Browse Source

drastically revised comments

Stephen Hess 8 years ago
  1. 96


@ -20,65 +20,80 @@ addressUsingIdsQuery.filter( peliasQuery.view.boundary_rect );
addressUsingIdsQuery.filter( peliasQuery.view.sources );
// --------------------------------
// Red Lion, PA -- parsed as locality/state, localadmin/state, and neighbourhood/state
// Chelsea -- parsed as neighbourhood, localadmin, and locality
// Manhattan -- parsed as borough, locality, and localadmin
// Luxembourg -- parsed as country, locality, and region
// if any placeholder results are at neighbourhood, borough, locality, or localadmin layers, filter by those ids at those layers
// fallback to county
// if any placeholder results are at county or macrocounty layers, filter by those ids at those layers
// fallback to region
// if any placeholder results are at region or macroregion layers, filter by those ids at those layers
// fallback to dependency/country
// if any placeholder results are at dependency or country layers, filter by those ids at those layers
// address in Red Lion, PA -- find results at layer=address
// neighbourhood_id in [85844063, 85844067]
// locality_id in [101717221]
// localadmin_id in [404487867]
// search all of the above
// address in Chelsea
// neighbourhood_id in [85786511, 85810589, 85769021, 85890029, 85810579, 85810591, 85810575, 85772883, 420514219]
// locality_id in [85950359, 85914491, 101932747, 85951865, 101715289, 85943049, 101733697, 101722101, 101738587]
// localadmin_id in [404476575, 404508239, 404474971, 404527169, 404494675, 404503811, 404519887, 404488679, 404538119]
// address in Manhattan
// This query is a departure from traditional Pelias queries where textual
// names of admin areas were looked up. This query uses the ids returned by
// placeholder for lookups which dramatically reduces the amount of information
// that ES has to store and allows us to have placeholder handle altnames on
// behalf of Pelias.
// For the happy path, an input like '30 West 26th Street, Manhattan' would result
// in:
// neighbourhood_id in []
// borough_id in [421205771]
// locality_id in [85945171, 85940551, 85972655]
// localadmin_id in [404502889, 404499147, 404502891, 85972655]
// search all of the above
// address in Luxembourg
// country_id in [85633275]
// region_id in [85681727, 85673875]
// locality_id in [101751765]
// search locality first, then region perhaps
// if there are locality/localadmin layers, return ['locality', 'localadmin']
// if there are region/macroregion layers, return ['region', 'macroregion']
// Where the ids are for all the various Manhattans. Each of those could
// conceivably be the Manhattan that the user was referring to so so all must be
// queried for at the same time.
// A counter example for this is '1 West Market Street, York, PA' where York, PA
// can be interpreted as a locality OR county. From experience, when there's
// ambiguity between locality and county for an input, the user is, with complete
// metaphysical certitude, referring to the city. If they were referring to the
// county, they would have entered 'York County, PA'. The point is that it's
// insufficient to just query for all ids because, in this case, '1 West Market Street'
// in other cities in York County, PA would be returned and would be both jarring
// to the user and almost certainly leads to incorrect results. For example,
// the following could be returned (all are towns in York County, PA):
// - 1 West Market Street, Dallastown, PA
// - 1 West Market Street, Fawn Grove, PA
// - 1 West Market Street, Shrewsbury, PA
// etc.
// To avoid this calamitous response, this query takes the approach of
// "granularity bands". That is, if there are any ids in the first set of any
// of these granularities:
// - neighbourhood
// - borough
// - locality
// - localadmin
// - region
// - macroregion
// - dependency
// - country
// then query for all ids in only those layers. Falling back, if there are
// no ids in those layers, query for the county/macrocounty layers.
// This methodology ensures that no happened-to-match-on-county results are returned.
// The decision was made to include all other layers in one to solve the issue
// where a country and city share a name, such as Mexico, which could be
// interpreted as a country AND city (in Missouri). The data itself will sort
// out which is correct. That is, it's unlikely that "11 Rock Springs Dr" exists
// in Mexico the country due to naming conventions and would be filtered out
// (though it could, but that's good because it's legitimate)
const granularity_bands = [
['neighbourhood', 'borough', 'locality', 'localadmin', 'region', 'macroregion', 'dependency', 'country'],
['county', 'macrocounty']
// returns IFF there are *any* results in the granularity band
function anyResultsAtGranularityBand(results, band) {
return results.some(result => _.includes(band, result.layer));
// returns the ids of results at the requested layer
function getIdsAtLayer(results, layer) {
return results.filter(result => result.layer === layer).map('source_id'));
map request variables to query variables for all inputs
provided by this HTTP request.
provided by this HTTP request. This function operates on which is the
Document-ified placeholder repsonse.
function generateQuery( clean, res ){
const vs = new peliasQuery.Vars( defaults );
@ -103,8 +118,11 @@ function generateQuery( clean, res ){
vs.var( 'input:street', clean.parsed_text.street );
// find the first granularity band for which there are results
const granularity_band = granularity_bands.find(band => anyResultsAtGranularityBand(results, band));
// if there's a granularity band, accumulate the ids from each layer in the band
// into an object mapping layer->ids of those layers
if (granularity_band) {
const layers_to_ids = granularity_band.reduce((acc, layer) => {
acc[layer] = getIdsAtLayer(, layer);
