// @todo: refactor this test, it's pretty messy, brittle and hard to follow var reverse = require('../../../sanitizer/reverse'), sanitize = reverse.sanitize, middleware = reverse.middleware, defaults = require('../../../query/reverse_defaults'), defaultError = 'missing param \'lat\'', defaultClean = { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0, 'boundary.circle.lat': 0, 'boundary.circle.lon': 0, size: 10, private: false }; // these are the default values you would expect when no input params are specified. // @todo: why is this different from $defaultClean? var emptyClean = { private: false, size: 10 }; module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.interface = function(test, common) { test('sanitize interface', function(t) { t.equal(typeof sanitize, 'function', 'sanitize is a function'); t.equal(sanitize.length, 2, 'sanitize interface'); t.end(); }); test('middleware interface', function(t) { t.equal(typeof middleware, 'function', 'middleware is a function'); t.equal(middleware.length, 3, 'sanitizee has a valid middleware'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.tests.sanitizers = function(test, common) { test('check sanitizer list', function (t) { var expected = ['singleScalarParameters', 'quattroshapes_deprecation', 'layers', 'sources', 'sources_and_layers', 'geonames_deprecation', 'size', 'private', 'geo_reverse', 'boundary_country']; t.deepEqual(Object.keys(reverse.sanitizer_list), expected); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.tests.sanitize_lat = function(test, common) { var lats = { invalid: [], valid: [ 0, 45, 90, -0, '0', '45', '90', -181, -120, -91, 91, 120, 181 ], missing: ['', undefined, null] }; test('invalid lat', function(t) { lats.invalid.forEach( function( lat ){ var req = { query: { 'point.lat': lat, 'point.lon': 0 } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.errors[0], 'invalid param \'point.lat\': must be >-90 and <90', lat + ' is an invalid latitude'); t.deepEqual(req.clean, emptyClean, 'clean only has default values set'); }); }); t.end(); }); test('valid lat', function(t) { lats.valid.forEach( function( lat ){ var req = { query: { 'point.lat': lat, 'point.lon': 0 } }; sanitize(req, function(){ var expected_lat = parseFloat( lat ); t.deepEqual(req.errors, [], 'no errors'); }); }); t.end(); }); test('missing lat', function(t) { lats.missing.forEach( function( lat ){ var req = { query: { 'point.lat': lat, 'point.lon': 0 } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.errors[0], 'missing param \'point.lat\'', 'latitude is a required field'); t.deepEqual(req.clean, emptyClean, 'clean only has default values set'); }); }); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.tests.sanitize_lon = function(test, common) { var lons = { valid: [ -360, -181, 181, -180, -1, -0, 0, 45, 90, '-180', '0', '180' ], missing: ['', undefined, null] }; test('valid lon', function(t) { lons.valid.forEach( function( lon ){ var req = { query: { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': lon } }; sanitize(req, function(){ var expected_lon = parseFloat( lon ); t.deepEqual(req.errors, [], 'no errors'); }); }); t.end(); }); test('missing lon', function(t) { lons.missing.forEach( function( lon ){ var req = { query: { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': lon } }; // @todo: why is lat set? var expected = { 'point.lat': 0, private: false, size: 10 }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.errors[0], 'missing param \'point.lon\'', 'longitude is a required field'); t.deepEqual(req.clean, expected, 'clean only has default values set'); }); }); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.tests.sanitize_size = function(test, common) { test('invalid size value', function(t) { var req = { query: { size: 'a', 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0 } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.clean.size, 10, 'default size set'); t.end(); }); }); test('below min size value', function(t) { var req = { query: { size: -100, 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0 } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.clean.size, 1, 'min size set'); t.end(); }); }); test('above max size value', function(t) { var req = { query: { size: 9999, 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0 } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.clean.size, 40, 'max size set'); t.end(); }); }); }; module.exports.tests.sanitize_private = function(test, common) { var invalid_values = [null, -1, 123, NaN, 'abc']; invalid_values.forEach(function(value) { test('invalid private param ' + value, function(t) { var req = { query: { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0, 'private': value } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.clean.private, false, 'default private set (to false)'); t.end(); }); }); }); var valid_values = ['true', true, 1, '1']; valid_values.forEach(function(value) { test('valid private param ' + value, function(t) { var req = { query: { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0, 'private': value } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.clean.private, true, 'private set to true'); t.end(); }); }); }); var valid_false_values = ['false', false, 0]; valid_false_values.forEach(function(value) { test('test setting false explicitly ' + value, function(t) { var req = { query: { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0, 'private': value } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.clean.private, false, 'private set to false'); t.end(); }); }); }); test('test default behavior', function(t) { var req = { query: { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0 } }; sanitize(req, function(){ t.equal(req.clean.private, false, 'private set to false'); t.end(); }); }); }; module.exports.tests.middleware_success = function(test, common) { test('middleware success', function(t) { var req = { query: { 'point.lat': 0, 'point.lon': 0 }}; var next = function(){ t.deepEqual(req.errors, [], 'no error message set'); t.deepEqual(req.clean, defaultClean); t.end(); }; middleware( req, undefined, next ); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('SANTIZE /reverse ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };