Browse Source

added support for `boundary.rect` and ``

- tigthened up parsing of string-ish numbers to deal with lodash weirdness
- added lots of guard clauses to deal with bad data
Stephen Hess 8 years ago
  1. 171
  2. 647


@ -1,11 +1,45 @@
const _ = require('lodash');
const logger = require('pelias-logger').get('api');
const Document = require('pelias-model').Document;
const geolib = require('geolib');
// composition of toNumber and isFinite, useful for single call to convert a value
// to a number, then checking to see if it's finite
const isFiniteNumber = _.flow(_.toNumber, _.isFinite);
const isNonNegativeFiniteNumber = _.flow(_.toNumber, (val) => { return val >= 0; });
function isFiniteNumber(value) {
return !_.isEmpty(_.trim(value)) && _.isFinite(_.toNumber(value));
// returns true if value is parseable as finite non-negative number
function isNonNegativeFiniteNumber(value) {
return isFiniteNumber(value) && _.gte(value, 0);
function hasLatLon(result) {
return _.isFinite(_.get(result.geom, 'lat')) && _.isFinite(_.get(result.geom, 'lon'));
function getLatLon(result) {
return {
longitude: result.geom.lon
// if are parseable as finite numbers, convert to a finite number
// otherwise remove the field
function numberifyGeomLatLon(result) {
['lat', 'lon'].forEach((f) => {
if (isFiniteNumber(_.get(result.geom, f))) {
result.geom[f] = _.toFinite(result.geom[f]);
} else {
// result.geom may not exist, so use unset instead of delete
_.unset(result.geom, f);
return result;
// returns true if all 4 ,-delimited (max) substrings are parseable as finite numbers
// '12.12,21.21,13.13,31.31' returns true
@ -15,7 +49,7 @@ const isNonNegativeFiniteNumber = _.flow(_.toNumber, (val) => { return val >= 0;
// '12.12,NaN,13.13,31.31' returns false
// '12.12,Infinity,13.13,31.31' returns false
function is4CommaDelimitedNumbers(bbox) {
return bbox.
return _.defaultTo(bbox, '').
filter(isFiniteNumber).length === 4;
@ -24,6 +58,20 @@ function hasName(result) {
return !_.isEmpty(_.trim(;
// filter that passes only results that match on requested layers
// passes everything if req.clean.layers is not found
function getLayersFilter(clean) {
if (_.isEmpty(_.get(clean, 'layers', []))) {
return _.constant(true);
// otherwise return a function that checks for set inclusion of a result placetype
return (result) => {
return _.includes(clean.layers, result.placetype);
// return true if the hierarchy does not have a country.abbr
// OR hierarchy country.abbr matches
function matchesBoundaryCountry(boundaryCountry, hierarchy) {
@ -33,15 +81,80 @@ function matchesBoundaryCountry(boundaryCountry, hierarchy) {
// return true if the result does not have a lineage
// OR at least one lineage matches the requested
function atLeastOneLineageMatchesBoundaryCountry(boundaryCountry, result) {
return !result.lineage || result.lineage.some(_.curry(matchesBoundaryCountry)(boundaryCountry));
return !result.lineage || result.lineage.some(_.partial(matchesBoundaryCountry, boundaryCountry));
// return a function that detects if a result has at least one lineage in
// if there's no, return a function that always returns true
function getBoundaryCountryFilter(clean) {
if (_.has(clean, '')) {
return _.partial(atLeastOneLineageMatchesBoundaryCountry, clean['']);
return _.constant(true);
// return a function that detects if a result is inside a bbox if a bbox is available
// if there's no bbox, return a function that always returns true
function getBoundaryRectangleFilter(clean) {
if (['min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon'].every((f) => {
return _.has(clean, `boundary.rect.${f}`);
})) {
const polygon = [
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lon'] },
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lon'] },
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lon'] },
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lon'] }
const isPointInsidePolygon = _.partialRight(geolib.isPointInside, polygon);
return _.partial(isInsideGeometry, isPointInsidePolygon);
return _.constant(true);
// return a function that detects if a result is inside a circle if a circle is available
// if there's no circle, return a function that always returns true
function getBoundaryCircleFilter(clean) {
if (['lat', 'lon', 'radius'].every((f) => {
return _.has(clean, `${f}`);
})) {
const center = {
latitude: clean[''],
longitude: clean['']
const radiusInMeters = clean[''] * 1000;
const isPointInCircle = _.partialRight(geolib.isPointInCircle, center, radiusInMeters);
return _.partial(isInsideGeometry, isPointInCircle);
return _.constant(true);
// helper that calls an "is inside some geometry" function
function isInsideGeometry(f, result) {
return hasLatLon(result) ? f(getLatLon(result)) : false;
function placetypeHasNameAndId(hierarchyElement) {
return !_.isEmpty(_.trim( &&
// synthesize an ES doc from a placeholder result
function synthesizeDocs(boundaryCountry, result) {
const doc = new Document('whosonfirst', result.placetype,;
// only assign centroid if both lat and lon are finite numbers
if (_.conformsTo(result.geom, { 'lat': isFiniteNumber, 'lon': isFiniteNumber } )) {
if (hasLatLon(result)) {
doc.setCentroid( { lat:, lon: result.geom.lon } );
} else {
logger.error(`could not parse centroid for id ${}`);
@ -49,7 +162,7 @@ function synthesizeDocs(boundaryCountry, result) {
// lodash conformsTo verifies that an object has a property with a certain format
if (_.conformsTo(result.geom, { 'bbox': is4CommaDelimitedNumbers } )) {
const parsedBoundingBox = result.geom.bbox.split(',').map(_.toNumber);
const parsedBoundingBox = result.geom.bbox.split(',').map(_.toFinite);
upperLeft: {
lat: parsedBoundingBox[3],
@ -61,26 +174,29 @@ function synthesizeDocs(boundaryCountry, result) {
} else {
logger.error(`could not parse bbox for id ${}: ${result.geom.bbox}`);
logger.error(`could not parse bbox for id ${}: ${_.get(result, 'geom.bbox')}`);
if (_.conformsTo(result, { 'population': isNonNegativeFiniteNumber })) {
// set population and popularity if parseable as finite number
if (isNonNegativeFiniteNumber(result.population)) {
if (_.conformsTo(result, { 'popularity': isNonNegativeFiniteNumber })) {
if (isNonNegativeFiniteNumber(result.popularity)) {
_.defaultTo(result.lineage, [])
// remove all lineages that don't match an explicit
.filter(_.partial(matchesBoundaryCountry, boundaryCountry))
// add all the lineages to the doc
.map((hierarchy) => {
.filter((placetype) => { return !_.isEmpty(_.trim(hierarchy[placetype].name)); } )
.filter((placetype) => {
return placetypeHasNameAndId(hierarchy[placetype]);
.forEach((placetype) => {
// console.error(JSON.stringify(hierarchy[placetype], null, 2));
@ -115,30 +231,27 @@ function setup(placeholderService, should_execute) {
} else {
// filter that passes only results that match on requested layers
// passes everything if req.clean.layers is not found
const matchesLayers = (result) => {
return _.includes(req.clean.layers, result.placetype);
const layersFilter = _.get(req, 'clean.layers', []).length ?
matchesLayers : _.constant(true);
// filter that passes only documents that match on
// passed everything if req.clean[''] is not found
const boundaryCountry = _.get(req, ['clean', '']);
const boundaryCountryFilter = !!boundaryCountry ?
_.curry(atLeastOneLineageMatchesBoundaryCountry)(boundaryCountry) : _.constant(true);
// convert results to ES docs
// filter must happen after synthesis since multiple
// lineages may produce different country docs
res.meta = {}; = results
// filter out results that don't have a name
// filter out results that don't match on requested layer(s)
// filter out results that don't match on any lineage country
// clean up for boundary rect/circle checks
// filter out results that aren't in the boundary.rect
// filter out results that aren't in the
// convert results to ES docs
.map(_.partial(synthesizeDocs, boundaryCountry));
const messageParts = [


@ -612,6 +612,376 @@ module.exports.tests.success = (test, common) => {
module.exports.tests.result_filtering = (test, common) => {
test('when boundary.rect is available, results outside of it should be removed', (t) => {
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const placeholder_service = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
'boundary.rect.min_lat': -2,
'boundary.rect.max_lat': 2,
'boundary.rect.min_lon': -2,
'boundary.rect.max_lon': 2
const response = [
// inside bbox
id: 1,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: -1,
lon: -1
// outside bbox on max_lon
id: 2,
name: 'name 2',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: -1,
lon: 3
// outside bbox on max_lat
id: 3,
name: 'name 3',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 3,
lon: -1
// outside bbox on min_lon
id: 4,
name: 'name 4',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: -1,
lon: -3
// outside bbox on min_lat
id: 5,
name: 'name 5',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: -3,
lon: -1
// no lat/lon
id: 6,
name: 'name 6',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
// empty string lat/lon
id: 7,
name: 'name 7',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: '',
lon: ''
// valid lat, empty string lon
id: 8,
name: 'name 8',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 0,
lon: ' '
// valid lon, empty string lat
id: 9,
name: 'name 9',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: ' ',
lon: 0
// inside bbox
id: 10,
name: 'name 10',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 1,
lon: 1
callback(null, response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/placeholder', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(placeholder_service, _.constant(true));
const req = {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
'boundary.rect.min_lat': -2,
'boundary.rect.max_lat': 2,
'boundary.rect.min_lon': -2,
'boundary.rect.max_lon': 2
const res = { };
controller(req, res, () => {
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '1',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '1',
center_point: {
lat: -1,
lon: -1
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: { }
_id: '10',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '10',
center_point: {
lat: 1,
lon: 1
name: {
'default': 'name 10'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 10'
parent: { }
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('when is available, results outside of it should be removed', (t) => {
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
const placeholder_service = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
'': 0,
'': 0,
'': 500
const response = [
// inside circle
id: 1,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 1,
lon: 1
// outside circle on +lon
id: 2,
name: 'name 2',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 0,
lon: 45
// outside bbox on +lat
id: 3,
name: 'name 3',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 45,
lon: 0
// outside bbox on -lon
id: 4,
name: 'name 4',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 0,
lon: -45
// outside bbox on -lat
id: 5,
name: 'name 5',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: -45,
lon: 0
// no lat/lon
id: 6,
name: 'name 6',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
// empty string lat/lon
id: 7,
name: 'name 7',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: '',
lon: ''
// valid lat, empty string lon
id: 8,
name: 'name 8',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: 0,
lon: ' '
// valid lon, empty string lat
id: 9,
name: 'name 9',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: ' ',
lon: 0
// inside circle
id: 10,
name: 'name 10',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
geom: {
lat: -1,
lon: -1
callback(null, response);
const should_execute = (req, res) => {
return true;
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/placeholder', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(placeholder_service, _.constant(true));
const req = {
param1: 'param1 value',
clean: {
'': 0,
'': 0,
'': 500
const res = { };
controller(req, res, () => {
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '1',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '1',
center_point: {
lat: 1,
lon: 1
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: { }
_id: '10',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '10',
center_point: {
lat: -1,
lon: -1
name: {
'default': 'name 10'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 10'
parent: { }
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('only results matching explicit layers should be returned', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
@ -910,7 +1280,280 @@ module.exports.tests.result_filtering = (test, common) => {
module.exports.centroid_errors = (test, common) => {
module.exports.tests.lineage_errors = (test, common) => {
test('unsupported lineage placetypes should be ignored', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const placeholder_service = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
const response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
lineage: [
country: {
id: 1,
name: 'country name 1',
abbr: 'country abbr 1'
unknown: {
id: 2,
name: 'unknown name 2',
abbr: 'unknown abbr 2'
geom: {
area: 12.34
callback(null, response);
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/placeholder', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(placeholder_service, _.constant(true));
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
controller(req, res, () => {
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: {
country: ['country name 1'],
country_id: ['1'],
country_a: ['country abbr 1']
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('lineage placetypes lacking names should be ignored', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const placeholder_service = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
const response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
lineage: [
country: {
id: 1,
name: 'country name 1',
abbr: 'country abbr 1'
region: {
id: 2,
abbr: 'region abbr 2'
geom: {
area: 12.34
callback(null, response);
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/placeholder', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(placeholder_service, _.constant(true));
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
controller(req, res, () => {
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: {
country: ['country name 1'],
country_id: ['1'],
country_a: ['country abbr 1']
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
test('lineage placetypes lacking ids should be ignored', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const placeholder_service = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
const response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood',
lineage: [
country: {
id: 1,
name: 'country name 1',
abbr: 'country abbr 1'
region: {
name: 'region name 2',
abbr: 'region abbr 2'
geom: {
area: 12.34
callback(null, response);
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/placeholder', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(placeholder_service, _.constant(true));
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
controller(req, res, () => {
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: {
country: ['country name 1'],
country_id: ['1'],
country_a: ['country abbr 1']
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
module.exports.tests.geometry_errors = (test, common) => {
test('result without geometry should not cause problems', (t) => {
const logger = mock_logger();
const placeholder_service = (req, callback) => {
t.deepEqual(req, { param1: 'param1 value' });
const response = [
id: 123,
name: 'name 1',
placetype: 'neighbourhood'
callback(null, response);
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/placeholder', {
'pelias-logger': logger
})(placeholder_service, _.constant(true));
const req = { param1: 'param1 value' };
const res = { };
controller(req, res, () => {
const expected_res = {
meta: {},
data: [
_id: '123',
_type: 'neighbourhood',
layer: 'neighbourhood',
source: 'whosonfirst',
source_id: '123',
name: {
'default': 'name 1'
phrase: {
'default': 'name 1'
parent: {}
t.deepEquals(res, expected_res);
module.exports.tests.centroid_errors = (test, common) => {
test('result without should leave centroid undefined', (t) => {
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')();
@ -1029,7 +1672,7 @@ module.exports.centroid_errors = (test, common) => {
module.exports.boundingbox_errors = (test, common) => {
module.exports.tests.boundingbox_errors = (test, common) => {
test('result with invalid geom.bbox should leave bounding_box undefined and log error', (t) => {
