var _ = require('lodash');
var service = { search: require('../service/search') };
var logger = require('pelias-logger').get('api:controller:search');
var logging = require( '../helper/logging' );
function setup( config, backend, query ){
// allow overriding of dependencies
backend = backend || require('../src/backend');
query = query || require('../query/search');
// verify that we don't let an old style query object slip through the cracks here
if (typeof query !== 'object' || !query.hasOwnProperty('query_type')) {
throw new Error('Search queries must return an object with query and query_type');
function controller( req, res, next ){
// do not run controller when a request
// validation error has occurred.
if( req.errors && req.errors.length ){
return next();
// do not run controller if there are already results
// this was added during libpostal integration. if the libpostal parse/query
// doesn't return anything then fallback to old search-engine-y behavior
if (res && res.hasOwnProperty('data') && res.data.length > 0) {
return next();
var cleanOutput = _.cloneDeep(req.clean);
if (logging.isDNT(req)) {
cleanOutput = logging.removeFields(cleanOutput);
// log clean parameters for stats
logger.info('[req]', 'endpoint=' + req.path, cleanOutput);
var query_body = query.query(req.clean);
// if there's no query to call ES with, skip the service
if (_.isUndefined(query_body)) {
return next();
// backend command
var cmd = {
index: config.indexName,
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch',
body: query_body
logger.debug( '[ES req]', cmd );
// query backend
service.search( backend, cmd, function( err, docs, meta ){
// error handler
if( err ){
if (_.isObject(err) && err.message) {
req.errors.push( err.message );
} else {
req.errors.push( err );
// set response data
else {
res.data = docs;
res.meta = meta || {};
// store the query_type for subsequent middleware
res.meta.query_type = query.query_type;
logger.debug('[ES response]', docs);
return controller;
module.exports = setup;