@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
var schemas = require('../../../helper/labelSchema'); |
var alpha3 = require('../mock/alpha3.json'); |
@ -13,20 +12,18 @@ module.exports.tests.interface = function(test, common) {
}; |
module.exports.tests.supported_countries = function(test, common) { |
test('support countries', function(t) { |
test('supported countries', function(t) { |
var supported_countries = Object.keys(schemas); |
t.notEquals(supported_countries.indexOf('USA'), -1); |
t.notEquals(supported_countries.indexOf('CAN'), -1); |
t.notEquals(supported_countries.indexOf('GBR'), -1); |
t.notEquals(supported_countries.indexOf('SGP'), -1); |
t.notEquals(supported_countries.indexOf('SWE'), -1); |
t.notEquals(supported_countries.indexOf('default'), -1); |
t.equals(supported_countries.length, 5); |
t.equals(supported_countries.length, 4); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.USA).length, 3); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.GBR).length, 2); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.SGP).length, 2); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.SWE).length, 2); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.USA).length, 4); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.CAN).length, 3); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.GBR).length, 3); |
t.equals(Object.keys(schemas.default).length, 2); |
t.end(); |
@ -34,761 +31,6 @@ module.exports.tests.supported_countries = function(test, common) {
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.usa = function(test, common) { |
test('USA.local should use localadmin value over locality, neighbourhood, and county', function(t) { |
var record = { |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'localadmin value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.local should use locality value over neighbourhood and county when no localadmin', function(t) { |
var record = { |
locality: 'locality value', |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'locality value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.local should use neighbourhood value over county when no localadmin or locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'neighbourhood value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.local should use county value when no localadmin, locality, or neighbourhood', function(t) { |
var record = { |
county: 'county value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'county value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.local should not modify labelParts if none of localadmin, locality, neighbourhood, or county is available', function(t) { |
var record = {}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.regional should use region when layer=region and region is available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
layer: 'region', |
region: 'region name', |
region_a: 'region_a name' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region name']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.regional should use region_a when layer=region and region is unavailable', function(t) { |
var record = { |
layer: 'region', |
region_a: 'region_a name' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region_a name']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.regional should use region_a when layer!=region and both region and region_a are available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
layer: 'not region', |
region: 'region name', |
region_a: 'region_a name' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region_a name']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.regional should use region when layer!=region and region_a is unavailable', function(t) { |
var record = { |
layer: 'region', |
region: 'region name', |
region_a: 'region_a name' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region name'], 'region should have been appended'); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.regional should not append anything when neither region nor region_a are available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
layer: 'region', |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value'], 'no USA.region should have appended'); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.country should append country_a when available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
country_a: 'country_a name', |
country: 'country name' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.country; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'country_a name'], 'country_a should have appended'); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.country should not append anything when country_a is unavailable', function(t) { |
var record = { |
country: 'country name' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.country; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value'], 'no USA.country should have appended'); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.gbr = function(test, common) { |
test('GBR.local should use neighbourhood value over county, localadmin, locality, region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value', |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'neighbourhood value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.local should use county value over county, localadmin, locality, region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
county: 'county value', |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'county value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.local should use localadmin value over locality, region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'localadmin value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.local should use locality value over region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'locality value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.local should use region value when nothing else is available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.local should not append anything when none of neighbourhood, county, localadmin, locality, region are available', function(t) { |
var record = {}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.regional should use county over country and region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
county: 'county value', |
country: 'country value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'county value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.regional should use country over region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
country: 'country value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'country value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.regional should use region when county and country aren not available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('GBR.regional should not append anything when none of county, country, or region are available', function(t) { |
var record = {}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.GBR.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.sgp = function(test, common) { |
test('SGP.local should use neighbourhood value over region, county, localadmin, locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value', |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'neighbourhood value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.local should use region value over county, localadmin, locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
county: 'county value', |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.local should use county value over localadmin, locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
county: 'county value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'county value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.local should use localadmin value over locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'localadmin value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.local should use locality value when nothing else is available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
locality: 'locality value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'locality value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.local should not append anything when none of neighbourhood, region, county, localadmin, locality are available', function(t) { |
var record = {}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.regional should use county over country and region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
county: 'county value', |
country: 'country value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'county value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.regional should use country over region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
country: 'country value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'country value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.regional should use region when county and country aren not available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.regional should not append anything when none of county, country, or region are available', function(t) { |
var record = {}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.swe = function(test, common) { |
test('SWE.local should use neighbourhood value over region, county, localadmin, locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value', |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SWE.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'neighbourhood value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SWE.local should use region value over county, localadmin, locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
county: 'county value', |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SWE.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SWE.local should use county value over localadmin, locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
county: 'county value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SWE.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'county value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SWE.local should use localadmin value over locality', function(t) { |
var record = { |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SWE.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'localadmin value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SWE.local should use locality value when nothing else is available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
locality: 'locality value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SWE.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'locality value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SWE.local should not append anything when none of neighbourhood, region, county, localadmin, locality are available', function(t) { |
var record = {}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SWE.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.regional should use country when available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
country: 'country value', |
country_a: 'country_a value', |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'country value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('SGP.regional should not append anything when country is not available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
country_a: 'country_a value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.SGP.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.default = function(test, common) { |
test('default.local should use localadmin value over locality, neighbourhood, county, region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value', |
localadmin: 'localadmin value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'localadmin value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('default.local should use locality value over neighbourhood, county, region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value', |
locality: 'locality value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'locality value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('default.local should use neighbourhood value over county, region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
neighbourhood: 'neighbourhood value', |
county: 'county value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'neighbourhood value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('default.local should use county value over region', function(t) { |
var record = { |
county: 'county value', |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'county value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('default.local should use region value when nothing else is available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
region: 'region value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'region value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('default.local should not append anything when none of neighbourhood, region, county, localadmin, ' + |
'locality are available', function(t) { |
var record = {}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('default.regional should use country over region, region_a, or country_a', function(t) { |
var record = { |
region: 'region value', |
region_a: 'region_a value', |
country: 'country value', |
country_a: 'country_a value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'country value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('default.regional should not append any value if country is not available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
region: 'region value', |
region_a: 'region_a value', |
country_a: 'country_a value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.default.regional; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('USA.local borough should be shown if available', function(t) { |
var record = { |
borough: 'borough value', |
region: 'region value', |
region_a: 'region_a value', |
country_a: 'country_a value' |
}; |
var labelParts = ['initial value']; |
var f = schemas.USA.local; |
t.deepEqual(f(record, labelParts), ['initial value', 'borough value']); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { |
function test(name, testFunction) { |