const generateQuery = require('../../../query/address_search_using_ids');
const _ = require('lodash');
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru();
const mock_logger = require('pelias-mock-logger');
const MockQuery = require('./MockQuery');
module.exports.tests = {};
module.exports.tests.interface = (test, common) => {
test('valid interface', (t) => {
// helper for canned views
const views = {
focus_only_function: () => 'focus_only_function',
popularity_only_function: 'popularity_only_function view',
population_only_function: 'population_only_function view',
boundary_country: 'boundary_country view',
boundary_circle: 'boundary_circle view',
boundary_rect: 'boundary_rect view',
sources: 'sources view'
module.exports.tests.base_query = (test, common) => {
test('basic', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
const res = {
data: []
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.equals(generatedQuery.type, 'fallback_using_ids');
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('input:housenumber').toString(), 'housenumber value');
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('input:street').toString(), 'street value');
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('size').toString(), 20);
t.deepEquals(generatedQuery.body.score_functions, [
'popularity_only_function view',
'population_only_function view'
t.deepEquals(generatedQuery.body.filter_functions, [
'boundary_country view',
'boundary_circle view',
'boundary_rect view',
'sources view'
t.deepEquals(logger.getInfoMessages(), ['[query:address_search_using_ids] [parser:libpostal]']);
module.exports.tests.other_parameters = (test, common) => {
test('explicit size set', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
querySize: 'querySize value'
const res = {
data: []
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('size').toString(), 'querySize value');
t.deepEquals(logger.getInfoMessages(), ['[query:address_search_using_ids] [parser:libpostal] [param:querySize]']);
test('explicit sources set', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
sources: ['source 1', 'source 2']
const res = {
data: []
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.deepEquals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('sources').toString(), ['source 1', 'source 2']);
t.deepEquals(logger.getInfoMessages(), ['[query:address_search_using_ids] [parser:libpostal] [param:sources]']);
module.exports.tests.granularity_bands = (test, common) => {
test('neighbourhood/borough/locality/localadmin granularity band', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
const res = {
data: [
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source_id: 1
layer: 'borough',
source_id: 2
layer: 'locality',
source_id: 3
layer: 'localadmin',
source_id: 4
layer: 'county',
source_id: 5
layer: 'macrocounty',
source_id: 6
layer: 'region',
source_id: 7
layer: 'macroregion',
source_id: 8
layer: 'dependency',
source_id: 9
layer: 'country',
source_id: 10
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source_id: 11
layer: 'borough',
source_id: 12
layer: 'locality',
source_id: 13
layer: 'localadmin',
source_id: 14
layer: 'county',
source_id: 15
layer: 'macrocounty',
source_id: 16
layer: 'region',
source_id: 17
layer: 'macroregion',
source_id: 18
layer: 'dependency',
source_id: 19
layer: 'country',
source_id: 20
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.deepEquals(JSON.parse(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('input:layers')), {
neighbourhood: [1, 11],
borough: [2, 12],
locality: [3, 13],
localadmin: [4, 14],
region: [7, 17],
macroregion: [8, 18],
dependency: [9, 19],
country: [10, 20]
test('only band members with ids should be passed', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
const res = {
data: [
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source_id: 1
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.deepEquals(JSON.parse(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('input:layers')), {
neighbourhood: [1],
borough: [],
locality: [],
localadmin: [],
region: [],
macroregion: [],
dependency: [],
country: []
test('county/macrocounty granularity band', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
const res = {
data: [
layer: 'county',
source_id: 1
layer: 'macrocounty',
source_id: 2
layer: 'county',
source_id: 4
layer: 'macrocounty',
source_id: 5
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.deepEquals(JSON.parse(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('input:layers')), {
county: [1, 4],
macrocounty: [2, 5]
module.exports.tests.boundary_filters = (test, common) => {
test('boundary.country available should add to query', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
'boundary.country': 'boundary.country value'
const res = {};
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:country').toString(), 'boundary.country value');
test('focus.point.lat/lon w/both numbers should add to query', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
'focus.point.lat': 12.121212,
'focus.point.lon': 21.212121
const res = {};
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('focus:point:lat').toString(), 12.121212);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('focus:point:lon').toString(), 21.212121);
test('boundary.rect with all numbers should add to query', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
'boundary.rect.min_lat': 12.121212,
'boundary.rect.max_lat': 13.131313,
'boundary.rect.min_lon': 21.212121,
'boundary.rect.max_lon': 31.313131
const res = {};
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:rect:top').toString(), 13.131313);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:rect:right').toString(), 31.313131);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:rect:bottom').toString(), 12.121212);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:rect:left').toString(), 21.212121);
test('boundary circle without radius should set radius to default', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
'boundary.circle.lat': 12.121212,
'boundary.circle.lon': 21.212121
const res = {};
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:circle:lat').toString(), 12.121212);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:circle:lon').toString(), 21.212121);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:circle:radius').toString(), '50km');
test('boundary circle with radius set radius to that value rounded', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const clean = {
parsed_text: {
number: 'housenumber value',
street: 'street value'
'boundary.circle.lat': 12.121212,
'boundary.circle.lon': 21.212121,
'boundary.circle.radius': 17.6
const res = {};
const generateQuery = proxyquire('../../../query/address_search_using_ids', {
'pelias-logger': logger,
'pelias-query': {
layout: {
AddressesUsingIdsQuery: MockQuery
view: views,
Vars: require('pelias-query').Vars
const generatedQuery = generateQuery(clean, res);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:circle:lat').toString(), 12.121212);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:circle:lon').toString(), 21.212121);
t.equals(generatedQuery.body.vs.var('boundary:circle:radius').toString(), '18km');
module.exports.all = (tape, common) => {
function test(name, testFunction) {
return tape(`address_search_using_ids query ${name}`, testFunction);
for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common);