var search = require('../../../sanitiser/search'), _sanitize = search.sanitize, sanitize = function(query, cb) { _sanitize({'query':query}, cb); }; module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.sanitize_details = function(test, common) { var invalid_values = [null, -1, 123, NaN, 'abc']; invalid_values.forEach(function(details) { test('invalid details param ' + details, function(t) { sanitize({ text: 'test', lat: 0, lon: 0, details: details }, function( err, clean ){ t.equal(clean.details, false, 'default details set (to false)'); t.end(); }); }); }); var valid_values = ['true', true, 1, '1', 'yes', 'y']; valid_values.forEach(function(details) { test('valid details param ' + details, function(t) { sanitize({ text: 'test', details: details }, function( err, clean ){ t.equal(clean.details, true, 'details set to true'); t.end(); }); }); }); var valid_false_values = ['false', false, 0, '0', 'no', 'n']; valid_false_values.forEach(function(details) { test('test setting false explicitly ' + details, function(t) { sanitize({ text: 'test', details: details }, function( err, clean ){ t.equal(clean.details, false, 'details set to false'); t.end(); }); }); }); test('test default behavior', function(t) { sanitize({ text: 'test' }, function( err, clean ){ t.equal(clean.details, true, 'details set to true'); t.end(); }); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('SANTIZE _details ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };