## /search Full text search endpoint (queries the elasticsearch doc store, slightly slower than suggest) #### Parameters * required: * **input**: query string * optional: * **lat**: latitude from where you are searching * **lon**: longitude * **zoom**: zoom level at which you are viewing the world * **size**: number of results you need (defaults to 10) * **layers**: datasets you want to query upon (defaults to ```poi,admin,address```). * It can be ```poi```, ```admin``` or ```address``` * ```poi``` expands internally to ```geoname```, ```osmnode```, ```osmway``` * ```admin``` expands to ```admin0```, ```admin1```, ```admin2```, ```neighborhood```, ```locality```, ```local_admin``` * ```address``` expands to ```osmaddress```, ```openaddresses``` * or it can also be specific to one particular dataset for example: ```geoname``` * **bbox**: the bounding box where you want all your results to appear in. * It can be one of the following comma separated string value * bottom_left lat, bottom_left lon, top_right lat, top_right lon * left,bottom,right,top * min Longitude , min Latitude , max Longitude , max Latitude ## /search/coarse This is a coarse forward geocoder endpoint: only searches admin dataset layers #### Parameters * required: * **input** * optional: * **lat** * **lon** * **zoom** * **bbox**: the bounding box where you want all your results to appear in. * It can be one of the following comma separated string value * bottom_left lat, bottom_left lon, top_right lat, top_right lon * left,bottom,right,top * min Longitude , min Latitude , max Longitude , max Latitude * **size** (defaults to 10) * **layers** (set to ```admin``` by default) ## /suggest The autocomplete endpoint: fast response time. Mixes results from around the provided lat/lon and also from precision level 1 and 3 #### Parameters * required: * **input**: query string * **lat**: latitude from where you are searching * **lon**: longitude * lat/lon are **required** currently because of this [open issue](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/issues/6444) * optional: * **zoom**: zoom level at which you are viewing the world * **size**: number of results you need (defaults to 10) * **layers**: datasets you want to query upon (defaults to ```poi,admin,address```) ## /suggest/coarse Only queries the admin layers #### Parameters * required: * **input**: query string * **lat**: latitude from where you are searching * **lon**: longitude * lat/lon are **required** currently because of this [open issue](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/issues/6444) * optional: * **zoom**: zoom level at which you are viewing the world * **size**: number of results you need (defaults to 10) * **layers**: datasets you want to query upon (defaults to ```admin```) ## /suggest/nearby * Works as autocomplete for places located nearby the lat/lon * Its the same as ```/suggest``` but the results are all within 50kms of lat/lon thats passed * Unlike ```/suggest```, ```/suggest/nearby``` does not mix results from different precision levels (500km, 1000km etc from lat/lon) #### Parameters * required: * **input**: query string * **lat**: latitude from where you are searching * **lon**: longitude * lat/lon are **required** currently because of this [open issue](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/issues/6444) * optional: * **zoom**: zoom level at which you are viewing the world * **size**: number of results you need (defaults to 10) * **layers**: datasets you want to query upon (defaults to ```poi,admin,address```) ## /reverse Reverse geocoding endpoint #### Parameters * required: * **lat**: latitude * **lon**: longitude * optional: * **zoom**: zoom level * **bbox**: bounding box * **layers** (defaults to ```poi,admin,address```) ## /doc Retrieves a document or multiple documents at once #### Parameters * required: * one of **id** or **ids** * **id**: * unique id of the document that to be retrieved * should be in the form of type:id, for example: ```geoname:4163334``` * **ids** * if multiple docs are to be fetched in bulk, an array of ids