const peliasQuery = require('pelias-query');
const defaults = require('./autocomplete_defaults');
const textParser = require('./text_parser_addressit');
const check = require('check-types');
const logger = require('pelias-logger').get('api');
// additional views (these may be merged in to pelias/query at a later date)
var views = {
ngrams_strict: require('./view/ngrams_strict'),
ngrams_last_token_only: require('./view/ngrams_last_token_only'),
phrase_first_tokens_only: require('./view/phrase_first_tokens_only'),
pop_subquery: require('./view/pop_subquery'),
boost_exact_matches: require('./view/boost_exact_matches')
// autocomplete query
var query = new peliasQuery.layout.FilteredBooleanQuery();
// mandatory matches
query.score( views.phrase_first_tokens_only, 'must' );
query.score( views.ngrams_last_token_only, 'must' );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.boundary_country, 'must' );
// address components
query.score( peliasQuery.view.address('housenumber') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.address('street') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.address('postcode') );
// admin components
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('country') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('country_a') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('region') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('region_a') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('county') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('borough') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('localadmin') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('locality') );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.admin('neighbourhood') );
// scoring boost
query.score( views.boost_exact_matches );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.focus( views.ngrams_strict ) );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.popularity( views.pop_subquery ) );
query.score( peliasQuery.view.population( views.pop_subquery ) );
const boostView = require( './view/boost_sources_and_layers' );
const boostConfig = {}; //TODO: empty config to make functional tests pass for now
// example useful config:
//const boostConfig = {
//layer: {
//stops: 5,
//fare: 5,
//station: 1
query.score( boostView(boostConfig) );
// non-scoring hard filters
query.filter( peliasQuery.view.sources );
query.filter( peliasQuery.view.layers );
query.filter( peliasQuery.view.boundary_rect );
// --------------------------------
map request variables to query variables for all inputs
provided by this HTTP request.
function generateQuery( clean ){
const vs = new peliasQuery.Vars( defaults );
let logStr = '[query:autocomplete] [parser:addressit] ';
// sources
if( check.array(clean.sources) && clean.sources.length ){
vs.var( 'sources', clean.sources );
logStr += '[param:sources] ';
// layers
if( check.array(clean.layers) && clean.layers.length ){
vs.var( 'layers', clean.layers);
logStr += '[param:layers] ';
// boundary country
if( check.string(clean['boundary.country']) ){
'boundary:country': clean['boundary.country']
logStr += '[param:boundary_country] ';
// pass the input tokens to the views so they can choose which tokens
// are relevant for their specific function.
if( check.array( clean.tokens ) ){
vs.var( 'input:name:tokens', clean.tokens );
vs.var( 'input:name:tokens_complete', clean.tokens_complete );
vs.var( 'input:name:tokens_incomplete', clean.tokens_incomplete );
// input text
vs.var( 'input:name', clean.text );
// if the tokenizer has run then we set 'input:name' to as the combination of the
// 'complete' tokens with the 'incomplete' tokens, the resuting array differs
// slightly from the 'input:name:tokens' array as some tokens might have been
// removed in the process; such as single grams which are not present in then
// ngrams index.
if( check.array( clean.tokens_complete ) && check.array( clean.tokens_incomplete ) ){
var combined = clean.tokens_complete.concat( clean.tokens_incomplete );
if( combined.length ){
vs.var( 'input:name', combined.join(' ') );
// focus point
if( check.number(clean['focus.point.lat']) &&
check.number(clean['focus.point.lon']) ){
'focus:point:lat': clean['focus.point.lat'],
'focus:point:lon': clean['focus.point.lon']
logStr += '[param:focus_point] ';
// boundary rect
if( check.number(clean['boundary.rect.min_lat']) &&
check.number(clean['boundary.rect.max_lat']) &&
check.number(clean['boundary.rect.min_lon']) &&
check.number(clean['boundary.rect.max_lon']) ){
'boundary:rect:top': clean['boundary.rect.max_lat'],
'boundary:rect:right': clean['boundary.rect.max_lon'],
'boundary:rect:bottom': clean['boundary.rect.min_lat'],
'boundary:rect:left': clean['boundary.rect.min_lon']
logStr += '[param:boundary_rect] ';
// run the address parser
if( clean.parsed_text ){
textParser( clean.parsed_text, vs );
return {
type: 'autocomplete',
body: query.render(vs)
module.exports = generateQuery;