Browse Source


Peter Johnson 9 years ago
  1. 88


@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function computeScores(req, res, next) {
* Check all types of things to determine how confident we are that this result
* is correct. Score is based on overall score distribution in the result set
* as well as how closely the result matches the input parameters.
* as well as how closely the result matches the text parameters.
* @param {object} req
* @param {number} mean
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ function computeConfidenceScore(req, mean, stdev, hit) {
hit.confidence += checkDistanceFromMean(hit._score, mean, stdev);
hit.confidence += computeZScore(hit._score, mean, stdev);
hit.confidence += checkName(req.clean.input, req.clean.parsed_input, hit);
hit.confidence += checkQueryType(req.clean.parsed_input, hit);
hit.confidence += checkAddress(req.clean.parsed_input, hit);
hit.confidence += checkName(req.clean.text, req.clean.parsed_text, hit);
hit.confidence += checkQueryType(req.clean.parsed_text, hit);
hit.confidence += checkAddress(req.clean.parsed_text, hit);
// TODO: look at categories and location
@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ function computeConfidenceScore(req, mean, stdev, hit) {
function checkForDealBreakers(req, hit) {
if (!req.clean.parsed_input) {
if (!req.clean.parsed_text) {
return false;
if (req.clean.parsed_input.state && req.clean.parsed_input.state !== hit.admin1_abbr) {
if (req.clean.parsed_text.state && req.clean.parsed_text.state !== hit.admin1_abbr) {
logger.debug('[confidence][deal-breaker]: state !== admin1_abbr');
return true;
if (req.clean.parsed_input.postalcode && req.clean.parsed_input.postalcode !== {
if (req.clean.parsed_text.postalcode && req.clean.parsed_text.postalcode !== {
logger.debug('[confidence][deal-breaker]: postalcode !== zip');
return true;
@ -107,22 +107,22 @@ function checkDistanceFromMean(score, mean, stdev) {
* Compare input string or name component of parsed_input against
* Compare text string or name component of parsed_text against
* default name in result
* @param {string} input
* @param {object|undefined} parsed_input
* @param {string} text
* @param {object|undefined} parsed_text
* @param {object} hit
* @returns {number}
function checkName(input, parsed_input, hit) {
// parsed_input name should take precedence if available since it's the cleaner name property
if (parsed_input && && === {
function checkName(text, parsed_text, hit) {
// parsed_text name should take precedence if available since it's the cleaner name property
if (parsed_text && && === {
return 1;
// if no parsed_input check the input value as provided against result's default name
if ( === input.toLowerCase()) {
// if no parsed_text check the text value as provided against result's default name
if ( === text.toLowerCase()) {
return 1;
@ -131,15 +131,15 @@ function checkName(input, parsed_input, hit) {
* Input being set indicates the query was for an address
* text being set indicates the query was for an address
* check if house number was specified and found in result
* @param {object|undefined} input
* @param {object|undefined} text
* @param {object} hit
* @returns {number}
function checkQueryType(input, hit) {
if (!!input.number && (!hit.address || (hit.address && !hit.address.number))) {
function checkQueryType(text, hit) {
if (!!text.number && (!hit.address || (hit.address && !hit.address.number))) {
return 0;
return 1;
@ -148,45 +148,45 @@ function checkQueryType(input, hit) {
* Determine the quality of the property match
* @param {string|number|undefined|null} inputProp
* @param {string|number|undefined|null} textProp
* @param {string|number|undefined|null} hitProp
* @param {boolean} expectEnriched
* @returns {number}
function propMatch(inputProp, hitProp, expectEnriched) {
function propMatch(textProp, hitProp, expectEnriched) {
// both missing, but expect to have enriched value in result => BAD
if (!inputProp && !hitProp && expectEnriched) { return 0; }
if (!textProp && !hitProp && expectEnriched) { return 0; }
// both missing, and no enrichment expected => GOOD
if (!inputProp && !hitProp) { return 1; }
if (!textProp && !hitProp) { return 1; }
// input has it, result doesn't => BAD
if (inputProp && !hitProp) { return 0; }
// text has it, result doesn't => BAD
if (textProp && !hitProp) { return 0; }
// input missing, result has it, and enrichment is expected => GOOD
if (!inputProp && hitProp && expectEnriched) { return 1; }
// text missing, result has it, and enrichment is expected => GOOD
if (!textProp && hitProp && expectEnriched) { return 1; }
// input missing, result has it, enrichment not desired => 50/50
if (!inputProp && hitProp) { return 0.5; }
// text missing, result has it, enrichment not desired => 50/50
if (!textProp && hitProp) { return 0.5; }
// both present, values match => GREAT
if (inputProp && hitProp && inputProp.toString().toLowerCase() === hitProp.toString().toLowerCase()) { return 1; }
if (textProp && hitProp && textProp.toString().toLowerCase() === hitProp.toString().toLowerCase()) { return 1; }
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
return 0.7;
* Check various parts of the parsed input address
* Check various parts of the parsed text address
* against the results
* @param {object} input
* @param {string|number} [input.number]
* @param {string} [input.street]
* @param {string} [input.postalcode]
* @param {string} [input.state]
* @param {string} []
* @param {object} text
* @param {string|number} [text.number]
* @param {string} [text.street]
* @param {string} [text.postalcode]
* @param {string} [text.state]
* @param {string} []
* @param {object} hit
* @param {object} [hit.address]
* @param {string|number} [hit.address.number]
@ -196,16 +196,16 @@ function propMatch(inputProp, hitProp, expectEnriched) {
* @param {string} [hit.alpha3]
* @returns {number}
function checkAddress(input, hit) {
function checkAddress(text, hit) {
var checkCount = 5;
var res = 0;
if (input && input.number && input.street) {
res += propMatch(input.number, (hit.address ? hit.address.number : null), false);
res += propMatch(input.street, (hit.address ? hit.address.street : null), false);
res += propMatch(input.postalcode, (hit.address ? null), true);
res += propMatch(input.state, hit.admin1_abbr, true);
res += propMatch(, hit.alpha3, true);
if (text && text.number && text.street) {
res += propMatch(text.number, (hit.address ? hit.address.number : null), false);
res += propMatch(text.street, (hit.address ? hit.address.street : null), false);
res += propMatch(text.postalcode, (hit.address ? null), true);
res += propMatch(text.state, hit.admin1_abbr, true);
res += propMatch(, hit.alpha3, true);
res /= checkCount;
