'use strict';
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru();
const express = require('express');
const setup = require('../../../service/http_json');
const ServiceConfiguration = require('../../../service/configurations/ServiceConfiguration');
module.exports.tests = {};
module.exports.tests.interface = (test, common) => {
test('valid interface', (t) => {
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
var service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
t.equal(typeof service, 'function', 'service is a function');
module.exports.tests.conforms_to = (test, common) => {
test('non-ServiceConfiguration instance should throw error', (t) => {
const serviceConfig = 'not an instance of serviceConfiguration';
t.throws(setup.bind(null, serviceConfig), /serviceConfig be an instance of ServiceConfiguration/);
module.exports.tests.do_nothing_service = (test, common) => {
test('undefined config.url should return service that logs that config.name service is not available', (t) => {
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { } );
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isWarnMessage(/^foo service disabled$/));
service({}, (err) => {
t.equals(err, 'foo service disabled');
module.exports.tests.failure_conditions = (test, common) => {
test('server returning error should log it and return no results', (t) => {
const server = express().listen();
const port = server.address().port;
// immediately close the server so to ensure an error response
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/built_url`;
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.equals(err.code, 'ECONNREFUSED');
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage(new RegExp(`^http://localhost:${port}/built_url: .*ECONNREFUSED`)),
'there should be a connection refused error message');
test('[DNT] server returning error should log it w/sanitized URL and return no results', (t) => {
const server = express().listen();
const port = server.address().port;
// immediately close the server so to ensure an error response
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/built_url`;
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'../helper/logging': {
isDNT: () => { return true; }
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.equals(err.code, 'ECONNREFUSED');
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage(new RegExp(`^http://localhost:${port} \\[do_not_track\\]: .*ECONNREFUSED`)),
'there should be a connection refused error message');
test('server returning non-200 response should log error and return no results', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
t.notOk(req.headers.hasOwnProperty('dnt'), 'dnt header should not have been passed');
t.equals(req.headers.header1, 'header1 value', 'all headers should have been passed');
t.deepEquals(req.query, { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' });
res.status(400).send('a bad request was made');
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return { header1: 'header1 value' };
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.equals(err, `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint?param1=param1%20value¶m2=param2%20value ` +
'returned status 400: a bad request was made');
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage(`http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint?param1=param1%20value¶m2=param2%20value ` +
`returned status 400: a bad request was made`));
test('[DNT] server returning non-200 response should log sanitized error and return no results', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
t.equals(req.headers.dnt, '1');
t.equals(req.headers.header1, 'header1 value', 'all headers should have been passed');
t.deepEquals(req.query, { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' });
res.status(400).send('a bad request was made');
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return { header1: 'header1 value' };
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'../helper/logging': {
isDNT: () => { return true; }
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.equals(err, `http://localhost:${port} [do_not_track] returned status 400: a bad request was made`);
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage(`http://localhost:${port} [do_not_track] ` +
`returned status 400: a bad request was made`));
test('server returning 200 statusCode but with non-JSON response should log error and return undefined', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
t.notOk(req.headers.hasOwnProperty('dnt'), 'dnt header should not have been passed');
t.equals(req.headers.header1, 'header1 value', 'all headers should have been passed');
t.deepEquals(req.query, { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' });
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').status(200).send('this is not parseable as JSON');
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return { header1: 'header1 value' };
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.equals(err, `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint?param1=param1%20value¶m2=param2%20value ` +
`could not parse response: this is not parseable as JSON`);
t.notOk(results, 'should return undefined');
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage(`http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint?param1=param1%20value¶m2=param2%20value ` +
`could not parse response: this is not parseable as JSON`));
test('[DNT] server returning 200 statusCode but with non-JSON response should log sanitized error and return undefined', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
t.equals(req.headers.dnt, '1');
t.equals(req.headers.header1, 'header1 value', 'all headers should have been passed');
t.deepEquals(req.query, { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' });
res.status(200).send('this is not parseable as JSON');
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return { header1: 'header1 value' };
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'../helper/logging': {
isDNT: () => { return true; }
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.equals(err, `http://localhost:${port} [do_not_track] ` +
`could not parse response: this is not parseable as JSON`);
t.notOk(results, 'should return undefined');
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage(`http://localhost:${port} [do_not_track] ` +
`could not parse response: this is not parseable as JSON`));
test('server timing out on all requests should log and return error', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
let requestCount = 0;
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').status(503).send('request timeout');
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return { header1: 'header1 value' };
getRetries() {
return 1;
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.equals(err, `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint?param1=param1%20value¶m2=param2%20value ` +
'returned status 503: request timeout');
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage(`http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint?param1=param1%20value¶m2=param2%20value ` +
`returned status 503: request timeout`));
t.equals(requestCount, 2);
module.exports.tests.success_conditions = (test, common) => {
test('server returning statusCode 200 should return no error and parsed output', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
t.notOk(req.headers.hasOwnProperty('dnt'), 'dnt header should not have been passed');
t.equals(req.headers.header1, 'header1 value', 'all headers should have been passed');
t.deepEquals(req.query, { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' });
res.status(200).json([1, 2, 3]);
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return { header1: 'header1 value' };
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.notOk(err, 'should be no error');
t.deepEquals(results, [1, 2, 3]);
test('getHeaders returning undefined should use empty headers object', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
t.equals(req.headers.dnt, '1');
t.deepEquals(req.query, { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' });
res.status(200).json([1, 2, 3]);
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return undefined;
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'../helper/logging': {
isDNT: () => { return true; }
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.notOk(err, 'should be no error');
t.deepEquals(results, [1, 2, 3]);
test('server succeeding on last timeout chance should return no error and parsed output', (t) => {
const webServer = express();
let requestCount = 0;
webServer.get('/some_endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
if (++requestCount < 3) {
} else {
t.notOk(req.headers.hasOwnProperty('dnt'), 'dnt header should not have been passed');
t.equals(req.headers.header1, 'header1 value', 'all headers should have been passed');
t.deepEquals(req.query, { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' });
res.status(200).json([1, 2, 3]);
const server = webServer.listen();
const port = server.address().port;
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const MockServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
constructor(o) {
super('foo', { url: `http://localhost:${port}` } );
getUrl(req) {
return `http://localhost:${port}/some_endpoint`;
getParameters(req) {
return { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' };
getHeaders(req) {
return { header1: 'header1 value' };
const service = proxyquire('../../../service/http_json', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(new MockServiceConfig());
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage(new RegExp(`using foo service at http://localhost:${port}`)));
service({}, (err, results) => {
t.notOk(err, 'should be no error');
t.deepEquals(results, [1, 2, 3]);
t.equals(requestCount, 3);
module.exports.all = (tape, common) => {
function test(name, testFunction) {
return tape(`SERVICE /http_json ${name}`, testFunction);
for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common);