#> bounding rectangle
path: ' /v1/search?text=a&boundary.rect.min_lat=-40.659 '
#? 200 ok
response . statusCode . should . be . equal 400
response . should . have . header ' charset ' , ' utf8 '
response . should . have . header ' content-type ' , ' application/json; charset=utf-8 '
#? valid geocoding block
should . exist json . geocoding
should . exist json . geocoding . version
should . exist json . geocoding . attribution
should . exist json . geocoding . query
should . exist json . geocoding . engine
should . exist json . geocoding . engine . name
should . exist json . geocoding . engine . author
should . exist json . geocoding . engine . version
should . exist json . geocoding . timestamp
#? valid geojson
json . type . should . be . equal ' FeatureCollection '
json . features . should . be . instanceof Array
#? expected errors
should . exist json . geocoding . errors
json . geocoding . errors . should . eql [ ' parameters boundary.rect.min_lat, boundary.rect.max_lat, boundary.rect.min_lon and boundary.rect.max_lon must all be specified ' ]
#? expected warnings
should . not . exist json . geocoding . warnings
#? inputs
json . geocoding . query [ ' text ' ] . should . eql ' a '
json . geocoding . query [ ' size ' ] . should . eql 10
should . not . exist json . geocoding . query [ ' boundary.rect.min_lat ' ]
should . not . exist json . geocoding . query [ ' boundary.rect.max_lat ' ]
should . not . exist json . geocoding . query [ ' boundary.rect.min_lon ' ]
should . not . exist json . geocoding . query [ ' boundary.rect.max_lon ' ]