'use strict';
const placeholder = require('../../../controller/placeholder');
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru();
module.exports.tests = {};
module.exports.tests.interface = (test, common) => {
test('valid interface', (t) => {
t.equal(typeof placeholder, 'function', 'placeholder is a function');
t.equal(typeof placeholder(), 'function', 'placeholder returns a controller');
module.exports.tests.should_execute_failure = (test, common) => {
test('should_execute returning false should return without calling service', (t) => {
let placeholderService_was_called = false;
const placeholderService = () => {
placeholderService_was_called = true;
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
// req and res should be passed to should_execute
t.deepEquals(req, { a: 1 });
t.deepEquals(res, { b: 2 });
return false;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = { a: 1 };
const res = { b: 2 };
controller(req, res, () => {
module.exports.tests.success = (test, common) => {
test('should_execute returning true should call service', (t) => {
let placeholderService_was_called = false;
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
placeholderService_was_called = true;
callback(null, []);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { b: 2 };
controller(req, res, () => {
test('response from service should be converted', (t) => {
let placeholderService_was_called = false;
const placeholder_response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
lineage: [
country: {
id: 1,
name: 'country name 1',
abbr: 'ABC'
dependency: {
id: 2,
name: 'dependency name 1'
macroregion: {
id: 3,
name: 'macroregion name 1'
region: {
id: 4,
name: 'region name 1'
macrocounty: {
id: 5,
name: 'macrocounty name 1'
county: {
id: 6,
name: 'county name 1'
localadmin: {
id: 7,
name: 'localadmin name 1'
locality: {
id: 8,
name: 'locality name 1'
borough: {
id: 9,
name: 'borough name 1'
neighbourhood: {
id: 10,
name: 'neighbourhood name 1'
country: {
id: 11,
name: 'country name 2',
abbr: 'XYZ'
dependency: {
id: 12,
name: 'dependency name 2',
abbr: 'dependency abbr 2'
macroregion: {
id: 13,
name: 'macroregion name 2',
abbr: 'macroregion abbr 2'
region: {
id: 14,
name: 'region name 2',
abbr: 'region abbr 2'
macrocounty: {
id: 15,
name: 'macrocounty name 2',
abbr: 'macrocounty abbr 2'
county: {
id: 16,
name: 'county name 2',
abbr: 'county abbr 2'
localadmin: {
id: 17,
name: 'localadmin name 2',
abbr: 'localadmin abbr 2'
locality: {
id: 18,
name: 'locality name 2',
abbr: 'locality abbr 2'
borough: {
id: 19,
name: 'borough name 2',
abbr: 'borough abbr 2'
neighbourhood: {
id: 20,
name: 'neighbourhood name 2',
abbr: 'neighbourhood abbr 2'
geom: {
area: 12.34,
bbox: '21.212121,12.121212,31.313131,13.131313',
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
id: 456,
name: 'name 3',
placetype: 'locality',
lineage: [ {} ],
geom: {
area: 23.45,
bbox: '51.515151,15.151515,61.616161,16.161616',
lat: 17.171717,
lon: 71.717171
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
placeholderService_was_called = true;
callback(null, placeholder_response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
center_point: {
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
bounding_box: '{"min_lat":12.121212,"max_lat":13.131313,"min_lon":21.212121,"max_lon":31.313131}',
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
alpha3: 'XYZ',
parent: {
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name 1', 'neighbourhood name 2'],
neighbourhood_id: ['10', '20'],
neighbourhood_a: [null, 'neighbourhood abbr 2'],
borough: ['borough name 1', 'borough name 2'],
borough_id: ['9', '19'],
borough_a: [null, 'borough abbr 2'],
locality: ['locality name 1', 'locality name 2'],
locality_id: ['8', '18'],
locality_a: [null, 'locality abbr 2'],
localadmin: ['localadmin name 1', 'localadmin name 2'],
localadmin_id: ['7', '17'],
localadmin_a: [null, 'localadmin abbr 2'],
county: ['county name 1', 'county name 2'],
county_id: ['6', '16'],
county_a: [null, 'county abbr 2'],
macrocounty: ['macrocounty name 1', 'macrocounty name 2'],
macrocounty_id: ['5', '15'],
macrocounty_a: [null, 'macrocounty abbr 2'],
region: ['region name 1', 'region name 2'],
region_id: ['4', '14'],
region_a: [null, 'region abbr 2'],
macroregion: ['macroregion name 1', 'macroregion name 2'],
macroregion_id: ['3', '13'],
macroregion_a: [null, 'macroregion abbr 2'],
dependency: ['dependency name 1', 'dependency name 2'],
dependency_id: ['2', '12'],
dependency_a: [null, 'dependency abbr 2'],
country: ['country name 1', 'country name 2'],
country_id: ['1', '11'],
country_a: ['ABC', 'XYZ']
_id: '456',
_type: 'locality',
layer: 'locality',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '456',
center_point: {
lat: 17.171717,
lon: 71.717171
bounding_box: '{"min_lat":15.151515,"max_lat":16.161616,"min_lon":51.515151,"max_lon":61.616161}',
name: {
'default': 'name 3'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 3'
parent: { }
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('results with no lineage should no set any parent fields', (t) => {
const placeholder_response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
area: 12.34,
bbox: '21.212121,12.121212,31.313131,13.131313',
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
callback(null, placeholder_response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
center_point: {
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
bounding_box: '{"min_lat":12.121212,"max_lat":13.131313,"min_lon":21.212121,"max_lon":31.313131}',
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: { }
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('results with string geom.lat/geom.lon should convert to numbers', (t) => {
const placeholder_response = [
id: 1,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
area: 12.34,
lat: '14.141414',
lon: '41.414141'
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
callback(null, placeholder_response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '1',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '1',
center_point: {
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: { }
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('result without geom.bbox should leave bounding_box undefined', (t) => {
const placeholder_response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
area: 12.34,
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
callback(null, placeholder_response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
center_point: {
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: { }
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('result without geom.lat/geom.lon should leave centroid undefined', (t) => {
const placeholder_response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
area: 12.34,
bbox: '21.212121,12.121212,31.313131,13.131313'
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
callback(null, placeholder_response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
bounding_box: '{"min_lat":12.121212,"max_lat":13.131313,"min_lon":21.212121,"max_lon":31.313131}',
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: { }
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('only results matching explicit layers should be returned', (t) => {
let placeholderService_was_called = false;
const placeholder_response = [
id: 1,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
lineage: [ {} ],
geom: {
area: 1,
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
id: 2,
name: 'name 2',
placetype: 'borough',
lineage: [ {} ],
geom: {
area: 2,
lat: 15.151515,
lon: 51.515151
id: 3,
name: 'name 3',
placetype: 'locality',
lineage: [ {} ],
geom: {
area: 3,
lat: 16.161616,
lon: 61.616161
id: 4,
name: 'name 4',
placetype: 'localadmin',
lineage: [ {} ],
geom: {
area: 4,
lat: 17.171717,
lon: 71.717171
id: 5,
name: 'name 5',
placetype: 'county',
lineage: [ {} ],
geom: {
area: 5,
lat: 18.181818,
lon: 81.818181
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
layers: ['neighbourhood', 'locality', 'county']
placeholderService_was_called = true;
callback(null, placeholder_response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
layers: [
const res = { };
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '1',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '1',
center_point: {
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: { }
_id: '3',
_type: 'locality',
layer: 'locality',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '3',
center_point: {
lat: 16.161616,
lon: 61.616161
name: {
'default': 'name 3'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 3'
parent: { }
_id: '5',
_type: 'county',
layer: 'county',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '5',
center_point: {
lat: 18.181818,
lon: 81.818181
name: {
'default': 'name 5'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 5'
parent: { }
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('only synthesized docs matching explicit boundary.country should be returned', (t) => {
let placeholderService_was_called = false;
const placeholder_response = [
id: 1,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'locality',
lineage: [
country: {
id: 1,
name: 'country name 1',
abbr: 'ABC'
country: {
id: 2,
name: 'country name 2',
abbr: 'DEF'
geom: {
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
id: 3,
name: 'name 3',
placetype: 'locality',
lineage: [ {} ],
geom: {
lat: 15.151515,
lon: 51.515151
id: 4,
name: 'name 4',
placetype: 'locality',
lineage: [
country: {
id: 4,
name: 'country name 4',
abbr: 'ABC'
geom: {
lat: 16.161616,
lon: 61.616161
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
'boundary.country': 'ABC'
placeholderService_was_called = true;
callback(null, placeholder_response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
'boundary.country': 'ABC'
const res = { };
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '1',
_type: 'locality',
layer: 'locality',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '1',
center_point: {
lat: 14.141414,
lon: 41.414141
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
alpha3: 'DEF',
parent: {
country: ['country name 1', 'country name 2'],
country_id: ['1', '2'],
country_a: ['ABC', 'DEF']
_id: '4',
_type: 'locality',
layer: 'locality',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '4',
center_point: {
lat: 16.161616,
lon: 61.616161
name: {
'default': 'name 4'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 4'
alpha3: 'ABC',
parent: {
country: ['country name 4'],
country_id: ['4'],
country_a: ['ABC']
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
module.exports.tests.error_conditions = (test, common) => {
test('service return error string should add to req.errors', (t) => {
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
callback('placeholder service error', []);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = {
errors: []
const res = {};
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(req.errors, ['placeholder service error']);
test('service return error object should add message to req.errors', (t) => {
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
callback(Error('placeholder service error'), []);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = {
errors: []
const res = {};
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(req.errors, ['placeholder service error']);
test('service return error object should add stringified error to req.errors', (t) => {
const placeholderService = (req, callback) => {
callback({ error_key: 'error_value' }, []);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = placeholder(placeholderService, should_execute);
const req = {
errors: []
const res = {};
controller(req, res, () => {
t.deepEquals(req.errors, [{ error_key: 'error_value' }]);
module.exports.all = (tape, common) => {
function test(name, testFunction) {
return tape(`GET /placeholder ${name}`, testFunction);
for( const testCase in module.exports.tests ){
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common);