var check = require('check-types'), es = require('elasticsearch'); function sendJSONResponse(req, res, next) { // do nothing if no result data set if (!res || !check.object(res.body) || !check.object(res.body.geocoding)) { return next(); } // default status var statusCode = 200; // vary status code whenever an error was reported var geocoding = res.body.geocoding; if( check.array( geocoding.errors ) && geocoding.errors.length ){ // default status for errors is 400 Bad Request statusCode = 400; // 400 Bad Request // iterate over all reported errors geocoding.errors.forEach( function( err ){ // custom status codes for instances of the Error() object. if( err instanceof Error ){ /* elasticsearch errors see: 408 Request Timeout 500 Internal Server Error 502 Bad Gateway */ if( err instanceof es.errors.RequestTimeout ){ statusCode = 408; } else if( err instanceof es.errors.NoConnections ){ statusCode = 502; } else if( err instanceof es.errors.ConnectionFault ){ statusCode = 502; } else { statusCode = 500; } } }); } // respond return res.status(statusCode).json(res.body); } module.exports = sendJSONResponse;