82 lines
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>This repository is part of the [Pelias](https://github.com/pelias/pelias)
>project. Pelias is an open-source, open-data geocoder built by
>[Mapzen](https://www.mapzen.com/) that also powers [Mapzen Search](https://mapzen.com/projects/search). Our
>official user documentation is [here](https://mapzen.com/documentation/search/).
# Pelias API Server
This is the API server for the Pelias project. It's the service that runs to process user HTTP requests and return results as GeoJSON by querying Elasticsearch.
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pelias/api.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/pelias/api)
11 years ago
11 years ago
## Documentation
See the [Mapzen Search documentation](https://mapzen.com/documentation/search/).
11 years ago
11 years ago
## Install Dependencies
npm install
11 years ago
## scripts
10 years ago
The API ships with several convenience commands (runnable via `npm`):
10 years ago
* `npm start`: start the server
* `npm test`: run unit tests
* `npm run ciao`: run functional tests (this requires that the server be running)
* `npm run docs`: generate API documentation
* `npm run coverage`: generate code coverage reports
11 years ago
## pelias-config
The API recognizes the following properties under the top-level `api` key in your `pelias.json` config file:
* `accessLog`: (*optional*) The name of the format to use for access logs; may be any one of the
[predefined values](https://github.com/expressjs/morgan#predefined-formats) in the `morgan` package. Defaults to
`"common"`; if set to `false`, or an otherwise falsy value, disables access-logging entirely.
## Contributing
11 years ago
Please fork and pull request against upstream master on a feature branch. Pretty please; provide unit tests and script
fixtures in the `test` directory.
## Unit tests
You can run the unit test suite using the command:
$ npm test
## HTTP tests
We have another set of tests which are used to test the HTTP API layer, these tests send expected HTTP requests and then
assert that the responses coming back have the correct geoJSON format and HTTP status codes.
You can run the HTTP test suite using the command:
$ npm run ciao
Note: some of the tests in this suite fail when no data is present in the index, there is a small set of test documents
provided in `./test/ciao_test_data` which can be inserted in order to avoid these errors.
To inject dummy data in to your local index:
$ node test/ciao_test_data.js
You can confirm the dummy data has been inserted with the command:
$ curl localhost:9200/pelias/_count?pretty
"count" : 9,