var generate = require('../../../query/sort'); var admin_boost = 'admin_boost'; var population = 'population'; var popularity = 'popularity'; var weights = require('pelias-suggester-pipeline').weights; module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.interface = function(test, common) { test('valid interface', function(t) { t.equal(typeof generate(), 'object', 'valid object'); t.equal(typeof generate({input: 'foobar'}), 'object', 'valid object'); t.end(); }); }; var expected = [ { '_script': { 'file': admin_boost, 'type': 'number', 'order': 'desc' } }, { '_script': { 'file': population, 'type': 'number', 'order': 'desc' } }, { '_script': { 'file': popularity, 'type': 'number', 'order': 'desc' } }, { '_script': { 'params': { 'weights': weights }, 'file': 'weights', 'type': 'number', 'order': 'desc' } } ]; module.exports.tests.query = function(test, common) { test('valid part of query', function(t) { var sort = generate(); t.deepEqual(sort, expected, 'valid sort part of the query'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.tests.queryWithInput = function ( test, common ){ test( 'Valid sort query component when input is present.', function ( t ){ var expectedWithInput = expected.slice(); expectedWithInput.push({ _script: { params: { input: 'foobar' }, file: 'exact_match', type: 'number', order: 'desc' } }); t.deepEqual(generate({ input: 'foobar' }), expectedWithInput, 'valid sort part of the query'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('sort query ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };