var GeoJSON = require('geojson');
function setup( backend, query ){
// allow overriding of dependencies
backend = backend || require('../src/backend');
query = query || require('../query/suggest');
function controller( req, res, next ){
// backend command
var cmd = {
index: 'pelias',
body: query( req.clean )
// query backend
backend().client.suggest( cmd, function( err, data ){
var docs = [];
// handle backend errors
if( err ){ return next( err ); }
// map response to a valid FeatureCollection
if( data && Array.isArray( data.pelias ) && data.pelias.length ){
docs = data['pelias'][0].options || [];
// convert docs to geojson
var geojson = geoJsonifyDocs( docs );
// response envelope
geojson.date = new Date().getTime();
// respond
return res.status(200).json( geojson );
return controller;
function geoJsonifyDocs( docs ){
// emit a warning if the doc format is invalid
// @note: if you see this error, fix it ASAP!
function warning(){
console.error( 'error: invalid doc', __filename );
return false; // remove offending doc from results
// flatten & expand data for geojson conversion
var geodata = docs.map( function( doc ){
// something went very wrong
if( !doc || !doc.payload ) return warning();
// split payload id string in to geojson properties
if( 'string' !== typeof doc.payload.id ) return warning();
var idParts = doc.payload.id.split('/');
doc.type = idParts[0];
doc.id = idParts[1];
// split payload geo string in to geojson properties
if( 'string' !== typeof doc.payload.geo ) return warning();
var geoParts = doc.payload.geo.split(',');
doc.lat = parseFloat( geoParts[1] );
doc.lng = parseFloat( geoParts[0] );
// remove payload from doc
delete doc.payload;
return doc;
// filter-out invalid entries
}).filter( function( doc ){
return doc;
// convert to geojson
return GeoJSON.parse( geodata, { Point: ['lat', 'lng'] } );
module.exports = setup;