@ -277,6 +277,81 @@ module.exports.tests.success_conditions = (test, common) => { |
}); |
}); |
test('results should be sorted first by address/non-address. previous ordering should otherwise be maintained via a stable sort', t => { |
const service = (req, res, callback) => { |
// results 5 and 7 will have interpolated results returned
// this is to ensure results are re-sorted to move the addresses first
if (res.id === 5 || res.id === 7) { |
callback(null, { |
properties: { |
number: 17, |
source: 'Source Abbr 1', |
source_id: 'source 1 source id', |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
} |
}); |
} else { |
// return empty results in most cases
callback(null, {}); |
} |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../middleware/interpolate', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, () => true); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
parsed_text: 'this is req.clean.parsed_text' |
} |
}; |
const res = {}; |
// helper method to generate test results which default to streets
function generateTestStreets(id) { |
return { |
id: id+1, |
layer: 'street', |
name: { default: `name ${id+1}` }, |
address_parts: {}, |
source_id: 'original source_id' |
}; |
} |
// generate a set of street results of desired size
// NOTE: this set must be of 11 elements or greater
// Node.js uses stable insertion sort for arrays of 10 or fewer elements,
// but _unstable_ QuickSort for larger arrays
const resultCount = 11; |
const sequence_array = Array.from(new Array(resultCount),(val,index)=>index); |
res.data = sequence_array.map(generateTestStreets); |
controller(req, res, () => { |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages(), 'there shouldn\'t be any error messages'); |
const results = res.data; |
t.equals(results.length, results.length, 'correct number of results should be returned'); |
t.equals(results[0].layer, 'address', 'first result should be interpolated address'); |
t.equals(results[1].layer, 'address', 'second result should be interpolated address'); |
// iterate through all remaining records, ensuring their ids are increasing,
// as was the case when the set of streets was originally generated
let previous_id; |
for (let i = 2; i < results.length; i++) { |
if (previous_id) { |
t.ok(results[i].id > previous_id, `id ${results[i].id} should be higher than ${previous_id}, to ensure sort is stable`); |
} |
previous_id = results[i].id; |
} |
t.end(); |
}); |
}); |
test('service call returning error should not map in interpolated results for non-errors', t => { |
test('service call returning error should not map in interpolated results for non-errors', t => { |
const service = (req, res, callback) => { |
const service = (req, res, callback) => { |
if (res.id === 1) { |
if (res.id === 1) { |