const async = require('async'); const logger = require( 'pelias-logger' ).get( 'api' ); const source_mapping = require('../helper/type_mapping').source_mapping; const _ = require('lodash'); /** example response from interpolation web service: { type: 'Feature', properties: { type: 'interpolated', source: 'mixed', number: '17', lat: -41.2887032, lon: 174.767089 }, geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ 174.767089, -41.2887032 ] } } **/ // The interpolation middleware layer uses to iterate over the results // since the interpolation service only operates on single inputs. The problem // with is that if a single error is returned then the entire batch // exits early. This function wraps the service call to intercept the error so // that never returns an error. function error_intercepting_service(service, req) { return (street_result, next) => { service(req, street_result, (err, interpolation_result) => { if (err) { logger.error(`[middleware:interpolation] ${_.defaultTo(err.message, err)}`); // now that the error has been caught and reported, act as if there was no error return next(null, null); } // no error occurred, so pass along the result return next(null, interpolation_result); }); }; } function setup(service, should_execute) { return function controller(req, res, next) { // bail early if the service shouldn't execute if (!should_execute(req, res)) { return next(); } // only interpolate the street-layer results // save this off into a separate array so that when docs are annotated // after the interpolate results are returned, no complicated bookkeeping is needed const street_results = _.get(res, 'data', []).filter(result => result.layer === 'street'); // perform interpolations asynchronously for all relevant hits const start = (new Date()).getTime();`[interpolation] [street_results] count=${street_results.length}`); // call the interpolation service asynchronously on every street result, error_intercepting_service(service, req), (err, interpolation_results) => { // iterate the interpolation results, mapping back into the source results interpolation_results.forEach((interpolation_result, idx) => { const source_result = street_results[idx]; // invalid / not useful response, debug log for posterity // note: leave this hit unmodified if (!_.has(interpolation_result, 'properties')) { logger.debug(`[interpolation] [miss] ${req.clean.parsed_text}`); return; } // the interpolation service returned a valid result, debug log for posterity // note: we now merge those values with the existing 'street' record logger.debug(`[interpolation] [hit] ${req.clean.parsed_text} ${JSON.stringify(interpolation_result)}`); // -- metadata -- source_result.layer = 'address'; source_result.match_type = 'interpolated'; // -- name -- = `${} ${}`; // -- source -- // lookup the lowercased source, defaulting to 'mixed' when not found // the source mapping is a jagged string->array, so default to 'mixed' as an array // to ensure that subscript works source_result.source = _.defaultTo( source_mapping[_.toLower(], ['mixed'] )[0]; // -- source_id -- // note: interpolated values have no source_id delete source_result.source_id; // remove original street source_id if( 'source_id' ) ){ source_result.source_id =; } // -- address_parts -- source_result.address_parts.number =; // -- geo -- source_result.center_point = { lat:, lon: }; // -- bbox -- delete source_result.bounding_box; }); // sort the results to ensure that addresses show up higher than street centroids if (_.has(res, 'data')) {, b) => { if (a.layer === 'address' && b.layer !== 'address') { return -1; } if (a.layer !== 'address' && b.layer === 'address') { return 1; } return 0; }); } // log the execution time, continue `[interpolation] [took] ${(new Date()).getTime() - start} ms`); next(); }); }; } module.exports = setup;