var sanitizer = require('../../../sanitizer/_boundary_country')(); module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.sanitize_boundary_country = function(test, common) { test('raw w/o boundary should set undefined', function(t) { var raw = { }; var clean = {}; var errorsAndWarnings = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equals(clean[''], undefined, 'should be undefined'); t.deepEquals(errorsAndWarnings, { errors: [], warnings: [] }, 'no warnings or errors'); t.end(); }); test(' explicitly undefined in raw should leave undefined', function(t) { var raw = { '': undefined }; var clean = {}; var errorsAndWarnings = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equals(clean[''], undefined, 'should be undefined'); t.deepEquals(errorsAndWarnings, { errors: [], warnings: [] }, 'no warnings or errors'); t.end(); }); test('non-string should set to undefined and return warning', function(t) { var raw = { '': ['this isn\'t a string primitive'] }; var clean = {}; var errorsAndWarnings = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equals(clean[''], undefined, 'should be undefined'); t.deepEquals(errorsAndWarnings, { errors: [' is not a string'], warnings: [] }, 'non-string country warning'); t.end(); }); test('iso2 in raw should set to ISO3 uppercased', function(t) { var raw = { '': 'aq' }; var clean = {}; var errorsAndWarnings = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equals(clean[''], 'ATA', 'should be uppercased ISO3'); t.deepEquals(errorsAndWarnings, { errors: [], warnings: [] }, 'no warnings or errors'); t.end(); }); test('iso3 in raw should set to matching ISO3 uppercased', function(t) { var raw = { '': 'aTa' }; var clean = {}; var errorsAndWarnings = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equals(clean[''], 'ATA', 'should be uppercased ISO3'); t.deepEquals(errorsAndWarnings, { errors: [], warnings: [] }, 'no warnings or errors'); t.end(); }); test('unknown 2-character should set to undefined', function(t) { var raw = { '': 'zq' }; var clean = {}; var errorsAndWarnings = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equals(clean[''], undefined, 'should be undefined'); t.deepEquals(errorsAndWarnings, { errors: ['zq is not a valid ISO2/ISO3 country code'], warnings: [] }, 'country not found warning`'); t.end(); }); test('unknown 3-character should set to undefined', function(t) { var raw = { '': 'zqx' }; var clean = {}; var errorsAndWarnings = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.equals(clean[''], undefined, 'should be undefined'); t.deepEquals(errorsAndWarnings, { errors: ['zqx is not a valid ISO2/ISO3 country code'], warnings: [] }, 'country not found warning`'); t.end(); }); test('return an array of expected parameters in object form for validation', (t) => { const expected = [{ name: '' }]; const validParameters = sanitizer.expected(); t.deepEquals(validParameters, expected); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('SANITIZE _boundary_country ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };