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9 years ago
var peliasQuery = require('pelias-query'),
ngrams_strict = require('./ngrams_strict');
Ngrams view which trims the 'input:name' and only uses the LAST TOKEN.
eg. if the input was "100 foo str", then 'input:name' would only be 'str'
note: it is assumed that the rest of the input is matched using another view.
code notes: this view makes a copy of the $vs object in order to change their
values without mutating the original values, which may be expected in their
unaltered form by other views.
module.exports = function( vs ){
// get a copy of the *tokens_incomplete* tokens produced from the input:name
var tokens = vs.var('input:name:tokens_incomplete').get();
// no valid tokens to use, fail now, don't render this view.
if( !tokens || tokens.length < 1 ){ return null; }
9 years ago
// make a copy Vars so we don't mutate the original
var vsCopy = new peliasQuery.Vars( vs.export() );
// set the 'name' variable in the copy to only the last token
vsCopy.var('input:name').set( tokens.join(' ') );
9 years ago
// return the view rendered using the copy
return {
'constant_score': {
'query': ngrams_strict( vsCopy )
9 years ago