var _ = require('lodash'), schemas = require('./labelSchema'); module.exports = function( record ){ var schema = getSchema(record.country_a); // in virtually all cases, this will be the `name` field var labelParts = getInitialLabel(record); // iterate the schema for (var field in schema) { var valueFunction = schema[field]; labelParts.push(valueFunction(record)); } // retain only things that are truthy labelParts = _.compact(labelParts); // third, dedupe and join with a comma and return return dedupeNameAndFirstLabelElement(labelParts).join(', '); }; function dedupeNameAndFirstLabelElement(labelParts) { // only dedupe if a result has more than a name (the first label part) if (labelParts.length > 1) { // first, dedupe the name and 1st label array elements // this is used to ensure that the `name` and first admin hierarchy elements aren't repeated // eg - `["Lancaster", "Lancaster", "PA", "United States"]` -> `["Lancaster", "PA", "United States"]` var deduped = _.uniq([labelParts.shift(), labelParts.shift()]); // second, unshift the deduped parts back onto the labelParts labelParts.unshift.apply(labelParts, deduped); } return labelParts; } function getSchema(country_a) { if (country_a && country_a.length && schemas[country_a]) { return schemas[country_a]; } return schemas.default; } // helper function that sets a default label for non-US/CA regions // this is a very special case function getInitialLabel(record) { if (isRegion(record.layer) && isGeonamesOrWhosOnFirst(record.source) && isUSAOrCAN(record.country_a)) { return []; } return []; } function isRegion(layer) { return 'region' === layer; } function isUSAOrCAN(country_a) { return 'USA' === country_a || 'CAN' === country_a; } function isGeonamesOrWhosOnFirst(source) { return 'geonames' === source || 'whosonfirst' === source; }