var peliasQuery = require('pelias-query'),
sort = require('../query/sort'),
adminFields = require('../helper/adminFields')();
// general-purpose search query
var query = new peliasQuery.layout.FilteredBooleanQuery();
// mandatory matches
query.score( peliasQuery.view.boundary_country, 'must' );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.ngrams, 'must' );
// scoring boost
query.score( peliasQuery.view.phrase );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.focus );
// address components
query.score( peliasQuery.view.address('housenumber') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.address('street') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.address('postcode') );
// admin components
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('alpha3') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('admin0') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('admin1') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('admin1_abbr') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('admin2') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('local_admin') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('locality') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('neighborhood') );
// non-scoring hard filters
query.filter( peliasQuery.view.boundary_circle );
query.filter( peliasQuery.view.boundary_rect );
// --------------------------------
map request variables to query variables for all inputs
provided by this HTTP request.
function generateQuery( clean ){
var vs = new peliasQuery.Vars( peliasQuery.defaults );
// input text
vs.var( 'input:name', clean.text );
// size
if( clean.size ){
vs.var( 'size', clean.size );
// focus point
if( clean.lat && clean.lon ){
'focus:point:lat': clean.lat,
'focus:point:lon': clean.lon
// focus viewport
// @todo: change these to the correct request variable names
// @todo: calculate the centroid from the viewport box
// if( clean.focus.viewport ){
// var vp = clean.focus.viewport;
// vs.set({
// 'focus:point:lat': vp.min_lat + ( vp.max_lat - vp.min_lat ) / 2,
// 'focus:point:lon': vp.min_lon + ( vp.max_lon - vp.min_lon ) / 2
// });
// }
// boundary rect
if( clean.bbox ){
'boundary:rect:top': clean.bbox.top,
'boundary:rect:right': clean.bbox.right,
'boundary:rect:bottom': clean.bbox.bottom,
'boundary:rect:left': clean.bbox.left
// boundary circle
// @todo: change these to the correct request variable names
// if( clean.boundary.circle ){
// vs.set({
// 'boundary:circle:lat': clean.boundary.circle.lat,
// 'boundary:circle:lon': clean.boundary.circle.lon,
// 'boundary:circle:radius': clean.boundary.circle.radius + 'm'
// });
// }
// boundary country
// @todo: change these to the correct request variable names
// if( clean.boundary.country ){
// vs.set({
// 'boundary:country': clean.boundary.country
// });
// }
// address parsing
if( clean.parsed_text ){
// is it a street address?
var isStreetAddress = clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('number') && clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('street');
if( isStreetAddress ){
vs.var( 'input:name', clean.parsed_text.number + ' ' + clean.parsed_text.street );
// I don't understand this
else if( clean.parsed_text.admin_parts ) {
vs.var( 'input:name', clean.parsed_text.name );
// or this..
else {
console.warn( 'chaos monkey asks: what happens now?' );
console.log( clean );
try{ throw new Error(); } catch(e){ console.error( e.stack ); } // print a stack trace
// ==== add parsed matches [address components] ====
// house number
if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('number') ){
vs.var( 'input:housenumber', clean.parsed_text.number );
// street name
if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('street') ){
vs.var( 'input:street', clean.parsed_text.street );
// postal code
if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('postalcode') ){
vs.var( 'input:postcode', clean.parsed_text.postalcode );
// ==== add parsed matches [admin components] ====
// city
if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('city') ){
vs.var( 'input:admin2', clean.parsed_text.city );
// state
if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('state') ){
vs.var( 'input:admin1_abbr', clean.parsed_text.state );
// country
if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('country') ){
vs.var( 'input:alpha3', clean.parsed_text.country );
// ==== deal with the 'leftover' components ====
// @todo: clean up this code
// a concept called 'leftovers' which is just 'admin_parts' /or 'regions'.
var leftoversString = '';
if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('admin_parts') ){
leftoversString = clean.parsed_text.admin_parts;
else if( clean.parsed_text.hasOwnProperty('regions') ){
leftoversString = clean.parsed_text.regions.join(' ');
// if we have 'leftovers' then assign them to any fields which
// currently don't have a value assigned.
if( leftoversString.length ){
var unmatchedAdminFields = adminFields.slice();
// cycle through fields and set fields which
// are still currently unset
unmatchedAdminFields.forEach( function( key ){
if( !vs.isset( 'input:' + key ) ){
vs.var( 'input:' + key, leftoversString );
var result = query.render( vs );
// @todo: remove unnessesary sort conditions
result.sort = result.sort.concat( sort( clean ) );
// @todo: remove this hack
return JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( result ) );
module.exports = generateQuery;