You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

569 lines
15 KiB

const setup = require('../../../controller/search_with_ids');
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru();
const mocklogger = require('pelias-mock-logger');
const _ = require('lodash');
module.exports.tests = {};
module.exports.tests.interface = (test, common) => {
test('valid interface', (t) => {
t.ok(_.isFunction(setup), 'setup is a function');
t.ok(_.isFunction(setup()), 'setup returns a controller');
module.exports.tests.success = (test, common) => {
test('successful request to search service should replace data and meta', (t) => {
const logger = mocklogger();
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value'
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({
body: 'this is the query body',
type: 'this is the query type'
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
t.equal(esclient, 'this is the esclient');
t.deepEqual(cmd, {
index: 'indexName value',
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch',
body: 'this is the query body'
const docs = [
{ name: 'replacement result #1'},
{ name: 'replacement result #2'}
const meta = { key: 'replacement meta value' };
callback(undefined, docs, meta);
'pelias-logger': logger
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {
data: [
{ name: 'original result #1'},
{ name: 'original result #2'}
meta: {
key: 'original meta value'
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: [],
warnings: []
t.deepEquals(res, {
data: [
{ name: 'replacement result #1'},
{ name: 'replacement result #2'}
meta: {
key: 'replacement meta value',
query_type: 'this is the query type'
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage('[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:2]'));
controller(req, res, next);
test('undefined meta should set empty object into res', (t) => {
const logger = mocklogger();
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value'
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({
body: 'this is the query body',
type: 'this is the query type'
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
const docs = [
{ name: 'replacement result #1'},
{ name: 'replacement result #2'}
callback(undefined, docs, undefined);
'pelias-logger': logger
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {
data: [
{ name: 'original result #1'},
{ name: 'original result #2'}
meta: {
key: 'original meta value'
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: [],
warnings: []
t.deepEquals(res, {
data: [
{ name: 'replacement result #1'},
{ name: 'replacement result #2'}
meta: {
query_type: 'this is the query type'
controller(req, res, next);
test('undefined docs in response should not overwrite existing results', (t) => {
t.plan(1+3); // ensures that search service was called, then req+res+logger tests
const logger = mocklogger();
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value'
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({
body: 'this is the query body',
type: 'this is the query type'
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
t.pass('search service was called');
const meta = { key: 'new value' };
callback(undefined, undefined, meta);
'pelias-logger': logger
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {
data: [
{ id: 1 },
{ id: 2 }
meta: {
key: 'value'
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: [],
warnings: []
t.deepEquals(res, {
data: [
{ id: 1 },
{ id: 2 }
meta: { key: 'value' }
t.notOk(logger.isInfoMessage(/[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:0]/));
controller(req, res, next);
test('empty docs in response should not overwrite existing results', (t) => {
const logger = mocklogger();
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value'
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({
body: 'this is the query body',
type: 'this is the query type'
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
t.pass('search service was called');
const meta = { key: 'value' };
callback(undefined, [], meta);
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {
data: [
{ name: 'pre-existing result #1' },
{ name: 'pre-existing result #2' }
meta: {
key: 'value'
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: [],
warnings: []
t.deepEquals(res, {
data: [
{ name: 'pre-existing result #1' },
{ name: 'pre-existing result #2' }
meta: { key: 'value' }
t.notOk(logger.isInfoMessage(/[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:0]/));
controller(req, res, next);
test('successful request on retry to search service should log info message', (t) => {
t.plan(3+2+2); // 3 search service calls, 2 log messages, 1 req, 1 res
const logger = mocklogger();
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value'
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({
body: 'this is the query body',
type: 'this is the query type'
let searchServiceCallCount = 0;
const timeoutError = {
status: 408,
displayName: 'RequestTimeout',
message: 'Request Timeout after 17ms'
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
t.pass('search service was called');
if (searchServiceCallCount < 2) {
// note that the searchService got called
} else {
const docs = [
{ name: 'replacement result #1'},
{ name: 'replacement result #2'}
const meta = { key: 'replacement meta value' };
callback(undefined, docs, meta);
'pelias-logger': logger
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {
data: [
{ name: 'original result #1'},
{ name: 'original result #2'}
meta: {
key: 'original meta value'
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: [],
warnings: []
t.deepEquals(res, {
data: [
{ name: 'replacement result #1'},
{ name: 'replacement result #2'}
meta: {
key: 'replacement meta value',
query_type: 'this is the query type'
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage('[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:2]'));
t.ok(logger.isInfoMessage('succeeded on retry 2'));
controller(req, res, next);
module.exports.tests.service_errors = (test, common) => {
test('default # of request timeout retries should be 3', (t) => {
// test for 1 initial search service, 3 retries, 1 log messages, 1 req, and 1 res
t.plan(1 + 3 + 1 + 2);
const logger = mocklogger();
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value'
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({
body: 'this is the query body',
const timeoutError = {
status: 408,
displayName: 'RequestTimeout',
message: 'Request Timeout after 17ms'
// a controller that validates that the search service was called
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
// note that the searchService got called
t.pass('search service was called');
'pelias-logger': logger
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {};
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(logger.getInfoMessages(), [
8 years ago
'[req] endpoint=undefined {}',
'request timed out on attempt 1, retrying',
'request timed out on attempt 2, retrying',
'request timed out on attempt 3, retrying'
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: [timeoutError.message],
warnings: []
t.deepEqual(res, {});
controller(req, res, next);
test('explicit apiConfig.requestRetries should retry that many times', (t) => {
t.plan(1 + 17); // test for initial search service call and 17 retries
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value',
requestRetries: 17
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({ });
const timeoutError = {
status: 408,
displayName: 'RequestTimeout',
message: 'Request Timeout after 17ms'
// a controller that validates that the search service was called
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
// note that the searchService got called
t.pass('search service was called');
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {};
controller(req, res, () => t.end() );
test('only status code 408 should be considered a retryable request', (t) => {
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value',
requestRetries: 17
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({ });
const nonTimeoutError = {
status: 500,
displayName: 'InternalServerError',
message: 'an internal server error occurred'
// a controller that validates that the search service was called
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
// note that the searchService got called
t.pass('search service was called');
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {};
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: [nonTimeoutError.message],
warnings: []
controller(req, res, next);
test('string error should not retry and be logged as-is', (t) => {
t.plan(2); // service call + error is in req.errors
const config = {
indexName: 'indexName value'
const esclient = 'this is the esclient';
const query = () => ({ });
// a controller that validates that the search service was called
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => {
// note that the searchService got called
t.pass('search service was called');
callback('this is an error string');
})(config, esclient, query, () => true );
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] };
const res = {};
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
clean: {},
errors: ['this is an error string'],
warnings: []
controller(req, res, next);
module.exports.tests.should_execute = (test, common) => {
test('should_execute returning false and empty req.errors should call next', (t) => {
const esclient = () =>'esclient should not have been called');
const query = () =>'query should not have been called');
const should_execute = () => false;
const controller = setup( {}, esclient, query, should_execute );
const req = { };
const res = { };
const next = () => {
t.deepEqual(res, { });
controller(req, res, next);
module.exports.tests.undefined_query = (test, common) => {
test('query returning undefined should not call service', (t) => {
t.plan(0, 'test will fail if search service actually gets called');
// a function that returns undefined
const query = () => undefined;
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search_with_ids', {
'../service/search': () => {'search service should not have been called');
})(undefined, undefined, query, () => true );
const next = () => t.end();
controller({}, {}, next);
module.exports.all = (tape, common) => {
function test(name, testFunction) {
return tape(`GET /search ${name}`, testFunction);
for( const testCase in module.exports.tests ){
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common);