You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

645 lines
14 KiB

'use strict';
const Joi = require('joi');
const schema = require('../../schema');
function validate(config) {
Joi.validate(config, schema, (err, value) => {
if (err) {
throw new Error(err.details[0].message);
module.exports.tests = {};
module.exports.tests.completely_valid = (test, common) => {
test('all valid configuration elements should not throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
legacyUrl: 'legacyUrl value',
accessLog: 'accessLog value',
relativeScores: true,
localization: {
flipNumberAndStreetCountries: ['ABC', 'DEF']
requestRetries: 19
esclient: {
requestTimeout: 17
test('basic valid configuration should not throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value'
esclient: {
requestTimeout: 17
module.exports.tests.api_validation = (test, common) => {
test('config without api should throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"api" is required/, 'api should exist');
test('config without unknown field in api should not throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
unknown: 'unknown value'
esclient: {}
t.doesNotThrow(validate.bind(null, config), 'unknown properties should be allowed');
test('non-string api.version should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: value,
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value'
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"version" must be a string/);
test('non-string api.indexName should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: value,
host: 'host value'
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"indexName" must be a string/);
test('non-string should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"host" must be a string/);
test('non-string api.legacyUrl should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
legacyUrl: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"legacyUrl" must be a string/);
test('non-string api.accessLog should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
accessLog: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"accessLog" must be a string/);
test('non-boolean api.relativeScores should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], 'string'].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
relativeScores: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"relativeScores" must be a boolean/);
test('non-object api.localization should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, false, [], 'string'].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
localization: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"localization" must be an object/);
test('unknown properties in api.localization should throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
localization: {
unknown_property: 'value'
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"unknown_property" is not allowed/);
test('non-array api.localization.flipNumberAndStreetCountries should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, false, 'string'].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
localization: {
flipNumberAndStreetCountries: value
esclient: {}
validate.bind(null, config),
/"flipNumberAndStreetCountries" must be an array/);
test('non-string api.localization.flipNumberAndStreetCountries elements should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, false, []].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
localization: {
flipNumberAndStreetCountries: [value]
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"0" must be a string/);
test('non-3-char api.localization.flipNumberAndStreetCountries elements should throw error', (t) => {
['AB', 'ABCD'].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
localization: {
flipNumberAndStreetCountries: [value]
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /fails to match the required pattern/);
test('config with non-number api.requestRetries should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 'string', {}, [], false].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
requestRetries: value
esclient: {}
validate.bind(null, config),
/"requestRetries" must be a number/, 'api.requestRetries should be a number');
test('config with non-integer api.requestRetries should throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
requestRetries: 17.3
esclient: {}
validate.bind(null, config),
/"requestRetries" must be an integer/, 'api.requestRetries should be an integer');
test('config with negative api.requestRetries should throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
requestRetries: -1
esclient: {}
validate.bind(null, config),
/"requestRetries" must be larger than or equal to 0/, 'api.requestRetries must be positive');
test('non-string api.pipService should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
pipService: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"pipService" must be a string/);
test('non-URI-formatted api.pipService should throw error', (t) => {
['this is not a URI'].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
pipService: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"pipService" must be a valid uri/);
test('non-http/https api.pipService should throw error', (t) => {
['ftp', 'git', 'unknown'].forEach((scheme) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
pipService: `${scheme}://localhost`
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"pipService" must be a valid uri/);
test('http/https api.pipService should not throw error', (t) => {
['http', 'https'].forEach((scheme) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
pipService: `${scheme}://localhost`
esclient: {}
t.doesNotThrow(validate.bind(null, config), `${scheme} should be allowed`);
test('non-string api.placeholderService should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, {}, [], true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
placeholderService: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"placeholderService" must be a string/);
test('non-URI-formatted api.placeholderService should throw error', (t) => {
['this is not a URI'].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
placeholderService: value
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"placeholderService" must be a valid uri/);
test('non-http/https api.placeholderService should throw error', (t) => {
['ftp', 'git', 'unknown'].forEach((scheme) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
placeholderService: `${scheme}://localhost`
esclient: {}
t.throws(validate.bind(null, config), /"placeholderService" must be a valid uri/);
test('http/https api.placeholderService should not throw error', (t) => {
['http', 'https'].forEach((scheme) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value',
placeholderService: `${scheme}://localhost`
esclient: {}
t.doesNotThrow(validate.bind(null, config), `${scheme} should be allowed`);
module.exports.tests.esclient_validation = (test, common) => {
test('config without esclient should throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value'
validate.bind(null, config),
/"esclient" is required/, 'esclient should exist');
test('config with non-object esclient should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 17, [], 'string', true].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value'
esclient: value
validate.bind(null, config),
/"esclient" must be an object/, 'esclient should be an object');
test('config with non-number esclient.requestTimeout should throw error', (t) => {
[null, 'string', {}, [], false].forEach((value) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value'
esclient: {
requestTimeout: value
validate.bind(null, config),
/"requestTimeout" must be a number/, 'esclient.requestTimeout should be a number');
test('config with non-integer esclient.requestTimeout should throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value'
esclient: {
requestTimeout: 17.3
validate.bind(null, config),
/"requestTimeout" must be an integer/, 'esclient.requestTimeout should be an integer');
test('config with negative esclient.requestTimeout should throw error', (t) => {
var config = {
api: {
version: 'version value',
indexName: 'index name value',
host: 'host value'
esclient: {
requestTimeout: -1
validate.bind(null, config),
/"requestTimeout" must be larger than or equal to 0/, 'esclient.requestTimeout must be positive');
module.exports.all = (tape, common) => {
function test(name, testFunction) {
return tape('configValidation: ' + name, testFunction);
for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common);