#> quattroshapes is being phased out and so should emit a warning message path: '/v1/search?sources=qs&text=a' #? 200 ok response.statusCode.should.be.equal 200 response.should.have.header 'charset', 'utf8' response.should.have.header 'content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8' #? valid geocoding block should.exist json.geocoding should.exist json.geocoding.version should.exist json.geocoding.attribution should.exist json.geocoding.query should.exist json.geocoding.engine should.exist json.geocoding.engine.name should.exist json.geocoding.engine.author should.exist json.geocoding.engine.version should.exist json.geocoding.timestamp #? valid geojson json.type.should.be.equal 'FeatureCollection' json.features.should.be.instanceof Array #? expected errors should.not.exist json.geocoding.errors #? expected warnings should.exist json.geocoding.warnings json.geocoding.warnings.should.eql ['You are using Quattroshapes as a data source in this query. Quattroshapes has been disabled as a data source for Mapzen Search, and has beenreplaced by Who\'s on First, an actively maintained data project based on QuattroshapesYour existing queries WILL CONTINUE TO WORK for the foreseeable future, but results will be coming from Who\'s on First and `sources=quattroshapes` will be interpreted as `sources=whosonfirst`. If you have any questions, please email search@mapzen.com.' ] #? inputs json.geocoding.query['size'].should.eql 10 json.geocoding.query['text'].should.eql 'a' json.geocoding.query.sources.should.eql ['whosonfirst'] # should use 'whosonfirst' instead of 'quattroshapes'