var _ = require('lodash'); module.exports = { 'default': { 'local': getFirstProperty(['locality', 'localadmin']), 'country': getFirstProperty(['country']) }, 'GBR': { 'local': getFirstProperty(['locality', 'localadmin']), 'regional': getFirstProperty(['macroregion']), 'country': getFirstProperty(['country']) }, 'USA': { 'borough': getFirstProperty(['borough']), 'local': getFirstProperty(['locality', 'localadmin', 'county']), 'regional': getRegionalValue, 'country': getUSACountryValue }, 'AUS': { 'local' : getFirstProperty(['locality', 'localadmin']), 'regional' : getRegionalValue, 'country': getFirstProperty(['country']) }, 'CAN': { 'local': getFirstProperty(['locality']), // no localadmins in CAN 'regional': getRegionalValue, 'country': getFirstProperty(['country']) } }; // find the first field of record that has a non-empty value that's not already in labelParts function getFirstProperty(fields) { return function(record) { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { var fieldValue = record[fields[i]]; if (!_.isEmpty(fieldValue)) { return fieldValue; } } }; } // this function is exclusively used for figuring out which field to use for states/provinces // 1. if a state/province is the most granular bit of info entered, the label should contain // the full state/province name, eg: Pennsylvania, USA and Ontario, CA // 2. otherwise, the state/province abbreviation should be used, eg: Lancaster, PA, USA and Bruce, ON, CA // 3. if the abbreviation isn't available, use the full state/province name function getRegionalValue(record) { if ('region' === record.layer && record.region) { // return full state name when state is the most granular piece of info return record.region; } else if (record.region_a) { // otherwise just return the region code when available return record.region_a; } else if (record.region) { // return the full name when there's no region code available return record.region; } } // this function returns the full name of a country if the result is in the // country layer (for "United States" record). It returns the abbreviation // otherwise (eg - Lancaster, PA, USA). function getUSACountryValue(record) { if ('country' === record.layer && { return; } return record.country_a; }