var sanitize = require( '../../../sanitizer/_categories');
module.exports.tests = {};
module.exports.tests.no_categories = function(test, common) {
test('categories not set', function(t) {
var req = {
query: { },
clean: { }
var messages = sanitize(req.query, req.clean);
t.equal(req.clean.categories, undefined, 'no categories should be defined');
t.deepEqual(messages.errors, [], 'no error returned');
t.deepEqual(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings returned');
test('categories is empty string', function(t) {
var req = {
query: {
categories: ''
clean: { }
var expected_error = 'Categories parameter cannot be left blank. See documentation of service for valid options.';
var messages = sanitize(req.query, req.clean);
t.equal(req.clean.categories, undefined, 'no categories should be defined');
t.deepEqual(messages.errors.length, 1, 'error returned');
t.deepEqual(messages.errors[0], expected_error, 'error returned');
t.deepEqual(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings returned');
test('categories is an array of empty strings', function(t) {
var req = {
query: {
categories: ',,'
clean: { }
var expected_error = 'Invalid categories parameter value(s). See documentation of service for valid options.';
var messages = sanitize(req.query, req.clean);
t.equal(req.clean.categories, undefined, 'no categories should be defined');
t.deepEqual(messages.errors.length, 1, 'error returned');
t.deepEqual(messages.errors[0], expected_error, 'error returned');
t.deepEqual(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings returned');
module.exports.tests.valid_categories = function(test, common) {
var isValidCategoryCalled = 0;
var validCategories = {
isValidCategory: function (cat) {
return ['food','health','financial','education','government'].includes(cat); }
test('single category', function(t) {
isValidCategoryCalled = 0;
var req = {
query: {
categories: 'food'
clean: { }
var messages = sanitize(req.query, req.clean, validCategories);
t.deepEqual(req.clean.categories, ['food'], 'categories should contain food');
t.deepEqual(messages.errors, [], 'no error returned');
t.deepEqual(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings returned');
t.equal(isValidCategoryCalled, 1);
test('multiple categories', function(t) {
isValidCategoryCalled = 0;
var req = {
query: {
categories: 'food,health'
clean: { }
var expectedCategories = ['food', 'health'];
var messages = sanitize(req.query, req.clean, validCategories);
t.deepEqual(req.clean.categories, expectedCategories,
'clean.categories should be an array with proper values');
t.deepEqual(messages.errors, [], 'no error returned');
t.deepEqual(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings returned');
t.equal(isValidCategoryCalled, expectedCategories.length);
module.exports.tests.invalid_categories = function(test, common) {
var isValidCategoryCalled = 0;
var validCategories = {
isValidCategory: function (cat) {
return ['food','health','financial','education','government'].includes(cat); }
test('garbage category', function(t) {
var req = {
query: {
categories: 'barf'
clean: { }
var expected_messages = {
errors: [
'Invalid categories parameter value(s). See documentation of service for valid options.'
warnings: []
var messages = sanitize(req.query, req.clean, validCategories);
t.deepEqual(messages, expected_messages, 'error with message returned');
t.equal(req.clean.categories, undefined, 'clean.categories should remain empty');
test('all garbage categories', function(t) {
var req = {
query: {
categories: 'barf,bleh'
clean: { }
var expected_messages = {
errors: [
'Invalid categories parameter value(s). See documentation of service for valid options.'
warnings: []
var messages = sanitize(req.query, req.clean, validCategories);
t.deepEqual(messages, expected_messages, 'error with message returned');
t.equal(req.clean.categories, undefined, 'clean.categories should remain empty');
module.exports.all = function (tape, common) {
function test(name, testFunction) {
return tape('SANTIZE _categories ' + name, testFunction);
for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common);