You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

201 lines
4.7 KiB

var es = require('elasticsearch'),
middleware = require('../../../middleware/sendJSON');
module.exports.tests = {};
module.exports.tests.invalid = function(test, common) {
test('invalid $res', function(t) {
var res;
middleware(null, res, function () {
t.pass('next() called.');
test('invalid $res.body', function(t) {
var res = { body: 1 };
middleware(null, res, function () {
t.pass('next() called.');
test('invalid $res.body.geocoding', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: 1 } };
middleware(null, res, function () {
t.pass('next() called.');
module.exports.tests.default_status = function(test, common) {
test('no errors', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {} } };
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 200, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
test('empty errors array', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {}, errors: [] } };
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 200, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.tests.default_error_status = function(test, common) {
test('default error code', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {
errors: [ 'an error' ]
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 400, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.tests.generic_server_error = function(test, common) {
test('generic server error', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {
errors: [ new Error('an error') ]
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 500, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.tests.generic_elasticsearch_error = function(test, common) {
test('generic elasticsearch error', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {
errors: [ new es.errors.Generic('an error') ]
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 500, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.tests.request_timeout = function(test, common) {
test('request timeout', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {
errors: [ new es.errors.RequestTimeout('an error') ]
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 408, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.tests.no_connections = function(test, common) {
test('no connections', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {
errors: [ new es.errors.NoConnections('an error') ]
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 502, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.tests.connection_fault = function(test, common) {
test('connection fault', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {
errors: [ new es.errors.ConnectionFault('an error') ]
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 502, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.tests.serialization = function(test, common) {
test('serialization', function(t) {
var res = { body: { geocoding: {
errors: [ new es.errors.Serialization('an error') ]
res.status = function( code ){
return { json: function( body ){
t.equal( code, 500, 'default status' );
t.deepEqual( body, res.body, 'body set' );
middleware(null, res);
module.exports.all = function (tape, common) {
function test(name, testFunction) {
return tape('[middleware] sendJSON: ' + name, testFunction);
for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common);