var sanitize = require('../../../sanitiser/_size'); module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.sanitize_size = function(test, common) { test('size=0', function(t) { var raw = { size: 0 }; var clean = {}; var res = sanitize(/*defaults*/)(raw, clean); t.equal(res.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(res.warnings.length, 1, 'should return warning'); t.equal(res.warnings[0], 'out-of-range integer \'size\', using MIN_SIZE', 'check warning text'); t.equal(clean.size, 1, 'default to 1'); t.end(); }); test('size=10000', function(t) { var raw = { size: 10000 }; var clean = {}; var res = sanitize(/*defaults*/)(raw, clean); t.equal(res.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(res.warnings.length, 1, 'should return warning'); t.equal(res.warnings[0], 'out-of-range integer \'size\', using MAX_SIZE', 'check warning text'); t.equal(clean.size, 40, 'default to 40'); t.end(); }); test('size not set', function(t) { var raw = {}; var clean = {}; var res = sanitize(/*defaults*/)(raw, clean); t.equal(res.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(res.warnings.length, 0, 'should return no warning'); t.equal(clean.size, 10, 'default to 10'); t.end(); }); var valid_sizes = [5, '5', 5.5, '5.5']; valid_sizes.forEach(function (size) { test('size=' + size, function (t) { var raw = {size: size}; var clean = {}; var res = sanitize(/*defaults*/)(raw, clean); t.equal(res.errors.length, 0, 'should return no errors'); t.equal(res.warnings.length, 0, 'should return warning'); t.equal(clean.size, 5, 'set to correct integer'); t.end(); }); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('SANTIZE _size ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };