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function deg2rad(degrees) {
return Math.PI*degrees/180;
function rad2deg(radians) {
return 180.0*radians/Math.PI;
// Semi-axes of WGS-84 geoidal reference
var WGS84_a = 6378137.0; // Major semiaxis [m]
var WGS84_b = 6356752.3; // Minor semiaxis [m]
// Earth radius at a given latitude, according to the WGS-84 ellipsoid [m]
function WGS84EarthRadius(lat){
var An = WGS84_a*WGS84_a * Math.cos(lat);
var Bn = WGS84_b*WGS84_b * Math.sin(lat);
var Ad = WGS84_a * Math.cos(lat);
var Bd = WGS84_b * Math.sin(lat);
return Math.sqrt( (An*An + Bn*Bn)/(Ad*Ad + Bd*Bd) );
// Bounding box surrounding the point at given coordinates,
// assuming local approximation of Earth surface as a sphere
// of radius given by WGS84
function boundingBox(latitudeInDegrees, longitudeInDegrees, halfSideInKm) {
var lat = deg2rad(latitudeInDegrees);
var lon = deg2rad(longitudeInDegrees);
11 years ago
var halfSide = 1000000*halfSideInKm;
// Radius of Earth at given latitude
var radius = WGS84EarthRadius(lat);
// Radius of the parallel at given latitude
var pradius = radius*Math.cos(lat);
var latMin = lat - halfSide/radius;
var latMax = lat + halfSide/radius;
var lonMin = lon - halfSide/pradius;
var lonMax = lon + halfSide/pradius;
return {
'top_left': {
'lat': rad2deg(latMin),
'lon': rad2deg(lonMin)
'bottom_right': {
'lat': rad2deg(latMax),
'lon': rad2deg(lonMax)
// middleware
function middleware(req, res, next){
req.clean = req.clean || {};
// ideally, bbox should be part of the req (and not to be calculated)
// TBD
req.clean.bbox = boundingBox(, req.query.lon, 2000);
// middleware
module.exports.middleware = middleware