const _ = require('lodash'); /* this function returns an object that denotes an intersection of form: { street1: value1, street2: value2 } */ module.exports = function parseIntersections(text) { var str1 = '', str2 = ''; if(text.trim().length > 1) { var words = _.words(text.toLowerCase(), /[^ ]+/g); // changes 'e15' to 'East 15', etc. words = .reduce(function(a, b) { return a.concat(b); }, []); // changes '6' to '6th', etc words =; // only treat input as intersection if contains '&' or 'and' const delimiter = _.includes(text, '&') ? '&' : 'and'; const delimiterIndex = words.indexOf(delimiter); str1 = words.slice(0,delimiterIndex).join(' '); str2 = words.slice(delimiterIndex+1, words.length).join(' '); } return { street1: str1, street2: str2 }; }; // intended for intersections only // this function turns '77' into '77th', '3' into '3rd', etc function addOrdinality(elmnt) { let isNum = /^\d+$/.test(elmnt); if (isNum) { var cent = elmnt % 100; if (cent >= 10 && cent <= 20) { return `${elmnt}th`; } var dec = elmnt % 10; if (dec === 1) { return `${elmnt}st`; } if (dec === 2) { return `${elmnt}nd`; } if (dec === 3) { return `${elmnt}rd`; } return `${elmnt}th`; } return elmnt; } // intended to do the conversions like: // 'w28' -> 'West 28' // 'e17' -> 'East 17' const mapping = { e : 'East', w : 'West', s : 'South', n : 'North', ne: 'Northeast', nw: 'Northwest', se: 'Southeast', sw: 'Southwest' }; function directionalSanitizer(word){ let streetNum; switch (stringStartsWithDirAcronym(word)) { case 1: streetNum = word.substring(1); word = mapping[word[0]]; return [word, streetNum]; case 2: streetNum = word.substring(2); word = mapping[word.substring(0,2)]; return [word, streetNum]; } return word; } /* Checks if an acronym for any direction exists and returns the number of characters it is denoted by */ function stringStartsWithDirAcronym (text) { if (text.length > 2) { if ((text.substring(0,2).toLowerCase() === 'ne' || text.substring(0,2).toLowerCase() === 'nw' || text.substring(0,2).toLowerCase() === 'se' || text.substring(0,2).toLowerCase() === 'sw') && /^\d$/.test(text[2])) { return 2; } } else if (text.length > 1) { if ((text[0].toLowerCase() === 'e' || text[0].toLowerCase() === 'w' || text[0].toLowerCase() === 'n' || text[0].toLowerCase() === 's') && /^\d$/.test(text[1])) { return 1; } } return 0; }