This is the API server for the Pelias project. It's the service that runs to process user HTTP requests and return results as GeoJSON by querying Elasticsearch and the other Pelias services.
|`relativeScores`|*no*|true|if set to true, confidence scores will be normalized, realistically at this point setting this to false is not tested or desirable
|`accessLog`|*no*||name of the format to use for access logs; may be any one of the [predefined values]( in the `morgan` package. Defaults to `"common"`; if set to `false`, or an otherwise falsy value, disables access-logging entirely.|
|`services`|*no*||service definitions for [point-in-polygon](, [libpostal](, [placeholder](, and [interpolation]( services. If missing (which is not recommended), the services will not be called.|
|`targets.layers_by_source` <br>`targets.source_aliases`<br>`targets.layer_aliases`|no | |custom values for which `sources` and `layers` the API accepts ([more info](