var service = { mget: require('../service/mget') }; var logger = require('pelias-logger').get('api:controller:place'); function setup( backend ){ // allow overriding of dependencies backend = backend || require('../src/backend'); function controller( req, res, next ){ // do not run controller when a request // validation error has occurred. if( req.errors && req.errors.length ){ return next(); } /* req.clean.ids contains an array of objects with id and types properties. * types is an array of one or more types, since it can't always be known which single * type a gid might belong to (osmnode and osmway both have source osm and layer venue). * * However, the mget Elasticsearch query only accepts a single type at a * time. * * So, first create a new array that, has an entry * with each type and id combination. This requires creating a new array with more entries * than req.clean.ids in the case where entries have multiple types. */ var recordsToReturn = req.clean.ids.reduce(function (acc, ids_element) { ids_element.types.forEach(function(type) { acc.push({ id:, type: type }); }); return acc; }, []); /* * Next, map the list of records to an Elasticsearch mget query */ var query = function(id) { return { _index: 'pelias', _type: id.type, _id: }; }); logger.debug( '[ES req]', JSON.stringify(query) ); service.mget( backend, query, function( err, docs ) { // error handler if( err ){ req.errors.push( err ); } // set response data else { = docs; } logger.debug('[ES response]', JSON.stringify(docs)); next(); }); } return controller; } module.exports = setup;