const _ = require('lodash'); const sanitizer = require('../../../sanitizer/_city_name_standardizer')(); module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.text_parser = function(test, common) { test('clean without parsed_text should not throw exception', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { }; const expected_clean = { }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('undefined should be unchanged', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { address: 'address value', city: undefined } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { address: 'address value', city: undefined } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('\'saint\' should be abbreviated to \'st\' wherever it appears in the city', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'saint query value', neighbourhood: 'saint neighbourhood value', borough: 'saint borough value', city: 'SainT city sAiNt value saInt', county: 'saint county value', state: 'saint state value', postalcode: 'saint postalcode value', country: 'saint country value' } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'saint query value', neighbourhood: 'saint neighbourhood value', borough: 'saint borough value', city: 'st city st value st', county: 'saint county value', state: 'saint state value', postalcode: 'saint postalcode value', country: 'saint country value' } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('\'sainte\' should be abbreviated to \'ste\' wherever it appears in the city', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'sainte query value', neighbourhood: 'sainte neighbourhood value', borough: 'sainte borough value', city: 'SaintE city sAinTe value saINte', county: 'sainte county value', state: 'sainte state value', postalcode: 'sainte postalcode value', country: 'sainte country value' } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'sainte query value', neighbourhood: 'sainte neighbourhood value', borough: 'sainte borough value', city: 'ste city ste value ste', county: 'sainte county value', state: 'sainte state value', postalcode: 'sainte postalcode value', country: 'sainte country value' } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('\'ft\' should be expanded to \'fort\' wherever it appears in the city', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'ft query value', neighbourhood: 'ft neighbourhood value', borough: 'ft borough value', city: 'Ft city ft value fT', county: 'ft county value', state: 'ft state value', postalcode: 'ft postalcode value', country: 'ft country value' } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'ft query value', neighbourhood: 'ft neighbourhood value', borough: 'ft borough value', city: 'fort city fort value fort', county: 'ft county value', state: 'ft state value', postalcode: 'ft postalcode value', country: 'ft country value' } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('\'mt\' should be expanded to \'mount\' wherever it appears in the city', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'mt query value', neighbourhood: 'mt neighbourhood value', borough: 'mt borough value', city: 'Mt city mt value mT', county: 'mt county value', state: 'mt state value', postalcode: 'mt postalcode value', country: 'mt country value' } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { query: 'mt query value', neighbourhood: 'mt neighbourhood value', borough: 'mt borough value', city: 'mount city mount value mount', county: 'mt county value', state: 'mt state value', postalcode: 'mt postalcode value', country: 'mt country value' } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('mixture of \'mt\', \'ft\', \'saint\', and \'sainte\' should be expanded/abbreviated', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { city: 'mt. ft saint sainte mt ft.' } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { city: 'mount fort st ste mount fort' } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('period word boundary on \'mt.\' should replace with a space', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { city: '' } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { city: 'mount city' } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); test('period word boundary on \'ft.\' should replace with a space', function(t) { const raw = {}; const clean = { parsed_text: { city: '' } }; const expected_clean = { parsed_text: { city: 'fort city' } }; const messages = sanitizer.sanitize(raw, clean); t.deepEquals(clean, expected_clean); t.deepEquals(messages.errors, [], 'no errors'); t.deepEquals(messages.warnings, [], 'no warnings'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('sanitizer _city_name_standardizer: ' + name, testFunction); } for( const testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };