@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
var setup = require('../../../controller/search'), |
mockBackend = require('../mock/backend'), |
mockQuery = require('../mock/query'); |
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru(); |
'use strict'; |
const setup = require('../../../controller/search'); |
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru(); |
module.exports.tests = {}; |
@ -13,179 +13,529 @@ module.exports.tests.interface = function(test, common) {
}); |
}; |
// reminder: this is only the api subsection of the full config
var fakeDefaultConfig = { |
indexName: 'pelias' |
}; |
module.exports.tests.success = function(test, common) { |
test('successful request to search service should set data and meta', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value' |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { |
body: 'this is the query body', |
type: 'this is the query type' |
}; |
}; |
// request timeout messages willl be written here
const infoMesssages = []; |
// functionally test controller (backend success)
module.exports.tests.functional_success = function(test, common) { |
// expected geojson features for 'client/suggest/ok/1' fixture
var expected = [{ |
type: 'Feature', |
geometry: { |
type: 'Point', |
coordinates: [-50.5, 100.1] |
}, |
properties: { |
id: 'myid1', |
layer: 'mytype1', |
text: 'test name1, city1, state1' |
} |
}, { |
type: 'Feature', |
geometry: { |
type: 'Point', |
coordinates: [-51.5, 100.2] |
}, |
properties: { |
id: 'myid2', |
layer: 'mytype2', |
text: 'test name2, city2, state2' |
} |
}]; |
var expectedMeta = { |
scores: [10, 20], |
query_type: 'mock' |
}; |
var expectedData = [ |
{ |
_id: 'myid1', |
_score: 10, |
_type: 'mytype1', |
_matched_queries: ['query 1', 'query 2'], |
parent: { |
country: ['country1'], |
region: ['state1'], |
county: ['city1'] |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
t.equal(esclient, 'this is the esclient'); |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { |
index: 'indexName value', |
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch', |
body: 'this is the query body' |
}); |
const docs = [{}, {}]; |
const meta = { key: 'value' }; |
callback(undefined, docs, meta); |
}, |
center_point: { lat: 100.1, lon: -50.5 }, |
name: { default: 'test name1' }, |
value: 1 |
}, |
{ |
_id: 'myid2', |
_score: 20, |
_type: 'mytype2', |
_matched_queries: ['query 3'], |
parent: { |
country: ['country2'], |
region: ['state2'], |
county: ['city2'] |
'pelias-logger': { |
get: (service) => { |
t.equal(service, 'api'); |
return { |
info: (msg) => { |
infoMesssages.push(msg); |
}, |
debug: () => {} |
}; |
} |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.deepEqual(req, { |
clean: {}, |
errors: [], |
warnings: [] |
}); |
t.deepEquals(res.data, [{}, {}]); |
t.deepEquals(res.meta, { key: 'value', query_type: 'this is the query type' }); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.find((msg) => { |
return msg === '[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:2]'; |
})); |
t.end(); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
test('undefined meta should set empty object into res', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value' |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { |
body: 'this is the query body', |
type: 'this is the query type' |
}; |
}; |
// request timeout messages willl be written here
const infoMesssages = []; |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
t.equal(esclient, 'this is the esclient'); |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { |
index: 'indexName value', |
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch', |
body: 'this is the query body' |
}); |
const docs = [{}, {}]; |
callback(undefined, docs, undefined); |
}, |
center_point: { lat: 100.2, lon: -51.5 }, |
name: { default: 'test name2' }, |
value: 2 |
} |
]; |
test('functional success', function (t) { |
var backend = mockBackend('client/search/ok/1', function (cmd) { |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { |
body: {a: 'b'}, |
index: 'pelias', |
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch' |
}, 'correct backend command'); |
}); |
var controller = setup(fakeDefaultConfig, backend, mockQuery()); |
var res = { |
status: function (code) { |
t.equal(code, 200, 'status set'); |
return res; |
'pelias-logger': { |
get: (service) => { |
t.equal(service, 'api'); |
return { |
info: (msg) => { |
infoMesssages.push(msg); |
}, |
debug: () => {} |
}; |
} |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.deepEqual(req, { |
clean: {}, |
errors: [], |
warnings: [] |
}); |
t.deepEquals(res.data, [{}, {}]); |
t.deepEquals(res.meta, { query_type: 'this is the query type' }); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.find((msg) => { |
return msg === '[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:2]'; |
})); |
t.end(); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
test('undefined docs should log 0 results', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value' |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { |
body: 'this is the query body', |
type: 'this is the query type' |
}; |
}; |
// request timeout messages willl be written here
const infoMesssages = []; |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
t.equal(esclient, 'this is the esclient'); |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { |
index: 'indexName value', |
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch', |
body: 'this is the query body' |
}); |
const meta = { key: 'value' }; |
callback(undefined, undefined, meta); |
}, |
json: function (json) { |
t.equal(typeof json, 'object', 'returns json'); |
t.equal(typeof json.date, 'number', 'date set'); |
t.equal(json.type, 'FeatureCollection', 'valid geojson'); |
t.true(Array.isArray(json.features), 'features is array'); |
t.deepEqual(json.features, expected, 'values correctly mapped'); |
'pelias-logger': { |
get: (service) => { |
t.equal(service, 'api'); |
return { |
info: (msg) => { |
infoMesssages.push(msg); |
}, |
debug: () => {} |
}; |
} |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.deepEqual(req, { |
clean: {}, |
errors: [], |
warnings: [] |
}); |
t.equals(res.data, undefined); |
t.deepEquals(res.meta, { key: 'value', query_type: 'this is the query type' }); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.find((msg) => { |
return msg === '[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:0]'; |
})); |
t.end(); |
}; |
var req = { clean: { a: 'b' }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
var next = function next() { |
t.equal(req.errors.length, 0, 'next was called without error'); |
t.deepEqual(res.meta, expectedMeta, 'meta data was set'); |
t.deepEqual(res.data, expectedData, 'data was set'); |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
test('successful request on retry to search service should log info message', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value' |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { |
body: 'this is the query body', |
type: 'this is the query type' |
}; |
}; |
let searchServiceCallCount = 0; |
const timeoutError = { |
status: 408, |
displayName: 'RequestTimeout', |
message: 'Request Timeout after 17ms' |
}; |
// request timeout messages willl be written here
const infoMesssages = []; |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
t.equal(esclient, 'this is the esclient'); |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { |
index: 'indexName value', |
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch', |
body: 'this is the query body' |
}); |
if (searchServiceCallCount < 2) { |
// note that the searchService got called
searchServiceCallCount++; |
callback(timeoutError); |
} else { |
const docs = [{}, {}]; |
const meta = { key: 'value' }; |
callback(undefined, docs, meta); |
} |
}, |
'pelias-logger': { |
get: (service) => { |
t.equal(service, 'api'); |
return { |
info: (msg) => { |
infoMesssages.push(msg); |
}, |
debug: () => {} |
}; |
} |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.deepEqual(req, { |
clean: {}, |
errors: [], |
warnings: [] |
}); |
t.deepEquals(res.data, [{}, {}]); |
t.deepEquals(res.meta, { key: 'value', query_type: 'this is the query type' }); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.find((msg) => { |
return msg === '[controller:search] [queryType:this is the query type] [es_result_count:2]'; |
})); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.find((msg) => { |
return msg === 'succeeded on retry 2'; |
})); |
t.end(); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
test('functional success with alternate index name', function(t) { |
var fakeCustomizedConfig = { |
indexName: 'alternateindexname' |
}; |
module.exports.tests.timeout = function(test, common) { |
test('default # of request timeout retries should be 3', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value' |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { body: 'this is the query body' }; |
}; |
var backend = mockBackend('client/search/ok/1', function (cmd) { |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { |
body: {a: 'b'}, |
index: 'alternateindexname', |
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch' |
}, 'correct backend command'); |
}); |
var controller = setup(fakeCustomizedConfig, backend, mockQuery()); |
var res = { |
status: function (code) { |
t.equal(code, 200, 'status set'); |
return res; |
let searchServiceCallCount = 0; |
const timeoutError = { |
status: 408, |
displayName: 'RequestTimeout', |
message: 'Request Timeout after 17ms' |
}; |
// request timeout messages willl be written here
const infoMesssages = []; |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
t.equal(esclient, 'this is the esclient'); |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { |
index: 'indexName value', |
searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch', |
body: 'this is the query body' |
}); |
// not that the searchService got called
searchServiceCallCount++; |
callback(timeoutError); |
}, |
'pelias-logger': { |
get: (service) => { |
t.equal(service, 'api'); |
return { |
info: (msg) => { |
infoMesssages.push(msg); |
}, |
debug: () => {} |
}; |
} |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.equal(searchServiceCallCount, 3+1); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.indexOf('request timed out on attempt 1, retrying') !== -1); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.indexOf('request timed out on attempt 2, retrying') !== -1); |
t.ok(infoMesssages.indexOf('request timed out on attempt 3, retrying') !== -1); |
t.deepEqual(req, { |
clean: {}, |
errors: [timeoutError.message], |
warnings: [] |
}); |
t.deepEqual(res, {}); |
t.end(); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
test('explicit apiConfig.requestRetries should retry that many times', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value', |
requestRetries: 17 |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { }; |
}; |
var req = { clean: { a: 'b' }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
var next = function next() { |
t.equal(req.errors.length, 0, 'next was called without error'); |
let searchServiceCallCount = 0; |
const timeoutError = { |
status: 408, |
displayName: 'RequestTimeout', |
message: 'Request Timeout after 17ms' |
}; |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
// not that the searchService got called
searchServiceCallCount++; |
callback(timeoutError); |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.equal(searchServiceCallCount, 17+1); |
t.end(); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
}; |
// functionally test controller (backend failure)
module.exports.tests.functional_failure = function(test, common) { |
test('functional failure', function(t) { |
var backend = mockBackend( 'client/search/fail/1', function( cmd ){ |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { body: { a: 'b' }, index: 'pelias', searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch' }, 'correct backend command'); |
}); |
var controller = setup( fakeDefaultConfig, backend, mockQuery() ); |
var req = { clean: { a: 'b' }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
var next = function(){ |
t.equal(req.errors[0],'a backend error occurred'); |
test('only status code 408 should be considered a retryable request', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value', |
requestRetries: 17 |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { }; |
}; |
let searchServiceCallCount = 0; |
const nonTimeoutError = { |
status: 500, |
displayName: 'InternalServerError', |
message: 'an internal server error occurred' |
}; |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
// not that the searchService got called
searchServiceCallCount++; |
callback(nonTimeoutError); |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.equal(searchServiceCallCount, 1); |
t.deepEqual(req, { |
clean: {}, |
errors: [nonTimeoutError.message], |
warnings: [] |
}); |
t.end(); |
}; |
controller(req, undefined, next ); |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.timeout = function(test, common) { |
test('timeout', function(t) { |
var backend = mockBackend( 'client/search/timeout/1', function( cmd ){ |
t.deepEqual(cmd, { body: { a: 'b' }, index: 'pelias', searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch' }, 'correct backend command'); |
}); |
var controller = setup( fakeDefaultConfig, backend, mockQuery() ); |
var req = { clean: { a: 'b' }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
var next = function(){ |
t.equal(req.errors[0],'Request Timeout after 5000ms'); |
test('string error should not retry and be logged as-is', (t) => { |
const config = { |
indexName: 'indexName value', |
requestRetries: 17 |
}; |
const esclient = 'this is the esclient'; |
const query = () => { |
return { }; |
}; |
let searchServiceCallCount = 0; |
const stringTypeError = 'this is an error string'; |
// a controller that validates the esclient and cmd that was passed to the search service
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': (esclient, cmd, callback) => { |
// not that the searchService got called
searchServiceCallCount++; |
callback(stringTypeError); |
} |
})(config, esclient, query); |
const req = { clean: { }, errors: [], warnings: [] }; |
const res = {}; |
const next = () => { |
t.equal(searchServiceCallCount, 1); |
t.deepEqual(req, { |
clean: {}, |
errors: [stringTypeError], |
warnings: [] |
}); |
t.end(); |
}; |
controller(req, undefined, next ); |
controller(req, res, next); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.existing_errors = function(test, common) { |
test('req with errors should not call esclient or query', function(t) { |
const esclient = () => { |
throw new Error('esclient should not have been called'); |
}; |
const query = () => { |
throw new Error('query should not have been called'); |
}; |
const controller = setup( {}, esclient, query ); |
// the existence of `errors` means that a sanitizer detected an error,
// so don't call the esclient
const req = { |
errors: ['error'] |
}; |
const res = { }; |
t.doesNotThrow(() => { |
controller(req, res, () => {}); |
}); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.existing_results = function(test, common) { |
test('res with existing data should not call backend', function(t) { |
var backend = function() { |
throw new Error('backend should not have been called'); |
test('res with existing data should not call esclient or query', function(t) { |
const esclient = () => { |
throw new Error('esclient should not have been called'); |
}; |
var controller = setup( fakeDefaultConfig, backend, mockQuery() ); |
const query = () => { |
throw new Error('query should not have been called'); |
}; |
const controller = setup( {}, esclient, query ); |
var req = { }; |
const req = { }; |
// the existence of `data` means that there are already results so
// don't call the backend/query
var res = { data: [{}] }; |
// don't call esclient or query
const res = { data: [{}] }; |
var next = function() { |
const next = function() { |
t.deepEqual(res, {data: [{}]}); |
t.end(); |
}; |
@ -198,18 +548,20 @@ module.exports.tests.existing_results = function(test, common) {
module.exports.tests.undefined_query = function(test, common) { |
test('query returning undefined should not call service', function(t) { |
// a function that returns undefined
var query = function () { return; }; |
const query = () => { |
return undefined; |
}; |
var search_service_was_called = false; |
let search_service_was_called = false; |
var controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/search', { |
'../service/search': function() { |
search_service_was_called = true; |
throw new Error('search service should not have been called'); |
} |
})(undefined, undefined, query); |
var next = function() { |
const next = () => { |
t.notOk(search_service_was_called, 'should have returned before search service was called'); |
t.end(); |
}; |
@ -225,7 +577,7 @@ module.exports.all = function (tape, common) {
return tape('GET /search ' + name, testFunction); |
} |
for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ |
for( const testCase in module.exports.tests ){ |
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); |
} |
}; |