const _ = require('lodash'); const searchService = require('../service/search'); const logger = require('pelias-logger').get('api'); const logging = require( '../helper/logging' ); const retry = require('retry'); const Debug = require('../helper/debug'); const debugLog = new Debug('controller:search_with_ids'); function isRequestTimeout(err) { return _.get(err, 'status') === 408; } function setup( apiConfig, esclient, query, should_execute ){ function controller( req, res, next ){ if (!should_execute(req, res)) { return next(); } const cleanOutput = _.cloneDeep(req.clean); if (logging.isDNT(req)) { logging.removeFields(cleanOutput); } const renderedQuery = query(req.clean, res); // if there's no query to call ES with, skip the service if (_.isUndefined(renderedQuery)) { debugLog.push(req, `No query to call ES with. Skipping`); return next(); } // options for retry // maxRetries is from the API config with default of 3 // factor of 1 means that each retry attempt will esclient requestTimeout const operationOptions = { retries: _.get(apiConfig, 'requestRetries', 3), factor: 1, minTimeout: _.get(esclient, 'transport.requestTimeout') }; // setup a new operation const operation = retry.operation(operationOptions); // elasticsearch command const cmd = { index: apiConfig.indexName, searchType: 'dfs_query_then_fetch', body: renderedQuery.body }; logger.debug( '[ES req]', cmd ); debugLog.push(req, {ES_req: cmd}); operation.attempt((currentAttempt) => { const initialTime = debugLog.beginTimer(req, `Attempt ${currentAttempt}`); // query elasticsearch searchService( esclient, cmd, function( err, docs, meta, data ){ const message = { controller: 'search_with_ids', queryType: renderedQuery.type, es_hits: _.get(data, ''), result_count: _.get(res, 'data', []).length, es_took: _.get(data, 'took', undefined), response_time: _.get(data, 'response_time', undefined), params: req.clean, retries: currentAttempt - 1, text_length: _.get(req, 'clean.text.length', 0) };'elasticsearch', message); // returns true if the operation should be attempted again // (handles bookkeeping of maxRetries) // only consider for status 408 (request timeout) if (isRequestTimeout(err) && operation.retry(err)) { debugLog.stopTimer(req, initialTime, `request timed out on attempt ${currentAttempt}, retrying`); return; } // if execution has gotten this far then one of three things happened: // - the request didn't time out // - maxRetries has been hit so we're giving up // - another error occurred // in either case, handle the error or results // error handler if( err ){ // push err.message or err onto req.errors req.errors.push( _.get(err, 'message', err)); } else { // because this is used in response to placeholder, there may already // be results. if there are no results from this ES call, don't overwrite // what's already there from placeholder. if (!_.isEmpty(docs)) { = docs; res.meta = meta || {}; // store the query_type for subsequent middleware res.meta.query_type = renderedQuery.type; const messageParts = [ '[controller:search]', `[queryType:${renderedQuery.type}]`, `[es_result_count:${docs.length}]` ]; debugLog.push(req, {queryType: { [renderedQuery.type] : { es_result_count: docs.length } }}); } } logger.debug('[ES response]', docs); next(); }); debugLog.stopTimer(req, initialTime); }); } return controller; } module.exports = setup;