var sanitizer = require('../../../sanitizer/_sources_and_layers')(); var type_mapping = require('../../../helper/type_mapping'); module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.inactive = function(test, common) { test('no source or layer specified', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = {}; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('only layers specified', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { layers: ['venue'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('only sources specified', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['openstreetmap'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.tests.no_errors = function(test, common) { test('valid combination', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['openstreetmap'], layers: ['venue'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('valid combination', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['geonames'], layers: ['borough'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('valid combination', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['geonames'], layers: ['macroregion'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('valid combination: wof venues', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['whosonfirst'], layers: ['venue'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('valid combination because of multiple sources', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['openstreetmap', 'openaddresses'], layers: ['venue'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('valid combination because of multiple layers', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['openaddresses'], layers: ['address', 'country'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('return an array of expected parameters in object form for validation', function (t) { const expected = [{ 'name': 'sources' }, { 'name': 'layers' }]; const validParameters = sanitizer.expected(); t.deepEquals(validParameters, expected); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.tests.invalid_combination = function(test, common) { test('address layer with wof', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['whosonfirst'], layers: ['address'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 1, 'should return an error'); t.equal(messages.errors[0], 'You have specified both the `sources` and `layers` ' + 'parameters in a combination that will return no results: the whosonfirst source has nothing in the address layer'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('admin layers with osm', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = { sources: ['openstreetmap'], layers: ['country', 'locality'] }; var messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equal(messages.errors.length, 2, 'should return an error'); t.equal(messages.errors[0], 'You have specified both the `sources` and `layers` ' + 'parameters in a combination that will return no results: the openstreetmap source has nothing in the country layer'); t.equal(messages.errors[1], 'You have specified both the `sources` and `layers` ' + 'parameters in a combination that will return no results: the openstreetmap source has nothing in the locality layer'); t.equal(messages.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warnings'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('SANTIZE _sources_and_layers ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };