabledrag-handle', self.rowObject.element).blur(); } // Create a new rowObject for manipulation of this row. self.rowObject = new self.row(item, 'mouse', self.indentEnabled, self.maxDepth, true); // Save the position of the table. self.table.topY = self.getPosition(self.table).y; self.table.bottomY = self.table.topY + self.table.offsetHeight; // Add classes to the handle and row. $(this).addClass('tabledrag-handle-hover'); $(item).addClass('drag'); // Set the document to use the move cursor during drag. $('body').addClass('drag'); if (self.oldRowElement) { $(self.oldRowElement).removeClass('drag-previous'); } // Hack for IE6 that flickers uncontrollably if select lists are moved. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6.') != -1) { $('select', this.table).css('display', 'none'); } // Hack for Konqueror, prevent the blur handler from firing. // Konqueror always gives links focus, even after returning false on mousedown. self.safeBlur = false; // Call optional placeholder function. self.onDrag(); return false; }); // Prevent the anchor tag from jumping us to the top of the page. handle.click(function() { return false; }); // Similar to the hover event, add a class when the handle is focused. handle.focus(function() { $(this).addClass('tabledrag-handle-hover'); self.safeBlur = true; }); // Remove the handle class on blur and fire the same function as a mouseup. handle.blur(function(event) { $(this).removeClass('tabledrag-handle-hover'); if (self.rowObject && self.safeBlur) { self.dropRow(event, self); } }); // Add arrow-key support to the handle. handle.keydown(function(event) { // If a rowObject doesn't yet exist and this isn't the tab key. if (event.keyCode != 9 && !self.rowObject) { self.rowObject = new self.row(item, 'keyboard', self.indentEnabled, self.maxDepth, true); } var keyChange = false; switch (event.keyCode) { case 37: // Left arrow. case 63234: // Safari left arrow. keyChange = true; self.rowObject.indent(-1 * self.rtl); break; case 38: // Up arrow. case 63232: // Safari up arrow. var previousRow = $(self.rowObject.element).prev('tr').get(0); while (previousRow && $(previousRow).is(':hidden')) { previousRow = $(previousRow).prev('tr').get(0); } if (previousRow) { self.safeBlur = false; // Do not allow the onBlur cleanup. self.rowObject.direction = 'up'; keyChange = true; if ($(item).is('.tabledrag-root')) { // Swap with the previous top-level row.. var groupHeight = 0; while (previousRow && $('.indentation', previousRow).size()) { previousRow = $(previousRow).prev('tr').get(0); groupHeight += $(previousRow).is(':hidden') ? 0 : previousRow.offsetHeight; } if (previousRow) { self.rowObject.swap('before', previousRow); // No need to check for indentation, 0 is the only valid one. window.scrollBy(0, -groupHeight); } } else if (self.table.tBodies[0].rows[0] != previousRow || $(previousRow).is('.draggable')) { // Swap with the previous row (unless previous row is the first one // and undraggable). self.rowObject.swap('before', previousRow); self.rowObject.interval = null; self.rowObject.indent(0); window.scrollBy(0, -parseInt(item.offsetHeight)); } handle.get(0).focus(); // Regain focus after the DOM manipulation. } break; case 39: // Right arrow. case 63235: // Safari right arrow. keyChange = true; self.rowObject.indent(1 * self.rtl); break; case 40: // Down arrow. case 63233: // Safari down arrow. var nextRow = $(self.rowObject.group).filter(':last').next('tr').get(0); while (nextRow && $(nextRow).is(':hidden')) { nextRow = $(nextRow).next('tr').get(0); } if (nextRow) { self.safeBlur = false; // Do not allow the onBlur cleanup. self.rowObject.direction = 'down'; keyChange = true; if ($(item).is('.tabledrag-root')) { // Swap with the next group (necessarily a top-level one). var groupHeight = 0; nextGroup = new self.row(nextRow, 'keyboard', self.indentEnabled, self.maxDepth, false); if (nextGroup) { $(nextGroup.group).each(function () {groupHeight += $(this).is(':hidden') ? 0 : this.offsetHeight}); nextGroupRow = $(nextGroup.group).filter(':last').get(0); self.rowObject.swap('after', nextGroupRow); // No need to check for indentation, 0 is the only valid one. window.scrollBy(0, parseInt(groupHeight)); } } else { // Swap with the next row. self.rowObject.swap('after', nextRow); self.rowObject.interval = null; self.rowObject.indent(0); window.scrollBy(0, parseInt(item.offsetHeight)); } handle.get(0).focus(); // Regain focus after the DOM manipulation. } break; } if (self.rowObject && self.rowObject.changed == true) { $(item).addClass('drag'); if (self.oldRowElement) { $(self.oldRowElement).removeClass('drag-previous'); } self.oldRowElement = item; self.restripeTable(); self.onDrag(); } // Returning false if we have an arrow key to prevent scrolling. if (keyChange) { return false; } }); // Compatibility addition, return false on keypress to prevent unwanted scrolling. // IE and Safari will supress scrolling on keydown, but all other browsers // need to return false on keypress. http://www.quirksmode.org/js/keys.html handle.keypress(function(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 37: // Left arrow. case 38: // Up arrow. case 39: // Right arrow. case 40: // Down arrow. return false; } }); }; /** * Mousemove event handler, bound to document. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.dragRow = function(event, self) { if (self.dragObject) { self.currentMouseCoords = self.mouseCoords(event); var y = self.currentMouseCoords.y - self.dragObject.initMouseOffset.y; var x = self.currentMouseCoords.x - self.dragObject.initMouseOffset.x; // Check for row swapping and vertical scrolling. if (y != self.oldY) { self.rowObject.direction = y > self.oldY ? 'down' : 'up'; self.oldY = y; // Update the old value. // Check if the window should be scrolled (and how fast). var scrollAmount = self.checkScroll(self.currentMouseCoords.y); // Stop any current scrolling. clearInterval(self.scrollInterval); // Continue scrolling if the mouse has moved in the scroll direction. if (scrollAmount > 0 && self.rowObject.direction == 'down' || scrollAmount < 0 && self.rowObject.direction == 'up') { self.setScroll(scrollAmount); } // If we have a valid target, perform the swap and restripe the table. var currentRow = self.findDropTargetRow(x, y); if (currentRow) { if (self.rowObject.direction == 'down') { self.rowObject.swap('after', currentRow, self); } else { self.rowObject.swap('before', currentRow, self); } self.restripeTable(); } } // Similar to row swapping, handle indentations. if (self.indentEnabled) { var xDiff = self.currentMouseCoords.x - self.dragObject.indentMousePos.x; // Set the number of indentations the mouse has been moved left or right. var indentDiff = Math.round(xDiff / self.indentAmount * self.rtl); // Indent the row with our estimated diff, which may be further // restricted according to the rows around this row. var indentChange = self.rowObject.indent(indentDiff); // Update table and mouse indentations. self.dragObject.indentMousePos.x += self.indentAmount * indentChange * self.rtl; self.indentCount = Math.max(self.indentCount, self.rowObject.indents); } return false; } }; /** * Mouseup event handler, bound to document. * Blur event handler, bound to drag handle for keyboard support. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.dropRow = function(event, self) { // Drop row functionality shared between mouseup and blur events. if (self.rowObject != null) { var droppedRow = self.rowObject.element; // The row is already in the right place so we just release it. if (self.rowObject.changed == true) { // Update the fields in the dropped row. self.updateFields(droppedRow); // If a setting exists for affecting the entire group, update all the // fields in the entire dragged group. for (var group in self.tableSettings) { var rowSettings = self.rowSettings(group, droppedRow); if (rowSettings.relationship == 'group') { for (n in self.rowObject.children) { self.updateField(self.rowObject.children[n], group); } } } self.rowObject.markChanged(); if (self.changed == false) { $(Drupal.theme('tableDragChangedWarning')).insertAfter(self.table).hide().fadeIn('slow'); self.changed = true; } } if (self.indentEnabled) { self.rowObject.removeIndentClasses(); } if (self.oldRowElement) { $(self.oldRowElement).removeClass('drag-previous'); } $(droppedRow).removeClass('drag').addClass('drag-previous'); self.oldRowElement = droppedRow; self.onDrop(); self.rowObject = null; } // Functionality specific only to mouseup event. if (self.dragObject != null) { $('.tabledrag-handle', droppedRow).removeClass('tabledrag-handle-hover'); self.dragObject = null; $('body').removeClass('drag'); clearInterval(self.scrollInterval); // Hack for IE6 that flickers uncontrollably if select lists are moved. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6.') != -1) { $('select', this.table).css('display', 'block'); } } }; /** * Get the position of an element by adding up parent offsets in the DOM tree. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.getPosition = function(element){ var left = 0; var top = 0; // Because Safari doesn't report offsetHeight on table rows, but does on table // cells, grab the firstChild of the row and use that instead. // http://jacob.peargrove.com/blog/2006/technical/table-row-offsettop-bug-in-safari if (element.offsetHeight == 0) { element = element.firstChild; // a table cell } while (element.offsetParent){ left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; } left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; return {x:left, y:top}; }; /** * Get the mouse coordinates from the event (allowing for browser differences). */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.mouseCoords = function(event){ if (event.pageX || event.pageY) { return {x:event.pageX, y:event.pageY}; } return { x:event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft, y:event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop }; }; /** * Given a target element and a mouse event, get the mouse offset from that * element. To do this we need the element's position and the mouse position. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.getMouseOffset = function(target, event) { var docPos = this.getPosition(target); var mousePos = this.mouseCoords(event); return {x:mousePos.x - docPos.x, y:mousePos.y - docPos.y}; }; /** * Find the row the mouse is currently over. This row is then taken and swapped * with the one being dragged. * * @param x * The x coordinate of the mouse on the page (not the screen). * @param y * The y coordinate of the mouse on the page (not the screen). */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.findDropTargetRow = function(x, y) { var rows = this.table.tBodies[0].rows; for (var n=0; n (rowY - rowHeight)) && (y < (rowY + rowHeight))) { if (this.indentEnabled) { // Check that this row is not a child of the row being dragged. for (n in this.rowObject.group) { if (this.rowObject.group[n] == row) { return null; } } } // Check that swapping with this row is allowed. if (!this.rowObject.isValidSwap(row)) { return null; } // We may have found the row the mouse just passed over, but it doesn't // take into account hidden rows. Skip backwards until we find a draggable // row. while ($(row).is(':hidden') && $(row).prev('tr').is(':hidden')) { row = $(row).prev('tr').get(0); } return row; } } return null; }; /** * After the row is dropped, update the table fields according to the settings * set for this table. * * @param changedRow * DOM object for the row that was just dropped. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.updateFields = function(changedRow) { for (var group in this.tableSettings) { // Each group may have a different setting for relationship, so we find // the source rows for each seperately. this.updateField(changedRow, group); } }; /** * After the row is dropped, update a single table field according to specific * settings. * * @param changedRow * DOM object for the row that was just dropped. * @param group * The settings group on which field updates will occur. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.updateField = function(changedRow, group) { var rowSettings = this.rowSettings(group, changedRow); // Set the row as it's own target. if (rowSettings.relationship == 'self' || rowSettings.relationship == 'group') { var sourceRow = changedRow; } // Siblings are easy, check previous and next rows. else if (rowSettings.relationship == 'sibling') { var previousRow = $(changedRow).prev('tr').get(0); var nextRow = $(changedRow).next('tr').get(0); var sourceRow = changedRow; if ($(previousRow).is('.draggable') && $('.' + group, previousRow).length) { if (this.indentEnabled) { if ($('.indentations', previousRow).size() == $('.indentations', changedRow)) { sourceRow = previousRow; } } else { sourceRow = previousRow; } } else if ($(nextRow).is('.draggable') && $('.' + group, nextRow).length) { if (this.indentEnabled) { if ($('.indentations', nextRow).size() == $('.indentations', changedRow)) { sourceRow = nextRow; } } else { sourceRow = nextRow; } } } // Parents, look up the tree until we find a field not in this group. // Go up as many parents as indentations in the changed row. else if (rowSettings.relationship == 'parent') { var previousRow = $(changedRow).prev('tr'); while (previousRow.length && $('.indentation', previousRow).length >= this.rowObject.indents) { previousRow = previousRow.prev('tr'); } // If we found a row. if (previousRow.length) { sourceRow = previousRow[0]; } // Otherwise we went all the way to the left of the table without finding // a parent, meaning this item has been placed at the root level. else { // Use the first row in the table as source, because it's garanteed to // be at the root level. Find the first item, then compare this row // against it as a sibling. sourceRow = $('tr.draggable:first').get(0); if (sourceRow == this.rowObject.element) { sourceRow = $(this.rowObject.group[this.rowObject.group.length - 1]).next('tr.draggable').get(0); } var useSibling = true; } } // Because we may have moved the row from one category to another, // take a look at our sibling and borrow its sources and targets. this.copyDragClasses(sourceRow, changedRow, group); rowSettings = this.rowSettings(group, changedRow); // In the case that we're looking for a parent, but the row is at the top // of the tree, copy our sibling's values. if (useSibling) { rowSettings.relationship = 'sibling'; rowSettings.source = rowSettings.target; } var targetClass = '.' + rowSettings.target; var targetElement = $(targetClass, changedRow).get(0); // Check if a target element exists in this row. if (targetElement) { var sourceClass = '.' + rowSettings.source; var sourceElement = $(sourceClass, sourceRow).get(0); switch (rowSettings.action) { case 'depth': // Get the depth of the target row. targetElement.value = $('.indentation', $(sourceElement).parents('tr:first')).size(); break; case 'match': // Update the value. targetElement.value = sourceElement.value; break; case 'order': var siblings = this.rowObject.findSiblings(rowSettings); if ($(targetElement).is('select')) { // Get a list of acceptable values. var values = new Array(); $('option', targetElement).each(function() { values.push(this.value); }); var maxVal = values[values.length - 1]; // Populate the values in the siblings. $(targetClass, siblings).each(function() { // If there are more items than possible values, assign the maximum value to the row. if (values.length > 0) { this.value = values.shift(); } else { this.value = maxVal; } }); } else { // Assume a numeric input field. var weight = parseInt($(targetClass, siblings[0]).val()) || 0; $(targetClass, siblings).each(function() { this.value = weight; weight++; }); } break; } } }; /** * Copy all special tableDrag classes from one row's form elements to a * different one, removing any special classes that the destination row * may have had. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.copyDragClasses = function(sourceRow, targetRow, group) { var sourceElement = $('.' + group, sourceRow); var targetElement = $('.' + group, targetRow); if (sourceElement.length && targetElement.length) { targetElement[0].className = sourceElement[0].className; } }; Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.checkScroll = function(cursorY) { var de = document.documentElement; var b = document.body; var windowHeight = this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight || (de.clientHeight && de.clientWidth != 0 ? de.clientHeight : b.offsetHeight); var scrollY = this.scrollY = (document.all ? (!de.scrollTop ? b.scrollTop : de.scrollTop) : (window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : window.scrollY)); var trigger = this.scrollSettings.trigger; var delta = 0; // Return a scroll speed relative to the edge of the screen. if (cursorY - scrollY > windowHeight - trigger) { delta = trigger / (windowHeight + scrollY - cursorY); delta = (delta > 0 && delta < trigger) ? delta : trigger; return delta * this.scrollSettings.amount; } else if (cursorY - scrollY < trigger) { delta = trigger / (cursorY - scrollY); delta = (delta > 0 && delta < trigger) ? delta : trigger; return -delta * this.scrollSettings.amount; } }; Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.setScroll = function(scrollAmount) { var self = this; this.scrollInterval = setInterval(function() { // Update the scroll values stored in the object. self.checkScroll(self.currentMouseCoords.y); var aboveTable = self.scrollY > self.table.topY; var belowTable = self.scrollY + self.windowHeight < self.table.bottomY; if (scrollAmount > 0 && belowTable || scrollAmount < 0 && aboveTable) { window.scrollBy(0, scrollAmount); } }, this.scrollSettings.interval); }; Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.restripeTable = function() { // :even and :odd are reversed because jquery counts from 0 and // we count from 1, so we're out of sync. // Match immediate children of the parent element to allow nesting. $('> tbody > tr.draggable, > tr.draggable', this.table) .filter(':odd').filter('.odd') .removeClass('odd').addClass('even') .end().end() .filter(':even').filter('.even') .removeClass('even').addClass('odd'); }; /** * Stub function. Allows a custom handler when a row begins dragging. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.onDrag = function() { return null; }; /** * Stub function. Allows a custom handler when a row is dropped. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.onDrop = function() { return null; }; /** * Constructor to make a new object to manipulate a table row. * * @param tableRow * The DOM element for the table row we will be manipulating. * @param method * The method in which this row is being moved. Either 'keyboard' or 'mouse'. * @param indentEnabled * Whether the containing table uses indentations. Used for optimizations. * @param maxDepth * The maximum amount of indentations this row may contain. * @param addClasses * Whether we want to add classes to this row to indicate child relationships. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row = function(tableRow, method, indentEnabled, maxDepth, addClasses) { this.element = tableRow; this.method = method; this.group = new Array(tableRow); this.groupDepth = $('.indentation', tableRow).size(); this.changed = false; this.table = $(tableRow).parents('table:first').get(0); this.indentEnabled = indentEnabled; this.maxDepth = maxDepth; this.direction = ''; // Direction the row is being moved. if (this.indentEnabled) { this.indents = $('.indentation', tableRow).size(); this.children = this.findChildren(addClasses); this.group = $.merge(this.group, this.children); // Find the depth of this entire group. for (var n = 0; n < this.group.length; n++) { this.groupDepth = Math.max($('.indentation', this.group[n]).size(), this.groupDepth); } } }; /** * Find all children of rowObject by indentation. * * @param addClasses * Whether we want to add classes to this row to indicate child relationships. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.findChildren = function(addClasses) { var parentIndentation = this.indents; var currentRow = $(this.element, this.table).next('tr.draggable'); var rows = new Array(); var child = 0; while (currentRow.length) { var rowIndentation = $('.indentation', currentRow).length; // A greater indentation indicates this is a child. if (rowIndentation > parentIndentation) { child++; rows.push(currentRow[0]); if (addClasses) { $('.indentation', currentRow).each(function(indentNum) { if (child == 1 && (indentNum == parentIndentation)) { $(this).addClass('tree-child-first'); } if (indentNum == parentIndentation) { $(this).addClass('tree-child'); } else if (indentNum > parentIndentation) { $(this).addClass('tree-child-horizontal'); } }); } } else { break; } currentRow = currentRow.next('tr.draggable'); } if (addClasses && rows.length) { $('.indentation:nth-child(' + (parentIndentation + 1) + ')', rows[rows.length - 1]).addClass('tree-child-last'); } return rows; }; /** * Ensure that two rows are allowed to be swapped. * * @param row * DOM object for the row being considered for swapping. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.isValidSwap = function(row) { if (this.indentEnabled) { var prevRow, nextRow; if (this.direction == 'down') { prevRow = row; nextRow = $(row).next('tr').get(0); } else { prevRow = $(row).prev('tr').get(0); nextRow = row; } this.interval = this.validIndentInterval(prevRow, nextRow); // We have an invalid swap if the valid indentations interval is empty. if (this.interval.min > this.interval.max) { return false; } } // Do not let an un-draggable first row have anything put before it. if (this.table.tBodies[0].rows[0] == row && $(row).is(':not(.draggable)')) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Perform the swap between two rows. * * @param position * Whether the swap will occur 'before' or 'after' the given row. * @param row * DOM element what will be swapped with the row group. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.swap = function(position, row) { $(row)[position](this.group); this.changed = true; this.onSwap(row); }; /** * Determine the valid indentations interval for the row at a given position * in the table. * * @param prevRow * DOM object for the row before the tested position * (or null for first position in the table). * @param nextRow * DOM object for the row after the tested position * (or null for last position in the table). */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.validIndentInterval = function (prevRow, nextRow) { var minIndent, maxIndent; // Minimum indentation: // Do not orphan the next row. minIndent = nextRow ? $('.indentation', nextRow).size() : 0; // Maximum indentation: if (!prevRow || $(this.element).is('.tabledrag-root')) { // Do not indent the first row in the table or 'root' rows.. maxIndent = 0; } else { // Do not go deeper than as a child of the previous row. maxIndent = $('.indentation', prevRow).size() + ($(prevRow).is('.tabledrag-leaf') ? 0 : 1); // Limit by the maximum allowed depth for the table. if (this.maxDepth) { maxIndent = Math.min(maxIndent, this.maxDepth - (this.groupDepth - this.indents)); } } return {'min':minIndent, 'max':maxIndent}; } /** * Indent a row within the legal bounds of the table. * * @param indentDiff * The number of additional indentations proposed for the row (can be * positive or negative). This number will be adjusted to nearest valid * indentation level for the row. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.indent = function(indentDiff) { // Determine the valid indentations interval if not available yet. if (!this.interval) { prevRow = $(this.element).prev('tr').get(0); nextRow = $(this.group).filter(':last').next('tr').get(0); this.interval = this.validIndentInterval(prevRow, nextRow); } // Adjust to the nearest valid indentation. var indent = this.indents + indentDiff; indent = Math.max(indent, this.interval.min); indent = Math.min(indent, this.interval.max); indentDiff = indent - this.indents; for (var n = 1; n <= Math.abs(indentDiff); n++) { // Add or remove indentations. if (indentDiff < 0) { $('.indentation:first', this.group).remove(); this.indents--; } else { $('td:first', this.group).prepend(Drupal.theme('tableDragIndentation')); this.indents++; } } if (indentDiff) { // Update indentation for this row. this.changed = true; this.groupDepth += indentDiff; this.onIndent(); } return indentDiff; }; /** * Find all siblings for a row, either according to its subgroup or indentation. * Note that the passed in row is included in the list of siblings. * * @param settings * The field settings we're using to identify what constitutes a sibling. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.findSiblings = function(rowSettings) { var siblings = new Array(); var directions = new Array('prev', 'next'); var rowIndentation = this.indents; for (var d in directions) { var checkRow = $(this.element)[directions[d]](); while (checkRow.length) { // Check that the sibling contains a similar target field. if ($('.' + rowSettings.target, checkRow)) { // Either add immediately if this is a flat table, or check to ensure // that this row has the same level of indentaiton. if (this.indentEnabled) { var checkRowIndentation = $('.indentation', checkRow).length } if (!(this.indentEnabled) || (checkRowIndentation == rowIndentation)) { siblings.push(checkRow[0]); } else if (checkRowIndentation < rowIndentation) { // No need to keep looking for siblings when we get to a parent. break; } } else { break; } checkRow = $(checkRow)[directions[d]](); } // Since siblings are added in reverse order for previous, reverse the // completed list of previous siblings. Add the current row and continue. if (directions[d] == 'prev') { siblings.reverse(); siblings.push(this.element); } } return siblings; }; /** * Remove indentation helper classes from the current row group. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.removeIndentClasses = function() { for (n in this.children) { $('.indentation', this.children[n]) .removeClass('tree-child') .removeClass('tree-child-first') .removeClass('tree-child-last') .removeClass('tree-child-horizontal'); } }; /** * Add an asterisk or other marker to the changed row. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.markChanged = function() { var marker = Drupal.theme('tableDragChangedMarker'); var cell = $('td:first', this.element); if ($('span.tabledrag-changed', cell).length == 0) { cell.append(marker); } }; /** * Stub function. Allows a custom handler when a row is indented. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.onIndent = function() { return null; }; /** * Stub function. Allows a custom handler when a row is swapped. */ Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.onSwap = function(swappedRow) { return null; }; Drupal.theme.prototype.tableDragChangedMarker = function () { return '*'; }; Drupal.theme.prototype.tableDragIndentation = function () { return '
'; }; Drupal.theme.prototype.tableDragChangedWarning = function () { return '
' + Drupal.theme('tableDragChangedMarker') + ' ' + Drupal.t("Changes made in this table will not be saved until the form is submitted.") + '
'; }; ;/* $Id: lightbox.js,v 2008/06/29 15:25:12 snpower Exp $ */ /** * jQuery Lightbox * @author * Stella Power, * * Based on Lightbox v2.03.3 by Lokesh Dhakar * * Also partially based on the jQuery Lightbox by Warren Krewenki * * * Permission has been granted to Mark Ashmead & other Drupal Lightbox2 module * maintainers to distribute this file via Drupal.org * Under GPL license. * * Slideshow, iframe and video functionality added by Stella Power. */ var Lightbox = { overlayOpacity : 0.8, // Controls transparency of shadow overlay. overlayColor : '000', // Controls colour of shadow overlay. // Controls the order of the lightbox resizing animation sequence. resizeSequence: 0, // 0: simultaneous, 1: width then height, 2: height then width. resizeSpeed: 'normal', // Controls the speed of the lightbox resizing animation. fadeInSpeed: 'normal', // Controls the speed of the image appearance. slideDownSpeed: 'slow', // Controls the speed of the image details appearance. borderSize : 10, boxColor : 'fff', fontColor : '000', topPosition : '', infoHeight: 20, alternative_layout : false, imageArray : [], imageNum : null, total : 0, activeImage : null, inprogress : false, disableResize : false, disableZoom : false, isZoomedIn : false, rtl : false, loopItems : false, // Slideshow options. slideInterval : 5000, // In milliseconds. showPlayPause : true, autoExit : true, pauseOnNextClick : false, // True to pause the slideshow when the "Next" button is clicked. pauseOnPrevClick : true, // True to pause the slideshow when the "Prev" button is clicked. slideIdArray : [], slideIdCount : 0, isSlideshow : false, isPaused : false, loopSlides : false, // Iframe options. isLightframe : false, iframe_width : 600, iframe_height : 400, iframe_border : 1, // Video and modal options. enableVideo : false, isModal : false, isVideo : false, videoId : false, modalWidth : 400, modalHeight : 400, modalHTML : null, // initialize() // Constructor runs on completion of the DOM loading. Calls initList // and then the function inserts html at the bottom of the page which is used // to display the shadow overlay and the image container. initialize: function() { var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2; Lightbox.overlayOpacity = s.overlay_opacity; Lightbox.overlayColor = s.overlay_color; Lightbox.resizeSequence = s.resize_sequence; Lightbox.resizeSpeed = s.resize_speed; Lightbox.fadeInSpeed = s.fade_in_speed; Lightbox.slideDownSpeed = s.slide_down_speed; Lightbox.borderSize = s.border_size; Lightbox.boxColor = s.box_color; Lightbox.fontColor = s.font_color; Lightbox.topPosition = s.top_position; Lightbox.rtl = s.rtl; Lightbox.loopItems = s.loop_items; Lightbox.disableResize = s.disable_resize; Lightbox.disableZoom = s.disable_zoom; Lightbox.slideInterval = s.slideshow_interval; Lightbox.showPlayPause = s.show_play_pause; Lightbox.autoExit = s.slideshow_automatic_exit; Lightbox.pauseOnNextClick = s.pause_on_next_click; Lightbox.pauseOnPrevClick = s.pause_on_previous_click; Lightbox.loopSlides = s.loop_slides; Lightbox.alternative_layout = s.use_alt_layout; Lightbox.iframe_width = s.iframe_width; Lightbox.iframe_height = s.iframe_height; Lightbox.iframe_border = s.iframe_border; Lightbox.enableVideo = s.enable_video; // Attach lightbox to any links with lightbox rels. Lightbox.initList(); // Make the lightbox divs. var output = '\ '; var loading = '
'; var modal = ''; var frame = ''; var imageContainer = ''; var details = '
'; var bottomNav = '
'; var image = ''; var hoverNav = '
'; var frameNav = '
'; var caption = ''; var numberDisplay = ''; var close = ''; var zoom = ''; var zoomOut = ''; var pause = ''; var play = ''; $("body").append(output); $('#outerImageContainer').append(modal + frame + imageContainer + loading); if (!s.use_alt_layout) { $('#imageContainer').append(image + hoverNav); $('#imageData').append(frameNav + details + bottomNav); $('#imageDetails').append(caption + numberDisplay); $('#bottomNav').append(close + zoom + zoomOut + pause + play); } else { $('#imageContainer').append(image + bottomNav); $('#bottomNav').append(close + zoom + zoomOut); $('#imageData').append(hoverNav + details); $('#imageDetails').append(caption + numberDisplay + pause + play); } // Setup onclick handlers. $('#overlay').click(function() { Lightbox.end(); return false; } ).hide(); $('#loadingLink, #bottomNavClose').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); return false; } ); $('#prevLink, #framePrevLink').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); return false; } ); $('#nextLink, #frameNextLink').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); return false; } ); $('#bottomNavZoom').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, true); return false; } ); $('#bottomNavZoomOut').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, false); return false; } ); $('#lightshowPause').click(function() { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay"); return false; } ); $('#lightshowPlay').click(function() { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPlay", "lightshowPause"); return false; } ); // Fix positioning. $('#prevLink, #nextLink, #framePrevLink, #frameNextLink').css({ paddingTop: Lightbox.borderSize + 'px'}); $('#imageContainer, #frameContainer, #modalContainer').css({ padding: Lightbox.borderSize + 'px'}); $('#outerImageContainer, #imageDataContainer, #bottomNavClose').css({backgroundColor: '#' + Lightbox.boxColor, color: '#'+Lightbox.fontColor}); if (!Lightbox.iframe_border) { $('#lightboxFrame').css({border: 'none'}); $('#lightboxFrame').attr("frameborder", '0'); } // Force navigation links to always be displayed if (s.force_show_nav) { $('#prevLink, #nextLink').addClass("force_show_nav"); } }, // initList() // Loops through anchor tags looking for 'lightbox', 'lightshow' and // 'lightframe', etc, references and applies onclick events to appropriate // links. You can rerun after dynamically adding images w/ajax. initList : function() { // Attach lightbox to any links with rel 'lightbox', 'lightshow' or // 'lightframe', etc. $("a[@rel^='lightbox'], area[@rel^='lightbox']").click(function(e) { $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } ); Lightbox.start(this, false, false, false, false); if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false; }); $("a[@rel^='lightshow'], area[@rel^='lightshow']").click(function(e) { $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } ); Lightbox.start(this, true, false, false, false); if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false; }); $("a[@rel^='lightframe'], area[@rel^='lightframe']").click(function(e) { $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } ); Lightbox.start(this, false, true, false, false); if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false; }); $("a[@rel^='lightvideo'], area[@rel^='lightvideo']").click(function(e) { $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } ); Lightbox.start(this, false, false, true, false); if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false; }); $("a[@rel^='lightmodal'], area[@rel^='lightmodal']").click(function(e) { $('#lightbox').unbind('click'); Lightbox.start(this, false, false, false, true); if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false; }); }, // start() // Display overlay and lightbox. If image is part of a set, add siblings to // imageArray. start: function(imageLink, slideshow, lightframe, lightvideo, lightmodal) { Lightbox.isPaused = false; // Replaces hideSelectBoxes() and hideFlash() calls in original lightbox2. Lightbox.toggleSelectsFlash('hide'); // Stretch overlay to fill page and fade in. var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize(); $("#overlay").hide().css({ width: '100%', zIndex: '10090', height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px', backgroundColor : '#' + Lightbox.overlayColor, opacity : Lightbox.overlayOpacity }).fadeIn(Lightbox.fadeInSpeed); Lightbox.isSlideshow = slideshow; Lightbox.isLightframe = lightframe; Lightbox.isVideo = lightvideo; Lightbox.isModal = lightmodal; Lightbox.imageArray = []; Lightbox.imageNum = 0; var anchors = $(imageLink.tagName); var anchor = null; var rel_parts = Lightbox.parseRel(imageLink); var rel = rel_parts["rel"]; var rel_group = rel_parts["group"]; var title = (rel_parts["title"] ? rel_parts["title"] : imageLink.title); var rel_style = null; var i = 0; // Handle lightbox images with no grouping. if ((rel == 'lightbox' || rel == 'lightshow') && !rel_group) { Lightbox.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, title]); } // Handle iframes with no grouping. else if ((rel == 'lightframe' || rel == 'lightmodal') && !rel_group) { rel_style = (!rel_parts["style"] ? 'width: '+ Lightbox.iframe_width +'px; height: '+ Lightbox.iframe_height +'px; scrolling: auto;' : rel_parts["style"]); Lightbox.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, title, rel_style]); } // Handle video. else if (rel == "lightvideo") { // rel_group contains style information for videos. rel_style = (!rel_group ? 'width: 400px; height: 400px;' : rel_group); Lightbox.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, title, rel_style]); } // Handle iframes and lightbox & slideshow images. else if (rel == 'lightbox' || rel == 'lightshow' || rel == 'lightframe' || rel == 'lightmodal') { // Loop through anchors and add them to imageArray. for (i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { anchor = anchors[i]; if (anchor.href && $(anchor).attr('rel')) { var rel_data = Lightbox.parseRel(anchor); var anchor_title = (rel_data["title"] ? rel_data["title"] : anchor.title); if (rel_data["rel"] == rel) { if (rel_data["group"] == rel_group) { if (Lightbox.isLightframe || Lightbox.isModal) { rel_style = (!rel_data["style"] ? 'width: '+ Lightbox.iframe_width +'px; height: '+ Lightbox.iframe_height +'px; scrolling: auto;' : rel_data["style"]); } Lightbox.imageArray.push([anchor.href, anchor_title, rel_style]); } } } } // Remove duplicates. for (i = 0; i < Lightbox.imageArray.length; i++) { for (j = Lightbox.imageArray.length-1; j > i; j--) { if (Lightbox.imageArray[i][0] == Lightbox.imageArray[j][0]) { Lightbox.imageArray.splice(j,1); } } } while (Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.imageNum][0] != imageLink.href) { Lightbox.imageNum++; } } if (Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.showPlayPause && Lightbox.isPaused) { $('#lightshowPlay').show(); $('#lightshowPause').hide(); } // Calculate top and left offset for the lightbox. var arrayPageScroll = Lightbox.getPageScroll(); var lightboxTop = arrayPageScroll[1] + (Lightbox.topPosition == '' ? (arrayPageSize[3] / 10) : Lightbox.topPosition) * 1; var lightboxLeft = arrayPageScroll[0]; $('#lightbox').css({ zIndex: '10500', top: lightboxTop + 'px', left: lightboxLeft + 'px' }).show(); Lightbox.total = Lightbox.imageArray.length; Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.imageNum); }, // changeData() // Hide most elements and preload image in preparation for resizing image // container. changeData: function(imageNum, zoomIn) { if (Lightbox.inprogress === false) { if (Lightbox.total > 1 && ((Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopSlides) || (!Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopItems))) { if (imageNum >= Lightbox.total) imageNum = 0; if (imageNum < 0) imageNum = Lightbox.total - 1; } if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) { for (var i = 0; i < Lightbox.slideIdCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(Lightbox.slideIdArray[i]); } } Lightbox.inprogress = true; Lightbox.activeImage = imageNum; if (Lightbox.disableResize && !Lightbox.isSlideshow) { zoomIn = true; } Lightbox.isZoomedIn = zoomIn; // Hide elements during transition. $('#loading').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); if (!Lightbox.alternative_layout) { $('#imageContainer').hide(); } $('#frameContainer, #modalContainer, #lightboxImage, #lightboxFrame').hide(); $('#hoverNav, #prevLink, #nextLink, #frameHoverNav, #framePrevLink, #frameNextLink').hide(); $('#imageDataContainer, #numberDisplay, #bottomNavZoom, #bottomNavZoomOut').hide(); // Preload image content, but not iframe pages. if (!Lightbox.isLightframe && !Lightbox.isVideo && !Lightbox.isModal) { imgPreloader = new Image(); imgPreloader.onerror = function() { Lightbox.imgNodeLoadingError(this); }; imgPreloader.onload = function() { var photo = document.getElementById('lightboxImage'); photo.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]; photo.alt = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1]; var imageWidth = imgPreloader.width; var imageHeight = imgPreloader.height; // Resize code. var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize(); var targ = { w:arrayPageSize[2] - (Lightbox.borderSize * 2), h:arrayPageSize[3] - (Lightbox.borderSize * 6) - (Lightbox.infoHeight * 4) - (arrayPageSize[3] / 10) }; var orig = { w:imgPreloader.width, h:imgPreloader.height }; // Image is very large, so show a smaller version of the larger image // with zoom button. if (zoomIn !== true) { var ratio = 1.0; // Shrink image with the same aspect. $('#bottomNavZoomOut, #bottomNavZoom').hide(); if ((orig.w >= targ.w || orig.h >= targ.h) && orig.h && orig.w) { ratio = ((targ.w / orig.w) < (targ.h / orig.h)) ? targ.w / orig.w : targ.h / orig.h; if (!Lightbox.disableZoom && !Lightbox.isSlideshow) { $('#bottomNavZoom').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); } } imageWidth = Math.floor(orig.w * ratio); imageHeight = Math.floor(orig.h * ratio); } else { $('#bottomNavZoom').hide(); // Only display zoom out button if the image is zoomed in already. if ((orig.w >= targ.w || orig.h >= targ.h) && orig.h && orig.w) { // Only display zoom out button if not a slideshow and if the // buttons aren't disabled. if (!Lightbox.disableResize && Lightbox.isSlideshow === false && !Lightbox.disableZoom) { $('#bottomNavZoomOut').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); } } } photo.style.width = (imageWidth) + 'px'; photo.style.height = (imageHeight) + 'px'; Lightbox.resizeContainer(imageWidth, imageHeight); // Clear onLoad, IE behaves irratically with animated gifs otherwise. imgPreloader.onload = function() {}; }; imgPreloader.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]; imgPreloader.alt = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1]; } // Set up frame size, etc. else if (Lightbox.isLightframe) { var iframe = document.getElementById('lightboxFrame'); var iframeStyles = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][2]; iframe = Lightbox.setStyles(iframe, iframeStyles); Lightbox.resizeContainer(parseInt(iframe.width, 10), parseInt(iframe.height, 10)); } else if (Lightbox.isVideo || Lightbox.isModal) { var container = document.getElementById('modalContainer'); var modalStyles = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][2]; container = Lightbox.setStyles(container, modalStyles); if (Lightbox.isVideo) { Lightbox.modalHeight = parseInt(container.height, 10); Lightbox.modalWidth = parseInt(container.width, 10); Lightvideo.startVideo(Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]); } Lightbox.resizeContainer(parseInt(container.width, 10), parseInt(container.height, 10)); } } }, // imgNodeLoadingError() imgNodeLoadingError: function(image) { var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2; var original_image = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]; if (s.display_image_size !== "") { original_image = original_image.replace(new RegExp("."+s.display_image_size), ""); } Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0] = original_image; image.onerror = function() { Lightbox.imgLoadingError(image); }; image.src = original_image; }, // imgLoadingError() imgLoadingError: function(image) { var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2; Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0] = s.default_image; image.src = s.default_image; }, // resizeContainer() resizeContainer: function(imgWidth, imgHeight) { this.widthCurrent = $('#outerImageContainer').width(); this.heightCurrent = $('#outerImageContainer').height(); var widthNew = (imgWidth + (Lightbox.borderSize * 2)); var heightNew = (imgHeight + (Lightbox.borderSize * 2)); // Scalars based on change from old to new. this.xScale = ( widthNew / this.widthCurrent) * 100; this.yScale = ( heightNew / this.heightCurrent) * 100; // Calculate size difference between new and old image, and resize if // necessary. wDiff = this.widthCurrent - widthNew; hDiff = this.heightCurrent - heightNew; // Detect animation sequence. if (Lightbox.resizeSequence) { var animate1 = {width: widthNew}; var animate2 = {height: heightNew}; if (Lightbox.resizeSequence == 2) { animate1 = {height: heightNew}; animate2 = {width: widthNew}; } $('#outerImageContainer').animate(animate1, Lightbox.resizeSpeed).animate(animate2, Lightbox.resizeSpeed, 'linear', function() { Lightbox.showData(); }); } // Simultaneous. else { $('#outerImageContainer').animate({width: widthNew, height: heightNew}, Lightbox.resizeSpeed, 'linear', function() { Lightbox.showData(); }); } // If new and old image are same size and no scaling transition is necessary // do a quick pause to prevent image flicker. if ((hDiff === 0) && (wDiff === 0)) { if ($.browser.msie) { Lightbox.pause(250); } else { Lightbox.pause(100); } } var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2; if (!s.use_alt_layout) { $('#prevLink, #nextLink').css({height: imgHeight + 'px'}); } $('#imageDataContainer').css({width: widthNew + 'px'}); }, // showData() // Display image and begin preloading neighbors. showData: function() { $('#loading').hide(); if (Lightbox.isLightframe || Lightbox.isVideo || Lightbox.isModal) { Lightbox.updateDetails(); if (Lightbox.isLightframe) { $('#frameContainer').show(); if ($.browser.safari) { $('#lightboxFrame').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); } else { $('#lightboxFrame').css({zIndex: '10500'}).fadeIn(Lightbox.fadeInSpeed); } try { document.getElementById("lightboxFrame").src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]; } catch(e) {} } else { if (Lightbox.isVideo) { $("#modalContainer").html(Lightbox.modalHTML); $("#modalContainer").click(function() { return false; } ); } else { $("#modalContainer").load(Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]); $('#modalContainer').unbind('click'); } $('#modalContainer').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); } } // Handle display of image content. else { $('#imageContainer').show(); if($.browser.safari) { $('#lightboxImage').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); } else { $('#lightboxImage').css({zIndex: '10500'}).fadeIn(Lightbox.fadeInSpeed); } Lightbox.updateDetails(); this.preloadNeighborImages(); } Lightbox.inprogress = false; // Slideshow specific stuff. if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) { if (!Lightbox.loopSlides && Lightbox.activeImage == (Lightbox.total - 1)) { if (Lightbox.autoExit) { Lightbox.slideIdArray[Lightbox.slideIdCount++] = setTimeout(function () {Lightbox.end('slideshow');}, Lightbox.slideInterval); } } else { if (!Lightbox.isPaused) { Lightbox.slideIdArray[Lightbox.slideIdCount++] = setTimeout(function () {Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1);}, Lightbox.slideInterval); } } if (Lightbox.showPlayPause && Lightbox.total > 1 && !Lightbox.isPaused) { $('#lightshowPause').show(); $('#lightshowPlay').hide(); } else if (Lightbox.showPlayPause && Lightbox.total > 1) { $('#lightshowPause').hide(); $('#lightshowPlay').show(); } } // Adjust the page overlay size. var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize(); var arrayPageScroll = Lightbox.getPageScroll(); var pageHeight = arrayPageSize[1]; if (Lightbox.isZoomedIn && arrayPageSize[1] > arrayPageSize[3]) { var lightboxTop = (Lightbox.topPosition == '' ? (arrayPageSize[3] / 10) : Lightbox.topPosition) * 1; pageHeight = pageHeight + arrayPageScroll[1] + lightboxTop; } $('#overlay').css({height: pageHeight + 'px', width: arrayPageSize[0] + 'px'}); // Gecko browsers (e.g. Firefox, SeaMonkey, etc) don't handle pdfs as // expected. if ($.browser.mozilla) { if (Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0].indexOf(".pdf") != -1) { setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById("lightboxFrame").src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]; }, 1000); } } }, // updateDetails() // Display caption, image number, and bottom nav. updateDetails: function() { $("#imageDataContainer").hide(); var caption = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1]; if (!caption) caption = ' '; $('#caption').html(caption).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); // If image is part of set display 'Image x of x'. var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2; var numberDisplay = null; if (Lightbox.total > 1) { var currentImage = Lightbox.activeImage + 1; if (!Lightbox.isLightframe) { numberDisplay = s.image_count.replace(/\!current/, currentImage).replace(/\!total/, Lightbox.total); } else { numberDisplay = s.page_count.replace(/\!current/, currentImage).replace(/\!total/, Lightbox.total); } $('#numberDisplay').html(numberDisplay).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); } $("#imageDataContainer").hide().slideDown(Lightbox.slideDownSpeed); if (Lightbox.rtl) { $("#bottomNav").css({float: 'left'}); } Lightbox.updateNav(); }, // updateNav() // Display appropriate previous and next hover navigation. updateNav: function() { $('#hoverNav').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); var prevLink = '#prevLink'; var nextLink = '#nextLink'; // Slideshow is separated as we need to show play / pause button. if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) { if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopSlides) || Lightbox.activeImage !== 0) { $(prevLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() { if (Lightbox.pauseOnPrevClick) { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay"); } Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); return false; }); } else { $(prevLink).hide(); } // If not last image in set, display next image button. if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopSlides) || Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.total - 1)) { $(nextLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() { if (Lightbox.pauseOnNextClick) { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay"); } Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); return false; }); } // Safari browsers need to have hide() called again. else { $(nextLink).hide(); } } // All other types of content. else { if (Lightbox.isLightframe && !Lightbox.alternative_layout) { $('#frameHoverNav').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show(); $('#hoverNav').css({zIndex: '10500'}).hide(); prevLink = '#framePrevLink'; nextLink = '#frameNextLink'; } // If not first image in set, display prev image button. if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopItems) || Lightbox.activeImage !== 0) { $(prevLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); return false; }); } // Safari browsers need to have hide() called again. else { $(prevLink).hide(); } // If not last image in set, display next image button. if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopItems) || Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.total - 1)) { $(nextLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); return false; }); } // Safari browsers need to have hide() called again. else { $(nextLink).hide(); } } if (!Lightbox.isModal) { this.enableKeyboardNav(); } }, // enableKeyboardNav() enableKeyboardNav: function() { $(document).bind("keydown", this.keyboardAction); }, // disableKeyboardNav() disableKeyboardNav: function() { $(document).unbind("keydown", this.keyboardAction); }, // keyboardAction() keyboardAction: function(e) { if (e === null) { // IE. keycode = event.keyCode; escapeKey = 27; } else { // Mozilla. keycode = e.keyCode; escapeKey = e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE; } key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); // Close lightbox. if (key == 'x' || key == 'o' || key == 'c' || keycode == escapeKey) { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); // Display previous image (p, <-). } else if (key == 'p' || keycode == 37) { if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && ((Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopSlides) || (!Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopItems))) || Lightbox.activeImage !== 0) { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); } // Display next image (n, ->). } else if (key == 'n' || keycode == 39) { if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && ((Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopSlides) || (!Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopItems))) || Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.total - 1)) { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); } } // Zoom in. else if (key == 'z' && !Lightbox.disableResize && !Lightbox.disableZoom && !Lightbox.isSlideshow && !Lightbox.isLightframe) { if (Lightbox.isZoomedIn) { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, false); } else if (!Lightbox.isZoomedIn) { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, true); } return false; } // Toggle play / pause (space). else if (keycode == 32 && Lightbox.isSlideshow) { if (Lightbox.isPaused) { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPlay", "lightshowPause"); } else { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay"); } return false; } }, preloadNeighborImages: function() { if ((Lightbox.total - 1) > Lightbox.activeImage) { preloadNextImage = new Image(); preloadNextImage.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage + 1][0]; } if (Lightbox.activeImage > 0) { preloadPrevImage = new Image(); preloadPrevImage.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage - 1][0]; } }, end: function(caller) { var closeClick = (caller == 'slideshow' ? false : true); if (Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.isPaused && !closeClick) { return; } // To prevent double clicks on navigation links. if (Lightbox.inprogress === true && caller != 'forceClose') { return; } Lightbox.disableKeyboardNav(); $('#lightbox').hide(); $("#overlay").fadeOut(); Lightbox.isPaused = true; Lightbox.inprogress = false; // Replaces calls to showSelectBoxes() and showFlash() in original // lightbox2. Lightbox.toggleSelectsFlash('visible'); if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) { for (var i = 0; i < Lightbox.slideIdCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(Lightbox.slideIdArray[i]); } $('#lightshowPause, #lightshowPlay').hide(); } else if (Lightbox.isLightframe) { document.getElementById("lightboxFrame").src = ''; if ($.browser.safari) { var iFrame = document.getElementById("lightboxFrame"); var parent = iFrame.parentNode; parent.removeChild(iFrame); parent.appendChild(iFrame); } $('#lightboxFrame, #frameContainer').hide(); } else if (Lightbox.isVideo || Lightbox.isModal) { $('#modalContainer').hide(); $('#modalContainer').html(""); } }, // getPageScroll() // Returns array with x,y page scroll values. // Core code from - quirksmode.com. getPageScroll : function() { var xScroll, yScroll; if (self.pageYOffset) { yScroll = self.pageYOffset; xScroll = self.pageXOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { // Explorer 6 Strict. yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop; xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else if (document.body) {// All other Explorers. yScroll = document.body.scrollTop; xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft; } arrayPageScroll = [xScroll,yScroll]; return arrayPageScroll; }, // getPageSize() // Returns array with page width, height and window width, height. // Core code from - quirksmode.com. // Edit for Firefox by pHaez. getPageSize : function() { var xScroll, yScroll; if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight) { // all but Explorer Mac xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth; yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight; } else if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) { xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX; yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY; } // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari. else { xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth; yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight; } var windowWidth, windowHeight; if (self.innerHeight) { // All except Explorer. if (document.documentElement.clientWidth) { windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else { windowWidth = self.innerWidth; } windowHeight = self.innerHeight; } // Explorer 6 Strict Mode. else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { // Other Explorers. windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth; windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } // For small pages with total height less then height of the viewport. if (yScroll < windowHeight) { pageHeight = windowHeight; } else { pageHeight = yScroll; } // For small pages with total width less then width of the viewport. if (xScroll < windowWidth) { pageWidth = windowWidth; } else { pageWidth = xScroll; } arrayPageSize = [pageWidth, pageHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight]; return arrayPageSize; }, // pause(numberMillis) pause : function(ms) { var date = new Date(); var curDate = null; do { curDate = new Date(); } while (curDate - date < ms); }, // toggleSelectsFlash() // Hide / unhide select lists and flash objects as they appear above the // lightbox in some browsers. toggleSelectsFlash: function (state) { if (state == 'visible') { $("select.lightbox_hidden, embed.lightbox_hidden, object.lightbox_hidden").show(); } else if (state == 'hide') { $("select:visible, embed:visible, object:visible").addClass("lightbox_hidden"); $("select.lightbox_hidden, embed.lightbox_hidden, object.lightbox_hidden").hide(); } }, // parseRel() parseRel: function (link) { var parts = []; parts["rel"] = $(link).attr('rel').match(/\w+/)[0]; parts["title"] = parts["group"] = parts["style"] = null; if ($(link).attr('rel').match(/\[(.*)\]/)) { var info = $(link).attr('rel').match(/\[(.*?)\]/)[1].split('|'); parts["group"] = info[0]; parts["style"] = info[1]; } if ($(link).attr('rel').match(/\[.*\]\[(.*)\]/)) { parts["title"] = $(link).attr('rel').match(/\[.*\]\[(.*)\]/)[1]; } return parts; }, // setStyles() setStyles: function(item, styles) { var stylesArray = styles.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i< stylesArray.length; i++) { if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('width:') >= 0) { var w = stylesArray[i].replace('width:', ''); item.width = jQuery.trim(w); } else if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('height:') >= 0) { var h = stylesArray[i].replace('height:', ''); item.height = jQuery.trim(h); } else if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('scrolling:') >= 0) { var scrolling = stylesArray[i].replace('scrolling:', ''); item.scrolling = jQuery.trim(scrolling); } else if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('overflow:') >= 0) { var overflow = stylesArray[i].replace('overflow:', ''); item.overflow = jQuery.trim(overflow); } } return item; }, // togglePlayPause() // Hide the pause / play button as appropriate. If pausing the slideshow also // clear the timers, otherwise move onto the next image. togglePlayPause: function(hideId, showId) { if (Lightbox.isSlideshow && hideId == "lightshowPause") { for (var i = 0; i < Lightbox.slideIdCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(Lightbox.slideIdArray[i]); } } $('#' + hideId).hide(); $('#' + showId).show(); if (hideId == "lightshowPlay") { Lightbox.isPaused = false; if (!Lightbox.loopSlides && Lightbox.activeImage == (Lightbox.total - 1)) { Lightbox.end(); } else { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); } } else { Lightbox.isPaused = true; } } }; // Initialize the lightbox. Drupal.behaviors.initLightbox = function (context) { Lightbox.initialize(); }; ;// $Id: panels.js,v 2009/10/05 22:40:35 merlinofchaos Exp $ (function ($) { Drupal.Panels = {}; Drupal.Panels.autoAttach = function() { if ($.browser.msie) { // If IE, attach a hover event so we can see our admin links. $("div.panel-pane").hover( function() { $('div.panel-hide', this).addClass("panel-hide-hover"); return true; }, function() { $('div.panel-hide', this).removeClass("panel-hide-hover"); return true; } ); $("div.admin-links").hover( function() { $(this).addClass("admin-links-hover"); return true; }, function(){ $(this).removeClass("admin-links-hover"); return true; } ); } }; $(Drupal.Panels.autoAttach); })(jQuery); ;// $Id: tableheader.js,v 2009/03/30 12:48:09 goba Exp $ Drupal.tableHeaderDoScroll = function() { if (typeof(Drupal.tableHeaderOnScroll)=='function') { Drupal.tableHeaderOnScroll(); } }; Drupal.behaviors.tableHeader = function (context) { // This breaks in anything less than IE 7. Prevent it from running. if (jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10) < 7) { return; } // Keep track of all cloned table headers. var headers = []; $('table.sticky-enabled thead:not(.tableHeader-processed)', context).each(function () { // Clone thead so it inherits original jQuery properties. var headerClone = $(this).clone(true).insertBefore(this.parentNode).wrap('').parent().css({ position: 'fixed', top: '0px' }); headerClone = $(headerClone)[0]; headers.push(headerClone); // Store parent table. var table = $(this).parent('table')[0]; headerClone.table = table; // Finish initialzing header positioning. tracker(headerClone); $(table).addClass('sticky-table'); $(this).addClass('tableHeader-processed'); }); // Define the anchor holding var. var prevAnchor = ''; // Track positioning and visibility. function tracker(e) { // Save positioning data. var viewHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight; if (e.viewHeight != viewHeight) { e.viewHeight = viewHeight; e.vPosition = $(e.table).offset().top - 4; e.hPosition = $(e.table).offset().left; e.vLength = e.table.clientHeight - 100; // Resize header and its cell widths. var parentCell = $('th', e.table); $('th', e).each(function(index) { var cellWidth = parentCell.eq(index).css('width'); // Exception for IE7. if (cellWidth == 'auto') { cellWidth = parentCell.get(index).clientWidth +'px'; } $(this).css('width', cellWidth); }); $(e).css('width', $(e.table).css('width')); } // Track horizontal positioning relative to the viewport and set visibility. var hScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; var vOffset = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) - e.vPosition; var visState = (vOffset > 0 && vOffset < e.vLength) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; $(e).css({left: -hScroll + e.hPosition +'px', visibility: visState}); // Check the previous anchor to see if we need to scroll to make room for the header. // Get the height of the header table and scroll up that amount. if (prevAnchor != location.hash) { if (location.hash != '') { var offset = $('td' + location.hash).offset(); if (offset) { var top = offset.top; var scrollLocation = top - $(e).height(); $('body, html').scrollTop(scrollLocation); } } prevAnchor = location.hash; } } // Only attach to scrollbars once, even if Drupal.attachBehaviors is called // multiple times. if (!$('body').hasClass('tableHeader-processed')) { $('body').addClass('tableHeader-processed'); $(window).scroll(Drupal.tableHeaderDoScroll); $(document.documentElement).scroll(Drupal.tableHeaderDoScroll); } // Track scrolling. Drupal.tableHeaderOnScroll = function() { $(headers).each(function () { tracker(this); }); }; // Track resizing. var time = null; var resize = function () { // Ensure minimum time between adjustments. if (time) { return; } time = setTimeout(function () { $('table.sticky-header').each(function () { // Force cell width calculation. this.viewHeight = 0; tracker(this); }); // Reset timer time = null; }, 250); }; $(window).resize(resize); }; ;// $Id: block.js,v 1.2 2007/12/16 10:36:53 goba Exp $ /** * Move a block in the blocks table from one region to another via select list. * * This behavior is dependent on the tableDrag behavior, since it uses the * objects initialized in that behavior to update the row. */ Drupal.behaviors.blockDrag = function(context) { var table = $('table#blocks'); var tableDrag = Drupal.tableDrag.blocks; // Get the blocks tableDrag object. // Add a handler for when a row is swapped, update empty regions. tableDrag.row.prototype.onSwap = function(swappedRow) { checkEmptyRegions(table, this); }; // A custom message for the blocks page specifically. Drupal.theme.tableDragChangedWarning = function () { return '
' + Drupal.theme('tableDragChangedMarker') + ' ' + Drupal.t("The changes to these blocks will not be saved until the Save blocks button is clicked.") + '
'; }; // Add a handler so when a row is dropped, update fields dropped into new regions. tableDrag.onDrop = function() { dragObject = this; if ($(dragObject.rowObject.element).prev('tr').is('.region-message')) { var regionRow = $(dragObject.rowObject.element).prev('tr').get(0); var regionName = regionRow.className.replace(/([^ ]+[ ]+)*region-([^ ]+)-message([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2'); var regionField = $('select.block-region-select', dragObject.rowObject.element); var weightField = $('select.block-weight', dragObject.rowObject.element); var oldRegionName = weightField[0].className.replace(/([^ ]+[ ]+)*block-weight-([^ ]+)([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2'); if (!regionField.is('.block-region-'+ regionName)) { regionField.removeClass('block-region-' + oldRegionName).addClass('block-region-' + regionName); weightField.removeClass('block-weight-' + oldRegionName).addClass('block-weight-' + regionName); regionField.val(regionName); } } }; // Add the behavior to each region select list. $('select.block-region-select:not(.blockregionselect-processed)', context).each(function() { $(this).change(function(event) { // Make our new row and select field. var row = $(this).parents('tr:first'); var select = $(this); tableDrag.rowObject = new tableDrag.row(row); // Find the correct region and insert the row as the first in the region. $('tr.region-message', table).each(function() { if ($(this).is('.region-' + select[0].value + '-message')) { // Add the new row and remove the old one. $(this).after(row); // Manually update weights and restripe. tableDrag.updateFields(row.get(0)); tableDrag.rowObject.changed = true; if (tableDrag.oldRowElement) { $(tableDrag.oldRowElement).removeClass('drag-previous'); } tableDrag.oldRowElement = row.get(0); tableDrag.restripeTable(); tableDrag.rowObject.markChanged(); tableDrag.oldRowElement = row; $(row).addClass('drag-previous'); } }); // Modify empty regions with added or removed fields. checkEmptyRegions(table, row); // Remove focus from selectbox. select.get(0).blur(); }); $(this).addClass('blockregionselect-processed'); }); var checkEmptyRegions = function(table, rowObject) { $('tr.region-message', table).each(function() { // If the dragged row is in this region, but above the message row, swap it down one space. if ($(this).prev('tr').get(0) == rowObject.element) { // Prevent a recursion problem when using the keyboard to move rows up. if ((rowObject.method != 'keyboard' || rowObject.direction == 'down')) { rowObject.swap('after', this); } } // This region has become empty if ($(this).next('tr').is(':not(.draggable)') || $(this).next('tr').size() == 0) { $(this).removeClass('region-populated').addClass('region-empty'); } // This region has become populated. else if ($(this).is('.region-empty')) { $(this).removeClass('region-empty').addClass('region-populated'); } }); }; }; ;