var generator = require('../../../helper/labelGenerator'); module.exports.tests = {}; module.exports.tests.interface = function(test, common) { test('interface', function(t) { t.equal(typeof generator, 'function', 'valid function'); t.end(); }); }; // AUS state module.exports.tests.new_south_wales = function(test, common) { test('new south wales', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'New South Wales', 'country_a': 'AUS', 'country': 'Australia', 'region': 'New South Wales' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'New South Wales, Australia'); t.end(); }); }; // IND state module.exports.tests.west_bengal = function(test, common) { test('west bengal', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'West Bengal', 'country_a': 'IND', 'country': 'India', 'region': 'West Bengal' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'West Bengal, India'); t.end(); }); }; // IND city module.exports.tests.bangalore = function(test, common) { test('bangalore', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Bangalore', 'country_a': 'IND', 'country': 'India', 'region': 'Karnataka', 'county': 'Bangalore', 'locality': 'Bangalore' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Bangalore, Karnataka, India'); t.end(); }); }; // IND region of city module.exports.tests.sarjapur = function(test, common) { test('Sarjapur', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Sarjapur', 'country_a': 'IND', 'country': 'India', 'region': 'Karnataka' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Sarjapur, Karnataka, India'); t.end(); }); }; // IND region of city 2 module.exports.tests.bengaluru_east = function(test, common) { test('Bengaluru East', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Bengaluru East', 'country_a': 'IND', 'country': 'India', 'region': 'Karnataka', 'county': 'Bangalore', 'locality': 'Bangalore', 'neighbourhood': 'Fraser Town' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Bengaluru East, Bangalore, India'); t.end(); }); }; // AUS area // module.exports.tests.wellington_victoria = function(test, common) { test('Wellington, Victoria, Australia', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Wellington', 'country_a': 'AUS', 'country': 'Australia', 'region': 'Victoria', 'county': 'Wellington' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Wellington, Victoria, Australia'); t.end(); }); }; // IRQ region module.exports.tests.arbil = function(test, common) { test('arbil', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Arbil', 'country_a': 'IRQ', 'country': 'Iraq', 'region': 'Arbil' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Arbil, Iraq'); t.end(); }); }; // ESP city = function(test, common) { test('madrid', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Madrid', 'country_a': 'ESP', 'country': 'Spain', 'region': 'Madrid' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Madrid, Spain'); t.end(); }); }; // DEU street address module.exports.tests.one_grolmanstrasse = function(test, common) { test('one grolmanstrasse', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': '1 Grolmanstraße', 'housenumber': '1', 'street': 'Grolmanstraße', 'postalcode': '10623', 'country_a': 'DEU', 'country': 'Germany', 'region': 'Berlin', 'county': 'Berlin', 'locality': 'Berlin', 'neighbourhood': 'Halensee' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'1 Grolmanstraße, Berlin, Germany'); t.end(); }); }; // NZD country module.exports.tests.new_zealand = function(test, common) { test('new zealand', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'New Zealand', 'country_a': 'NZL', 'country': 'New Zealand' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'New Zealand'); t.end(); }); }; // IRL country module.exports.tests.republic_of_ireland = function(test, common) { test('northern ireland', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Ireland', 'country_a': 'IRL', 'country': 'Ireland' }; // !! this is not part of the UK !! t.equal(generator(doc),'Ireland'); t.end(); }); }; // THA province module.exports.tests.krabi_province = function(test, common) { test('Krabi Provence', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Krabi', 'country_a': 'THA', 'country': 'Thailand', 'region': 'Krabi' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Krabi, Thailand'); t.end(); }); }; // THA island module.exports.tests.koh_lanta = function(test, common) { test('Koh Lanta', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Ko Lanta', 'country_a': 'THA', 'country': 'Thailand', 'region': 'Krabi' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Ko Lanta, Krabi, Thailand'); t.end(); }); }; // NZD cafe module.exports.tests.black_dog_cafe = function(test, common) { test('Black Dog Cafe', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Black Dog Cafe', 'country_a': 'NZL', 'country': 'New Zealand', 'region': 'Auckland Region', 'county': 'Auckland' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Black Dog Cafe, Auckland, New Zealand'); t.end(); }); }; // NZD cafe 2 module.exports.tests.beach_bablyon = function(test, common) { test('Beach Bablyon', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Beach Bablyon', 'country_a': 'NZL', 'country': 'New Zealand', 'region': 'Wellington Region', 'county': 'Wellington City', 'locality': 'Wellington', 'neighbourhood': 'Oriental Bay' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Beach Bablyon, Wellington, New Zealand'); t.end(); }); }; // NZD tourism module.exports.tests.waiotapu = function(test, common) { test('Waiotapu', function(t) { var doc = { 'name': 'Waiotapu', 'country_a': 'NZL', 'country': 'New Zealand', 'region': 'Bay of Plenty', 'county': 'Rotorua District' }; t.equal(generator(doc),'Waiotapu, Rotorua District, New Zealand'); t.end(); }); }; module.exports.all = function (tape, common) { function test(name, testFunction) { return tape('label generator: ' + name, testFunction); } for( var testCase in module.exports.tests ){ module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); } };