module.exports.tests = {}; const Language = require('../../../../service/configurations/Language'); module.exports.tests.all = (test, common) => { test('getName should return \'language\'', (t) => { const configBlob = { url: 'http://localhost:1234', timeout: 17, retries: 19 }; const language = new Language(configBlob); t.equals(language.getName(), 'language'); t.equals(language.getBaseUrl(), 'http://localhost:1234/'); t.equals(language.getTimeout(), 17); t.equals(language.getRetries(), 19); t.end(); }); test('getUrl should return value passed to constructor', (t) => { const configBlob = { url: 'http://localhost:1234', timeout: 17, retries: 19 }; const language = new Language(configBlob); t.equals(language.getUrl(), 'http://localhost:1234/parser/findbyid'); t.end(); }); test('getParameters should return object with all deduped ids extracted from res', (t) => { const configBlob = { url: 'http://localhost:1234', timeout: 17, retries: 19 }; const language = new Language(configBlob); const res = { data: [ { parent: { layer1_name: 'layer1 name', layer1_id: [1], layer2_name: 'layer2 name', layer2_id: [2] } }, { // empty parent parent: {} }, { // no parent }, { parent: { layer3_name: 'layer3 name', layer3_id: [3], layer4_name: 'layer4 name', // doesn't end with '_id', will be ignored layer4id: [4] } }, { parent: { // this is a duplicate id layer1_name: 'layer1 name', layer1_id: [1], // two ids, both should be added layer5_name: 'layer5 name', layer5_id: [5, 6] } } ] }; t.deepEquals(language.getParameters(undefined, res), { ids: '1,2,3,5,6' }); t.end(); }); test('getParameters should return empty ids array when res is undefined', (t) => { const configBlob = { url: 'http://localhost:1234', timeout: 17, retries: 19 }; const language = new Language(configBlob); t.deepEquals(language.getParameters(undefined, undefined), { ids: '' }); t.end(); }); test('getParameters should return empty ids array when is undefined', (t) => { const configBlob = { url: 'http://localhost:1234', timeout: 17, retries: 19 }; const res = { }; const language = new Language(configBlob); t.deepEquals(language.getParameters(undefined, res), { ids: '' }); t.end(); }); test('getHeaders should return empty object', (t) => { const configBlob = { url: 'base url', timeout: 17, retries: 19 }; const language = new Language(configBlob); t.deepEquals(language.getHeaders(), {}); t.end(); }); test('baseUrl ending in / should not have double /\'s return by getUrl', (t) => { const configBlob = { url: 'http://localhost:1234/', timeout: 17, retries: 19 }; const language = new Language(configBlob); t.deepEquals(language.getUrl(), 'http://localhost:1234/parser/findbyid'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.all = (tape, common) => { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape(`SERVICE CONFIGURATION /Language ${name}`, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };