var isDifferent= require('../../../helper/diffPlaces').isDifferent; module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.dedupe = function(test, common) { test('match same object', function(t) { var item1 = { 'parent': { 'country': [ 'United States' ], 'county': [ 'Otsego County' ], 'region_a': [ 'NY' ], 'localadmin': [ 'Cherry Valley' ], 'county_id': [ '102082399' ], 'localadmin_id': [ '404522887' ], 'country_a': [ 'USA' ], 'region_id': [ '85688543' ], 'locality': [ 'Cherry Valley' ], 'locality_id': [ '85978799' ], 'region': [ 'New York' ], 'country_id': [ '85633793' ] }, 'name': { 'default': '1 Main Street' }, 'address_parts': { 'number': '1', 'street': 'Main Street' }, 'layer': 'address' }; t.false(isDifferent(item1, item1), 'should be the same'); t.end(); }); test('catch diff layers', function(t) { var item1 = { 'layer': 'address' }; var item2 = { 'layer': 'venue' }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('catch diff parent', function(t) { var item1 = { 'layer': 'same', 'parent': { 'country_id': '12345' } }; var item2 = { 'layer': 'same', 'parent': { 'country_id': '54321' } }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('isParentHierarchyDifferent: do not compare parentage at lower levels to the highest item placetypes', function(t) { var item1 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'localadmin_id': '12345', 'locality_id': '54321' } }; var item2 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'localadmin_id': '56789', 'locality_id': '98765' } }; t.false(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should not be considered different'); t.end(); }); test('isParentHierarchyDifferent: do compare parentage at the same level as the item placetypes', function(t) { var item1 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'country_id': '12345' } }; var item2 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'country_id': '54321' } }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('isParentHierarchyDifferent: do compare parentage at higher levels than the highest item placetypes', function(t) { var item1 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'localadmin_id': '12345', 'ocean_id': '54321' } }; var item2 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'localadmin_id': '56789', 'ocean_id': '98765' } }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('isParentHierarchyDifferent: consider parentage at same level as placetype for comparison', function(t) { var item1 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'country_id': '12345' } }; var item2 = { 'layer': 'country', 'parent': { 'country_id': '54321' } }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('catch diff name', function(t) { var item1 = { 'name': { 'default': '1 Main St' } }; var item2 = { 'name': { 'default': '1 Broad St' } }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('match diff capitalization in name', function(t) { var item1 = { 'name': { 'default': '1 MAIN ST' } }; var item2 = { 'name': { 'default': '1 Main St' } }; t.false(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be the same'); t.end(); }); test('do not handle expansions', function(t) { // we currently don't handle expansions and abbreviations and // this is a test waiting to be updated as soon as we fix it var item1 = { 'name': { 'default': '1 Main Street' } }; var item2 = { 'name': { 'default': '1 Main St' } }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('missing names in other langs should not be a diff', function(t) { var item1 = { 'name': { 'default': 'Moscow', 'rus': 'Москва' } }; var item2 = { 'name': { 'default': 'Moscow' } }; t.false(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be the same'); t.end(); }); test('catch diff address', function(t) { var item1 = { 'address_parts': { 'number': '1', 'street': 'Main Street', 'zip': '90210' } }; var item2 = { 'address_parts': { 'number': '2', 'street': 'Main Street', 'zip': '90210' } }; t.true(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be different'); t.end(); }); test('catch diff address', function(t) { var item1 = { 'address_parts': { 'number': '1', 'street': 'Main Street', 'zip': '90210' } }; var item2 = { 'address_parts': { 'number': '1', 'street': 'Main Street' } }; t.false(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be the same'); t.end(); }); test('works with name aliases', function(t) { var item1 = { 'name': { 'default': ['a','b'] // note the array } }; var item2 = { 'name': { 'default': 'a' } }; t.false(isDifferent(item1, item2), 'should be the same'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('[helper] diffPlaces: ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };