const _ = require('lodash'); const logger = require('pelias-logger').get('api'); function setup(comparator, should_execute) { function middleware(req, res, next) { // bail early if req/res don't pass conditions for execution or there's no data to sort if (!should_execute(req, res) || _.isEmpty( { return next(); } // capture the pre-sort order const presort_order ='_id')); // sort operates on array in place; // capture the post-sort order const postsort_order ='_id')); // log it for debugging purposes logger.debug([ `req.clean: ${JSON.stringify(req.clean)}`, `pre-sort: [${presort_order}]`, `post-sort: [${postsort_order}]` ].join(', ')); next(); } return middleware; } module.exports = setup;